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Scraps 2

Laura had made quite a mess. I’d grown accustomed to when a person popped they were reduced to a single tiny rubbery scrap with what appeared to be their orgasmic face printed on it. I was not accustomed to a pile of confetti.

When Laura popped there was a BANG! followed by a deluge of tiny confetti scraps raining down on top of me. The confetti piled up from my feet to my ankles. Laura’s torn apron and uniform lay in pieces on the bed. No other sign that she had ever existed could be seen.

I shook my feet one by one and stepped gingerly out of the pile of Laura confetti. Her last orgasmic cry still echoing in my mind. I sat down among her scraps and sifted my fingers through them. To my surprise they were still warm and soft. I don’t think I was imagining it, but every now and then I detected some goose bumps as my fingers gently wafted through the pile. Almost as if she was still able to sense my touch and was still orgasming from it. I smiled.

But what to do? She made such a mess! She was quite literally everywhere in the room! Her confetti scraps may have been concentrated at my feet when they stopped fluttering about, but I could see pieces of her all over the room. From the bed to the night stand to the hallway door to the bin in the corner. This was going to take quite a bit of time to clean up.

I decided to say “fuck it” and layed down in her scraps. I felt them gently caressing my body as I rolled around in them. It was like 10,000 tiny kisses all over my body and I giggled like a school girl as I made angels with her confetti scraps.

After several minutes of basking in Laura’s confetti, I got up and put my clothes back on. I gathered up a small handful of her and put them in a plastic bag I had with me. I usually carried one or two just in case I ended up popping someone and wanted to keep their scraps for my collection. Laura was the 16th girl I had popped.

I straightened my hair in the mirror and prepared to leave the hotel, the bag of Laura’s scraps in my purse pocket along with two other fragments of girls I had popped during the weekend. I usually stopped by the hotel every few weeks to hook up with some girls I met online. By now I had become quite familiar with the staff, and had even managed to talk a couple of them to come up to my room to be popped as well.

Laura had been one of the waitresses at the cafe in the lobby. I went up to the register and handed Laura’s name tag to the waitress on duty. I apologized for popping her, but the waitress just smiled and thanked me for returning her name tag.

“Did she at least have a good time?” Asked the waitress with some curiosity.

“She had a blast!” I joked. We both laughed and I left the hotel with my purse tucked under my arm. The next time I come back here I might have to hit up that waitress. She was very cute, and if I’m not imagining it I think she was into me as well.

I replayed Laura’s pop in my mind again and again as I walked home. I wondered what was different about how I burst her that resulted in her turning into confetti and not a single rubbery shard like all the others. Was it just random, or did I do something specific that causes it? Was it generic?

It was certainly a different way to pop, that’s for sure. Definitely a lot messier to clean up. I’ll bet they’ll be finding scraps of Laura for years to come in that hotel room no matter how thorough they are with cleaning it. That made me chuckle a bit.

Then I inevitably turned my thoughts to thinking about myself being popped. It seemed inevitable to me. Someday I would just meet the right woman and she’d blow me up like all the girls I’ve blown up over the past few months. Then when I reached my climax and orgasmed I would be popped and reduced to scraps of rubber. My blissful face forever printed on a torn fragment.

I sighed with longing.

Would she keep me, I wondered? Would I someday just become someone’s memento of a thrilling night of passion? Or would she toss me away? Discard me like the useless scrap of rubber I was? I wonder what it would feel like. Would I be forever frozen in that moment of orgasmic reckoning? Would I feel anything at all?

In my experience popping other girls, it did seem like there was still some semblance of sentience left in the scraps of girls I collected. Every now and then the faintest sound of moaning could be heard, and more than once I witnessed the scraps tensing up with goose bumps as if they were still living through intense orgasms.

From the stories I read online this was perfectly normal. Popped girls would exist in this limbo space in time, completely awash in their pleasurable feelings forever. At the very least it was an intense and desirable experience to have, as all the girls who begged me to pop them would likely attest.

I’d even heard some stories of girls being reconstructed from their scraps. Stitched back together and reinflated with air. I’d never seen it happen in real life, but the stories I read suggested that reconstructed girls were even hornier and desired to be popped again and again. I wonder if I’ll ever encounter one of those girls?

Popping was so common these days too. I was shocked it could happen at first, but now I was so used to it. It’s just what happens to people now. It was so common in fact that many businesses didn’t even bat an eye when an employee would just randomly disappear. Like the waitress at the hotel I had popped. Her coworkers didn’t seem to mind at all.

My apartment wasn’t far from the hotel, but it was still a bit of a trek on foot. I had a car, but I much preferred to walk in the city whenever I could. There were always people inflating around the city, lots of wonderful bangs and booms that echoed through the air, moans and giggles from open windows, and every now and then I’d meet a cutie to take home with me.

I passed by my favorite coffee shop and witnessed a very hot sight through the enormous front window. I watched as two women were teasing a man inflating before them. His enormous balloony dick was sticking straight up in the air and he was rolling on his round back helplessly making the most amazing lustful moans I’d ever heard. He was completely spherical and wiggling his toes and fingers frantically as the two women stroked his engorged sausage.

Then suddenly he let out a gasp and exploded, covering the two women in a splash of cum and rubbery scraps. The two women giggled and laughed at their toy’s bursting, tossing his scraps into the corner before teaming up to play with another inflating man behind them.

“Must be that new bloat drink,” I thought to myself. I’d heard about it on the news the other day, but hadn’t seen it in action until now. The two girls were having the time of their lives playing with inflating customers. I wonder if they worked there or had just stopped in to pop some balloons.

Male inflation was a little rare but not completely uncommon. Usually inflation happened to women like me. I blushed at the thought. I mean… balloons… like me. I bit my lip. I quickly turned my head and quickened my pace. If I stuck around too long I might find myself being coaxed into the coffee shop and offered a drink by those two sexy girls…

Ahead of me I noticed a commotion. There was a gathering of about 5 or 6 women stumbling out of a bar, all in various stages of inflating. They were clearly drunk and having fun with each other as they inflated. A couple of them had breasts so large they were dancing on their tippy toes to try and stay tethered to the ground.

That’s when I saw her. A cute pale girl with dark freckles and a huge shock of curly red hair. She was sitting on a bench across the street from the bar and was very clearly enthralled with the sight she was seeing. I knew that look very well.

I sauntered over to the bench and sat down next to her. She glanced at me in surprise, her face bright red and she turned to look down at her feet. She was probably feeling embarrassed at enjoying the sight of all those cute girls inflating and giggling together.

“Hi there, what’s your name?” I asked with confidence.

The red headed girl looked up at me, eyes still slightly averted. “I’m uh… my name is Kira.”

I smiled gently at her and leaned in. “It’s okay you know. You can watch those girls. They won’t mind. In fact they probably would love to meet you!”

Kira blushed red again and looked at the bar. Only two of the girls were still standing on the ground, the other four were drifting slowly up into the air and kicking their feet helplessly.

“It’s okay,” I said again, reassuringly, “you should enjoy the show! Let’s watch it together!”

Kira smiled at me and all of a sudden she snapped to attention. Whatever shyness she had shown earlier was gone now. We sat together side by side, watching as the last two girls kicked their feet off the ground and drifted up and up to join their rounding friends.

“I hope they pop!” I heard her say under her breath. I smiled and let my shoulder brush against hers. “I hope so too!” I said. I watched as she realized that she had said that out loud and that I had heard her. She stifled a giggle and blushed yet again.

We sat on that bench for a couple more minutes before the first girl exploded with a loud BANG! Her rubbery scraps raining down on her friends who all cheered and laughed with excitement. Then there was another BANG, then another. Each one preceded by a cry of pleasure and orgasm. Each bang followed by torn scraps and empty clothes falling gently to the sidewalk below.

I noticed that Kira was getting turned on by what she was watching and I allowed myself to put my arm around her. To my delight she did not pull away, but instead nuzzled herself in my arms. I heard her let out a long wistful sigh I hugged her tightly. I had a feeling I knew exactly what she was thinking.

“Say,” I said with a little bit of awkwardness “would you like to come back to my place tonight? We could… have a little fun?”

Kira sat up straight and looked at me with wide eyes. She wasn’t blushing and I was afraid I had been a bit too forward.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to presume or anything I just thought-“ I stammered. But Kira cut me off.

“No, no… I just… I’m just surprised is all. I’ve only ever watched it happen to other girls. I wasn’t expecting someone to want to do it to me!”

I giggled and sighed with relief. I gave her a huge hug and kissed her cheek. She bit her lip and blushed again.

“Why wouldn’t anyone want to pop a cutie like you?” I asked with a smile. Kira’s eyes lit up with happiness and she kissed me full on the lips. For a brief moment we just embraced each other on the bench as the final girl from the bar exploded with a BANG! above us.

I led Kira to my apartment shortly after that. She linked our arms together and rested her head on my shoulder as we walked. When we reached my door I turned to her and said “it’s okay if you don’t want to, I won’t be mad. I just want you to have a good time.”

Kira shook her head and kissed me again. “No! I want this! I’ve wanted this since I saw my best friend pop in the women’s bathroom at the mall. I’ve just never had the courage to ask before and I’m so lucky and grateful you found me tonight!”

I beamed and led her inside. I closed the door and we frantically undressed step by step on our way to the bedroom. Kira was a short girl, but she was atheistic and curvy in all the right places. Her gorgeous freckles twinkled down her body, arms and legs alike. Her red curly hair bounced behind her as she kissed me. She clearly had some pent up passion, and I wanted to let her express it all she could before I popped her.

Eventually we made our way to the bed and I gave her a playful push. Her knees buckled at the edge of the bed and she fell back onto the sheets with a giggle. I stood above her, dominating her view, and winked at her. She blushed and watched with wide eyes as I slowly lowered myself between her legs.

As my tongue slipped inside her I heard the first of the cacophony of moans Kira would make that night. I felt her legs wrap around my head to hold me in place as I pleasured her throughly.

Then I took a deep breath, and I heard Kira’s breath waiver as she braced herself for what was about to come next. I wrapped my lips around her folds. Then I blew into her. It was a long and steady blow. Kira let out a moan that matched it in length. I watched as my breath filled her up, giving her a bit of a pot belly. Her breasts, arms, legs, and hips all plumped up slowly. She was inflating alright. Like the balloon girl she was.

I stopped to admire my handiwork. I toured her newly plumped body with kisses that started from her inner thighs and worked their way up around her nipples and ended on her neck. To say Kira was enjoying the sensations was an understatement. I don’t think she’d ever experienced such pleasure in her whole life. When I gave her a kiss on the lips she forced her tongue into me with gusto. I giggled to myself. It was always fun to play with someone who was allowed to let loose all the pent up desires they had.

Our kiss devolved into her nibbling on my lips and slipping two bloated fingers between my legs. I let out a moan of my own as she played with me and I worked my way back down her body towards her legs. She spread them wide this time and invited me in. I inhaled and blew.

Once again she plumped up. But I didn’t stop. I kept blowing with all my might. At first she let out a sigh as I did, but as I continued to breath long into her and inflate her body she looked down at me in surprise and amazement. Without missing a beat I winked at her and continued to blow. The steady stream filled her arms and legs. Her two orbs of breasts pointed towards the ceiling as they rounded out into beach balls. Her belly grew to twice it’s original size.

Then against her control her arms and legs suddenly jutted out to the sides. They went rigid as the air inside made it difficult for her to move. She let out a surprised yelp that turned into a lengthy whine as the pressure inside her started to tickle from within.

Finally I parted my lips from between her legs and gasped. That has been a long blow and I was feeling a little winded. I shook my head and brushed the hair from my face. I looked over my happy little weather ballooned friend. She was wiggling her arms and legs helplessly, her toes curling as I gave her taut skin a few more kisses.

“How are you feeling?” I asked with bated breath.

“It’s… amazing! It’s more than I ever could’ve dreamed” she whispered with wonder. Her eyes were darting all over and I could tell that the pleasure and pressure was making it difficult for her to focus on her current predicament.

I traced my fingers along her stretched out freckles that were sprinkled across her bloated belly. She looked quite full now. Close to popping for sure. I smiled at my work. The 16 previous girls had taught me how to sustain my breath for such a long time, and my experience with them was paying off!

“Please” she begged, “I need release! I can feel it! I need to be popped!”

I could hear the anticipation in her voice. She wanted it so badly. I bit my lip and turned her around so I could see her face. She stared at me with a lust and desire that couldn’t be contained any longer. She kissed the air as I drew closer, trying in desperation to bridge the gap and connect with my lips as soon as possible. I loved this part. I purposefully took my sweet time and let her marinate in this moment. When we finally locked lips her moan into my mouth was so forceful I could feel my cheeks vibrate.

Inhaling through my nose I took a long deep breath, and then blew. I locked eyes with her as I blew a steady stream of air into her and I could see she was feeling the pressure inside reach it’s breaking point. Her body was now a complete sphere. Her breasts had retreated into her body as she rounded out, as did her arms and legs. Soon she was nothing more than a head on a round balloon of a body. The tightness of her freckled skin shined brightly and smoothly.

I watched enraptured as a tiny gasp from her indicated that I’d reached her threshold. Her eyes went wide. And with one final seductive look I gave her a wink. Then with a thunderous KABOOM! Her body ripped apart and exploded into a torrent of flesh colored confetti. I fell forward onto the sheets as her tiny fluttering scraps buried me on the bed.

For several minutes I just orgasmed on the bed among Kira’s confetti. My world was a swirling mess of her freckled scraps as I slowly came back to myself. As the confetti settled around me I could feel hundreds of tiny fingers caressing my naked body. It was like Kira was still playing with me even after she popped, and before i knew it I was falling asleep with her soft scraps cocooning me on the bed.

I had a wonderful dream where I popped Kira in multiple ways, and each time she let out this euphoric scream of pleasure. It was so vivid and lovely.

When I woke up the next day I was still encased in her confetti scraps. I sat up and brushed her off my shoulders and breasts. I shook her out of my hair too. I stood up and turned around. Her scraps made a perfect silhouette of my body on the bed. It was cute.

But it was still a mess.

“I wonder what causes some girls to burst into confetti and not just a scrap?” I pondered. Maybe it has something to do with how pent up her desire had been? Or maybe she just wanted to repay me by caressing me all over all night. Either way, it was still quite a mess.

I scooped up a handful of Kira and put it in another plastic bag. I put the bag on the shelf next to Laura the waitress and the scrapbook I was keeping of the other girls I had collected over the months. Now with Kira I was up to 17.

As I took out the vacuum cleaner to take care of the mess on the bed I wondered to myself…

“How many more girls will I pop before I get popped myself?”


