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Selfmade Craft (Or How to NOT Test Your Limits)




Sailor rummages through her closet as she tries to find the last part for her fun for tonight. Most of the neighborhood was out for a camping weekend, which meant that she had the large backyard just to herself and no worry of any peepers.

"Aha!" The girl reaches further in and grabs a button that looks like it belongs on a quiz show, but it was just what she needed. With the last piece to the project, she heads back downstairs and into the backyard.

Already laying on the table outside was a mattress pump, some loose wires, and a long tube connected to the pump. The Zangoose pulls up a chair and begins to put the parts together, having her phone by her side and following a guide that she had found. After a bit of handy work, the device was finally finished. It looked very sketchy to her, so she decides to give it a test before actually putting anything inside of her. She gives the button a press, being greeted to the familiar whirr of the pump and watching the hose flail around wildly from not being tethered to anything. It was ready.

Sailor knew how fast the pump pushed out air, but it was perfect for today. It was her first time ever trying something as dangerous as reaching your own limit. She wanted to be big. She wanted to be round! She stands up and starts to undress herself, unbuttoning her pants and pulling them off her thick legs. She tosses her shirt aside after an epic struggle with getting it off her head, and now was standing in the grass dressed in a blue one-piece swimsuit. It hugged her curves tightly, even following some of the folds of her chubby belly. It was definitely one of her favorite swimsuits. She grabs the hose tip with one paw and pulls her swimsuit bottom to the side with her other. She brings the tip of the hose to her mouth and lightly drools onto it before bending over and slowly pushing the hose into her tailhole. After a few more pushes and a soft tug to assure it was in far enough, she lets the bottom go back into place and heads to the middle of the backyard.

The Zangoose lays herself down in the grass, the quiz show button in hand and body trembling in anticipation. After some last-minute adjustments to her swimsuit, she finally presses the button down. She is greeted with a blast of air, causing her to grunt and close her eyes as tight as her grip around the button. In just half a minute, her belly was starting to push outwards, slowly pulling against the swimsuit. Her eyes close as she relaxes, keeping her tight grip on the button. The plan she formed in her head was once she got too big, when her paws puff up, the button would fall from her hands and she would stop growing. It wasn't heavy enough on the other side to push it down if it were to land on the wrong side, so she didn't have to worry about it when it becomes free.

Soft moans emit from the Zangoose as her belly continues to push out, making her look like she was approaching her second trimester. Her other paw was gently rubbing up and down her expanding stomach, causing her moans to increase in volume due to naturally sensitive body combined with the increasing pressure inside of her. She bites her lip and slowly trails her paw up to her ample bosoms, giving one of them a firm squeeze and making herself moan again. She presses a claw into her nipple and whines in delight, the material of the swimsuit just causing the stimulation to feel even more intense. Her back arches, her ears pinning back and her tail swishing around in circles from the pleasure all around her body.

About two minutes in and she looked like she was eight months pregnant, the suit tugging at her crotch and starting to become slightly wedged in between her rear cheeks. She opens her eyes to look up at the blue sky for just a moment, but suddenly closes them as she feels a sudden trembling in her crotch. The smell of sex was in hitting her nostrils. She could feel her pussy becoming wet, but she didn't have a worry. She could be as horny as she pleased. Her paw, still gripping the life out of the button, was laying against the ground as she brings her other paw back down to her belly button, pushing her claw in and swirling it around, squirming in delight. Soft gurgling came from her belly from all the air that was invading it, eventually some trying to force its way up. She clenches her mouth shut and swallows down the potential burp, groaning as she feels it trail down to her belly again. Her mind went blank for the moment, the only thing on it being becoming a large balloon.

Six minutes later and she can feel her breasts begin to puff out suddenly. She could feel the back of her swimsuit beginning to pull against her shoulders as cleavage started to appear in her sight from the neck stretching out. The sound of stretching material mixed with the belly gurgling was just music to her ears. Without any warning though, something strange happened that she wasn’t expecting to happen within the first hour. Her limbs were feeling lighter, and her cheeks were starting to become puffy, even though she swore she swallowed down another burp just now. It turned out that pushing out so much air at such a fast rate was causing her body to not stretch out enough to hold the air in one area longer. A shaky smile grows on her face though as she feels the ever-increasing tightness, closing her eyes again and enjoying the moment.

Her torso looked as if it was becoming one big puffed up front with two large beach balls on top. Her ass was lifting her off the ground along with her back helping as it arches to join the rounding of her body. She opens her eyes again to see just how big she was becoming, but her melon-sized blushing cheeks were starting to block her views from the side while her balloon bosoms blocked anything in front of her, except for the very top of her belly that was beginning to peak over them. She continues to moan loudly, curling her toes and claws up as tight as she could out of habit. She notices her paws weren't puffing up yet due to feeling how tight her grip was still on the button, but she shrugs it off in her head and just continues to enjoy the moment. Soft creaks come from both the girl and the swimsuit, joining the gurgling sounds in a harmony of noises. She kicks her legs a bit to feel that they were not touching the ground anymore, which she couldn't tell before when they first were swelling due to the fuzzy feeling from stretching. A wiggle of her arms also confirmed that they were off the ground too, seeming to be harder to bend than before.

A soft gust of wind blows through the yard, causing the girl to tip forward slowly and yelp loudly. Luckily, her bloated limbs would help keep her on what used to be her back, being pressed into the ground as she rolls around and then coming back up as the wind stops. She was quite large now, about eight feet wide all around. Her paw was still gripping tight, since all she wanted was more. She wanted to test her limits. She knew that she wasn't going anywhere, so she decides to close her eyes and take a small nap as she waits to finish puffing up. It was difficult because of being so giddy, but she kept on trying until eventually relaxing completely, all except for the paw gripping the button.

“Just a small nap...”

Popping ending Non-pop ending

Non-pop ending

The Zangoose awakens to a sharp pain in her stomach, her eyes bolting wide open and being greeted to almost all her sight being taken up by what used to be her neck. "How long was I asleep for?!" was all she could think as she could only see white fur and a sliver of the blue sky. She tried to open her paws up, but it was a near impossible task by then. Her paws were puffing, but they were closed so tight during her nap that when they were pulled into her puffing body, by the time her paws opened, the button was being pressed between two puffing walls. Panic starts to set in as she tries to open her paws. All she can hear is the sickening gurgling and stretching from her fifteen-foot-wide body. She couldn't scream for help because of her face being puffed closed all around. She begins to cry as she realizes her fate, closing her eyes as tight as she could, despite them feeling like they were ready to pop from her skull. The sounds were louder, longer, and grim. She had such a perfectly safe plan she thought, but it was all messed up because of a simple nap. Air tried to escape from her nipples, her belly button was puffing out, and the swimsuit around her body was pulled so tightly that it was hurting. She could feel every bit of her body that was ready to burst. With one last squee, she readies herself for her final moment…


She laid there motionless, except for the wobbling she couldn't prevent from the wind, wondering why she hasn't exploded. She suddenly is tickled on her side by two small objects, but what...


She whines in relief from knowing that she was unable to put the wires in correct after all. After a small self-celebration in her head, she closes her eyes and heaves out a deep breath through her nose. There was a problem though – She was still a large ball of puffed up fur in a swimsuit, and she doesn't know how to release the air, so it seems she's just going to have to wait for who knows how long until it pushes out itself. At least she has a nice soundtrack to listen to, consisting of gurgling, stretching, and other sickening noises.

“God, I wish I could burp now…”

Popping ending

The Zangoose awakens to a sharp pain in her stomach, her eyes bolting wide open and being greeted to almost all her sight being taken up by what used to be her neck.

"How long was I asleep for?!" was all she could think as she could only see white fur and a sliver of the blue sky. She tried to open her paws up, but it was a near impossible task by then. Her paws were puffing, but they were closed so tight during her nap that when they were pulled into her puffing body, by the time her paws opened, the button was being pressed between two puffing walls. Panic starts to set in as she tries to open her paws. All she can hear is the sickening gurgling and stretching from her fifteen-foot-wide body. She couldn't scream for help because of her face being puffed closed all around. She begins to cry as she realizes her fate, closing her eyes as tight as she could, despite them feeling like they were ready to pop from her skull. The sounds were louder, longer, and grim. She had such a perfectly safe plan she thought, but it was all messed up because of a simple nap. Air tried to escape from her nipples, her belly button was puffing out, and the swimsuit around her body was pulled so tightly that it was hurting. She could feel every bit of her body that was ready to burst. With one last squee, she readies herself for her final moment…


Everything happens in slow motion for the Zangoose. She could feel each individual inch of her skin rip apart as her body explodes, starting with her stomach. Her body tears right from the middle as she explodes into a bloody mess. The backyard becomes covered in a thin layer of blood, pieces of her stomach and intestines scattered everywhere along with bits of the swimsuit. Her claws were scattered away from the middle and her tail was blown out of the yard. Right in the middle of the yard where the Zangoose blimp used to be was now a ribcage with a heart and a set of lungs left inside. The aftermath of the girl’s carelessness was fatal, and no one would know what happened to her. Sometimes it might be best to get your ideas checked by another person or to have some help before turning yourself into a blimp. It could also help to have crappier wires attached. Or maybe, even not attempting to reach your limits by yourself.


