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It was amazing to watch. In one moment there was this incredibly hot girl, inflated, bloated, moaning and begging before me. Her two enormous breasts the size of beach balls towering above my head as she rode me. Her face in a wave of ecstasy. A small seam had appeared on her belly. It stretched up and snaked across her body, splitting into many different tangents that covered her arms and legs. Then suddenly there was a thunderous BANG! and in an instant she was gone.

She didn’t explode into many different shards, scraps, or confetti like other balloon girls did. Her rubbery skin shrank and contorted into a single small scrap of torn rubber that plopped onto the ground with a comical slap. Her scrap was incredibly small compared to even her normal human size.

Her empty tank top and panties fell gently to the ground. Something about seeing her empty clothes really hit home that she truly did burst like a balloon. Around us the torn remains of her bra and pants littered the floor.

I picked up her scrap and examined it. It looked like any other popped balloon scrap, just flesh colored and with small distorted parts of her body that looked like they had been printed on it at some point. Her smudged orgasmic face frozen on the tiny thin scrap in my hand.

What should I do with it? Should I keep her scrap as a token of her glorious pop? Or should I just chuck her in the waste bin like the scrap of a popped balloon that she was? Maybe it was because I was sentimental, but I decided to keep her and put her in my back pocket. Maybe I’ll start a collection of popped girls or something. I left her torn and empty clothes litter the floor as I exited the hotel room.

I replayed her explosion in my head over and over again in slow-motion. That moment of dawning realization as she orgasms and realizes there’s no going back and she’s about to become a scrap of rubber was exhilarating. It was over in a flash in real life, but in my head it lasted an eternity.

As I felt her scrap gently patting me on the butt as I walked away, I did my best not to think about the implications of what just happened. That is to say… I thought about it intently. I had just popped a girl. She was now a scrap of rubber in my back pants pocket. Her face forever trapped in the enthralls of her last orgasmic moan before she burst.

Could that happen to me?

I bit my lip. Is that to be my fate eventually too? Will someone come along and blow me up until I’m big and round and then keep going despite my protests until I too explode? My own face forever captured as a distorted orgasmic expression on a rubbery shard?

I am ashamed to admit that as I thought about it, I kinda wanted it to happen to me too. The girl I had popped looked like she was absolutely lost in the pleasure of being inflated. Maybe it felt exceptionally good? Maybe that’s why so many of my own friends had been popped too? Maybe that’s just what I deserve!

As I rounded the corner I heard moaning coming from inside another room. The door was wide open, and there was a service cart outside. I peeked inside the door and saw quite a sexy sight!

There was a woman, naked and inflated to unrecognizable proportions, being thoroughly pleasured by a punk looking woman with pink hair and an undercut. She was wearing a black leather jacket and had large heels. The poor inflated woman was moaning and gasping as her orgasm rose inside her. All on the floor were the torn fragments of a hotel uniform.

I gathered then that the punk looking girl must’ve been a guest and had ordered room service and then somehow convinced the poor staff worker to join her in some wild shenanigans. I surmised that pretty soon the hotel staff would be reduced by one.

Just at that moment the punk girl looked in my direction and our eyes met. My heart skipped a beat. I blushed bright red and froze up. But the punk girl just smiled gently and beckoned me to enter the room with her free fingers. The inflated woman on the bed was too lost in pleasure to notice my presence.

Against my better judgment I found myself stepping into the room, closing the door behind me. I walked over to the bed and the punk girl raised her arm towards me. I held out my hand and clasped hers tightly. With a surprising amount of force she pulled me towards her and positioned me between her and the inflated woman. She pressed me against the balloon behind me and proceeded to give me a kiss.

I closed my eyes and let the punk girl have her way with me as we rocked against the inflated hotel staffer. Her moans of pleasure mixing with my own groans and gasps as the punk girl kissed my neck and pressed me into the balloon woman behind me. It was quite apparent that our impromptu make out session hadn’t stopped the poor hotel staffer from enjoying herself too.

I felt her kisses start to lower down my neck and make their way to my chest, and I saw her give me a wink as she began gently kissing my breasts. I bit my lip again and used my arms that were propping me up against the inflated girl to massage and play with her too. Both of us let out moans as the punk girl grinded us together. I let out tiny gasps as I felt her teeth gently nibbling my hardened nipples and teasing my breasts with her soft lips.

My hands involuntarily convulsed and tightened my grip as I felt her knee make its way between my legs. My hands tightened on the poor inflated hotel worker’s rubbery skin and I heard her let out a loud scream of pleasure before suddenly there was a BANG behind me! A gust of air blew my hair up and over my face before I was thrown back into the bed and on top of the rubbery scraps of the poor hotel worker.

The Punk girl was startled for a second but then started laughing. Possibly as a defense mechanism for being temporarily spooked by the sudden explosion. Laying in the bed looking up at her I began to giggle too. The whole situation we had found ourselves in was quite comical.

She flopped down on the bed next to me and gave me a kiss on the lips before snuggling into my side with a satisfied moan. I found myself cupping my arms around her and holding her tightly. A complete stranger I had just met. And yet…. She seemed so vulnerable and safe in my arms.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” Said the Punk girl softly.

“Brittany.” I said as I stared up at the ceiling, my right hand gently brushing her pink hair as we cuddled.

“My name is Kes.”

“Come here often?” I said with a sly tone in my voice. Kes giggled and snuggled into me some more.

“Yes, actually. I came here for a one night stand. Popped this random girl I met on the internet this morning. Was about to leave when I met the hotel staffer and well… one thing led to another…”

I smiled and looked at the scraps of rubber on the bed around us. Just like before there weren’t a ton of scraps or confetti. Just one small piece of torn thin scrap of pink rubbery flesh with the bodily features and face of the hotel worker on it. And just like before her face was frozen with an orgasmic expression that looked printed on the scrap of rubber.

I carelessly tossed it onto the ground.

“Same. Well, sorta.” I began. “I came here with a girl I met at a convention today and I ended up popping her. Was about to leave when i stumbled upon you here.”

“I have that effect on people” said Kes. She leaned up and kissed me again and gave me a few gentle kisses down my neck.

For a long while we just lay there on the bed in the afterglow of our little make out session. Every now and then she’d give me cute little gentle kisses, and I kept her close in an embrace while I brushed her cute pink hair.

“This is going to sound silly, but I feel really safe and at home in your arms” said Kes with a sigh. I hugged her tightly and smiled. It did feel right somehow. At the very least we both had similar kinks.

“How many girls have you popped?” She asked.

“Just the one today.” I replied. “I never expected to pop her, it just sorta happened.”

“Technically two by now, right? You did help me pop that hotel staffer after all.”

“I suppose I could add her to my list!” I said cheerfully. “I was thinking of maybe starting a collection.”

Kes perked up at this. “A collection, eh?” She poked me playfully.

“What about you? How many have you popped?” I asked.

Kes looked up at the ceiling and sighed. It seemed like she was trying to count the answer in her head. “I think it must be about 12.”

“12!” I exclaimed in surprise.

“Yeah, I was part of this rock group a while back and well… I’m the last member of my group now. All my other band mates were popped, and so did many of our fans…”

Kes trailed off, as if remembering all the people she’d popped was stirring some fond memories inside her.

I stared up at the ceiling before I bit my lip and hugged Kes closely. Something was stirring inside me as well. I had a question I wanted to ask her, but I was terrified of how she might respond or what would happen between us if she did.

“Hey Kes?” I asked hesitantly.


“Would you… like to… become part of my… collection?”

Kes fell silent as I stared at her intently. There was a flash of fear and excitement in her eyes. I could see that she was seriously considering the implications of what I had just asked. What would win out in her mind? The fear? Or the desire? I kept staring at her, watching every little micro expression dance across her face as she pondered my proposal.

Finally her face softened and she kissed me passionately for a good minute before breaking our kiss and whispering in my ears…

“I’d love to become part of your popped girl collection.”

What happened next is mostly a blur. I was so horny and excited by her answer that Kes and I just made out for a long time, taking turns pleasuring each other. But eventually I got to the point where I needed to see her pop and I began the inflation process.

I started by blow kissing her. It’s the easiest method of inflation by far and one of the most intimate. I loved feeling her moaning into my mouth as I blew air into her body. She plumped up all over and she started to struggle fondling my breasts as her arms became rigid and stuck out to her sides.

Then I moved on to her breasts. This was my favorite method of inflating, and had even been inflated there myself a couple times. I wrapped my lips around her nipples and blew long and hard into each one. Her breasts swelled up like balloons with each puff and I could tell the pleasure was getting to Kes as she moaned and rolled her head back.

Once she had breasts the size of beach balls I moved down to between her legs. It was fairly easy to gain access here since like her arms her legs were rigid and stuck out to the sides unable to move. My lips sealed around her own lips and I blew deep into her nethers, letting my tongue flick out and caress her folds. Kes let out a loud scream of pleasure as I did this and it only intensified my desire to see her pop.

Kes was completely helpless now. She looked like a giant bloated inflated doll now, with massive breasts and a belly the size of a weather balloon. Her arms and legs had long since sunk into her ever growing spherical form and her head sank into her body, scrunching up her face and making it hard for me to see her gorgeous expressions.

I was pretty relentless at this point, blowing and fondling and caressing and teasing the poor inflated girl at my mercy. And Kes was loving every minute of it. She had long since abandoned any sense of modesty and was screaming with ecstasy loudly as the pressure and pleasure rose up within her. It wouldn’t be long now.

It was amazing to watch. In one moment there was this incredibly hot punk girl, inflated, bloated, moaning and begging before me. Her two enormous breasts the size of beach balls towering above my head as I blew into her sex. Her face in a wave of pleasure. A small seam appeared on her belly as I blew. It stretched up and snaked across her body, splitting into many different tangents that covered her arms and legs. Then suddenly there was a thunderous BANG! and in an instant Kes was gone.

I picked up Kes’s popped scrap and examined it. It looked like a tiny torn balloon fragment and you wouldn’t have guessed that just a moment ago this had been a gorgeous punk rocker. Her expression mirrored all the others I’d seen pop, locked forever in the throws of absolute orgasmic delight, but looked like it had been cheaply printed on the scrap itself. You could barely make out the rest of her body parts on the scrap it was so worn out.

I picked up the scrap of the hotel staffer we had popped earlier and tucked both her and Kes in my back pants pocket with the girl I had the one night stand with.

3 scraps for my collection in one day. I wonder how many more I’ll have by the end of the week.


