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Timber's Got Dibs

"So like I was saying, I'm working on my business degree. I've got big plans after I graduate. I'm gonna go into marketing, I think. Or maybe management. Yeah that might be good. I'm a real people person. And with my football career going so strong, I figure I'll get drafted, do a few years as a pro, make a couple of million so I don't have to worry about starting out as some kinda unpaid intern, and then use my fame to push my way into some kinda firm or something. And then..."

Jake nodded, smiling up at Brad as he spoke. The massive stallion had been talking for a while, and it came as no surprise to Jake when he looked at his phone that he'd been sitting in the chair that Brad arranged for him for an hour and a half. It had been that long since the stallion had brought Jake back to the frat house for what the stallion claimed would be an evening with Brad "filling him so full he'd be blowing the stallion's loads." But at the moment the only thing Jake was blowing was hot breath every time he said a soft "Uh huh" or "Wow." Brad didn't stop talking.

The stallion sat on a creaking plastic chair across the makeshift dining room he had put together for himself and Jake, a half of a ping-pong table hurriedly dragged over from the side of the room with a somewhat stained sheet haphazardly tossed over the top like some kind of fine dining establishment's country cousin. The sheet looked and smelled strongly of semen and would likely have glowed brightly under a black light, though a lot of things in the frat house were like that.

Especially the recliner that Brad had pulled over for Jake to sit in. It looked rough, beat up, and part of the seat felt weirdly hard. The whole thing smelled strongly of hot cum, though nothing like the upstairs part of the house where most of the fun went on. The cushions, if they could be called that, felt like they had either been removed or had soaked up so much dried spunk that they had gone hard over time. The frat, after all, was well known for its popping parties, though tonight wasn't one of those.

Jake continued to smile and nod at Brad. The stallion was massive, not so much in height, though he stood an easy six feet tall. Instead, he was thickly muscled with bulging biceps, toned calves and thighs, pecs that pushed against his jersey and abs that were clearly visible any time the man raised his arms. His pelt was a solid black in color, a sleek and shiny ebony that made Brad look like he spent a lot of time with conditioner and brushes. He had long, straight black hair that hung down to his shoulders and had a little part right above his left eye in a sultry set of bangs that allowed his hair to hang almost over his left eye. His teeth shone while and the pink of his inner ears and lips created quite the contrast. Below, he was packed tightly into a pair of shorts he'd been wearing while at the gym. He hadn't changed out of anything yet, and Jake had smelled him more than seen him when they first met with Brad snuggling up behind Jake in line at the coffee bar. Jake had taken one look at Brad's physique and the fat bulge in his shorts and piped up a soft hello. Brad had taken it from there.

The massive stallion's offer had Jake ready to go down on him there in line and before he knew it, he had accepted Brad's invitation to come back to the house, the offer of a night of hot sex and way too much cum, especially from one of the members of Sigma Nu Phi, had Jake seriously contemplating just telling the stallion to go ahead and pop him with those bulging danglers hidden in his shorts.

That was before the conversation. Now Jake sat bored, significantly less horny, and still pleasantly nodding.

Jake was a buck, a soft brown in color with a lush strip of white running from under his chin down over his chest and stomach, over his crotch, all the way to his calves. It stretched under him and ran under his ass to the soft underbelly of his flickering tail jutting from his own shorts. The deer was nowhere nearly as ripped as Brad was. In fact, Jake had a bit of a soft, pudgy belly to him, enough so that his shirts all had a little dome to them. The rest of him was packed firmly back into his shorts, a fat ass bulging them like Brad's shorts bulged in the front. Unlike Brad, Jake had short blondish hair from which a set of antlers stuck up, just a few prongs on it. He had soft blue eyes that shone out eagerly from behind a pair of glasses and a tender flush in his cheeks that remained thanks to the smell of cum in the air.

On the makeshift table sat a few pizza boxes, some of the massive amount ordered by the frat each night. Brad had claimed two for himself and between his lengthy explanation of his post-sports career he was chugging down slices along with a mug of beer. The only times he was really quiet was when something was in his mouth. It made Jake wonder how often Brad sucked someone else's cock just so the frat brothers could have a moment of peace.

It was peace that Jake wanted, and with a shout of "HEY BRAD!" from another room, the stallion's ears perked up and he stood, grinning down at Jake. "Just one sec, cutie. Won't be a moment to see what they need and then I'll be back to give you all my attention," he said, striding from the table with a flex of muscle that showed off the pop and strain of his pecs, a not unwelcome sight for Jake, though one that wouldn't be enough to get him to stick around.

Brad turned off around a corner, shouting out, "WHAT?! I got a hot slut in the other room! The fuck do you need me for this time?" And with that, Jake was alone in the room.

He let out a happy little sigh and began to collect his things, and a slice of pizza for his trouble, before standing up and stopping, his gaze lifting to another stallion striding across the hall from one of the larger rooms.

This one was nothing like Brad. Brad had that sort of overly handsome, well groomed and manicured look to him that said he'd be an amazing and powerful lover. This stallion looked like a bodybuilder, one more concerned with having a good time than primping and preening, more focused on power than pretty.

He stood a little taller than Brad and was a deep chestnut brown with long, smooth hair, also a deep brown in color. It was ever so slightly shaggy and puffy, but it looked well kept enough. Unlike Jake, this one didn't have any white on him. He was a solid brown. And unlike Brad, he clearly bulged with muscle in ways the other stallion couldn't hope to. Biceps stood out fat and thick with broad shoulders and a thick neck. His thighs were thick, well muscled, and calves that looked like they could hoist a ton. Unlike Brad, this one had a belly on him. Brad looked like he spent time doing crunches and sit-ups to tone his core. This one had a plump beer belly, hefty and rounded that jutted out in front of him just a little, not hidden at all behind an all too short tank top. The garment clung to his body, stretched across the top of his stomach, over his pecs upon which the words "Big Juicy" was written in big pink letters. And unlike Brad, this stallion was in no way averse to showing off his package.

Between the man's legs jiggled his genitals packed into a jock strap clearly too small. The edges of his balls dangled lightly from the white fabric and the pudgy upper-lip of his sheath peeked from the top along with a tuft of crotch fluff. The whole thing stood out from his hips like his belly, fat and soft and straining the fabric. Jake could see one fat vein on the underside of the stallion's poorly hidden sheath bulging out against the fabric. He could almost imagine it pulsing in anticipation of something, heralding what that hidden thing was hiding. Both balls sagged heavily in his jock, a clear indication of why the garment was having trouble holding them their sheer size. They bulged out to the sides and forward, rounded sphere barely contained in the fabric. They easily looked the size of ripe melons. Jasper had balls like that, too.

The big man walked right up to the table to look down at Jake, adjusted his jock, took a swig of the beer he held in one hand, then held out the other with a wide grin, "Name's Avery, but since you're sitting in my chair, you can call me Timber. Everyone who sits there does." He waited to shake Jake's hand, and once he did so, he stepped back, grabbed up a couple of slices of pizza, stacked them atop one another, and dug into the pizza stack, munching into the slices.

"So how you get stuck with Babblemouth Brad?" the big man asked, talking with his mouth full and staring clearly eagerly at Jake.

The deer coughed slightly and shook his head, "Well... we met getting coffee. He looked pretty hot and we got talking. He invited me back... and at some point I asked him what he did."

Timber snapped his fingers and nodded, "Yup. That'd do it. You fucked up asking him about himself. He'll never shut up." He moved forward with a scratch to his big belly, took hold of Brad's plastic chair, and unceremoniously plopped himself down into it. The chair creaked and whined audibly with a hollow plastic sound. Avery kept his gaze locked on Jake. "Brad's not got a whole lot going on upstairs that isn't about himself. That subject he's got a damn PhD on, but you ask him the name of his last boyfriend and I don't think he'd be able to tell you what his species even was," came Avery's deep, slightly rumbling voice. It had a calming warmth to it with slightly lilting and drawn out syllables. Not quite a southern or western accent, but something a little bit of a mix of both.

Jake looked on the whole time, eyes locked on Avery - Timber - and his big pecs stuffed into his shirt. In a way, they were almost like tits made of muscle and fat. His gaze lingered until a little chuckle rose from Timber's throat.

That brought Jake around and his gaze back to Timber's, and with a smile, he piped up, "So... Avery. Why do they call you Timber?"

A smile broadened across Timber's wide muzzle. "Well about that," came his voice, a little softer this time as he leaned forward against the table, "You see, it has..."

The sound of something crashing from another room followed by Brad swearing and shouting unintelligibly filled the air, interrupting Timber and what he was about to say about his nickname. Both he and Jake looked to the hallway where Brad had disappeared, listening to the commotion and swearing coming from the other stallion. A chorus of screams and whoops joined in from other men down the hallway, and Jake made out scant few words among the commotion.

When things quieted down again, Timber motioned towards Jake, "You're in my chair, and I don't mean a chair I usually sit in. It's my chair I like to entertain guests in. And that ass, Brad, stole it so that a gorgeous piece of ass like yourself could waste his time listening to 'ol Babblemouth jaw on about nothing in particular or important or really anything other than him gives a damn about." The large stallion leaned forward against the table once more, arms coming up to rest against it while his fingers laced together. Muscle showed through the man's arms, not that of a bodybuilder focused on looks but on one focused on power, the sort of thickly bulging muscle that had a deep softness to it.

He flexed ever so slightly. He bulged outwards very visibly, the "Big Juicy" shirt clearly straining around what little of the man it touched.

"So here's the deal. You got three options. Option one, you stay in my chair and wait for Babblemouth to come back, keep eating, and keep talking your ear off until you fall asleep or go home. Option two, I give you a hand and help you get out of here so you can get away from him and his career plans in marketing or politics or law or business or whatever it is this week. Option three, I come over there and give you what Babblemouth should'a given you an hour and twenty-nine minutes ago and you get what I know damn good and well you came here to get, hoping Babblemouth would give it to you. Bet he even offered, too, and just forgot."

There was a knowing smirk on Timber's face, and just as he stood up, there was another raucous commotion of cheering and laughing followed by another crash and more swearing from someone other than Brad. The big stallion's gut bumped the table as he moved to stand, then his sheath packed into his jock did the same thing with a meaty, slightly wet sounding thud. It sent a clear shudder through the table's structure and up through Timber's belly and tits.

He moved, walking with a slow gait towards Jake. Each step his hooves impacted on the floor with a dull, slightly hollow thump. With each thump, his belly shook and his jock wobbled from side to side. Already there was the clear impression of a rounded piss tube pushing against the underside of the fabric. It wasn't there when Timber'd first walked in, and as he got closer to Jake, the impression of a mushroom shaped cock tip grew into the white fabric. He came to stop in front of Jake, looming over him and blocking the buck's view of the hallway.

"Limited time offer, hot stuff. How 'bout it?" Saying that, he flexed once more, though this time he didn't flex muscle. Instead, the bulging shape of his sheath rose in his jock, strained against the fabric as it did so, and his balls pulled up tightly before they relaxed down to sag out of the sides of the garment once more. His sheath didn't sag back down, though. Instead, the richly pudgy upper lip popped free of the jock's strap and puffed upwards like soft dough, while just below it the growing shape of an equine cock tip began to push the jockstrap forward, easing it slowly away from Timber's waist. The smell of hot, sweaty dick rose up from that growing gap.

Jake stared, wide-eyed and dry-mouthed at the display being put on for him. I came here to get fucked. Turned into a balloon. I was even thinking I'd let Brad pop me if he was a good enough lover. Oh god. But that... he thought to himself as he stared at Timber's slowly growing erection.

"Yeah..." came Jake's voice.

Hands pushed down against the edge of the recliner while he moved to stand, starting to push back from the table, but Timber stepped forward, wrapped one hand around Jake's shoulder, and squeezed.

"Where do you think you're going? I told you I'd show you what my chair is for." Timber stared down at Jake with a wide, toothy grin, showing off large teeth stained slightly from beer.

The man's other hand dropped down behind Jake and grabbed his ass, but instead of simply palming and squeezing or forcibly stroking Jake's plush cheeks, Timber's thick fingers took hold of the tail strap holding the back of Jake's pants up. There was a deft little stroke of Timber's fingers and the buttons came undone, baring Jake's ass. The other hand dropped to Jake's front and popped the button on the front of his pants, and with both hands, Timber pulled Jake's pants down from around his waist.

The stallion's position had pushed him closer against Jake. Timber's chest pushed into Jake's face, his gut into the deer's own, and as Timber bent over enough to pull Jake's pants down, there came a sheer tearing sound followed by the wet and meaty thump of stallion cock against Jake's thighs.

Timber's jock had finally given way to the growing erection spilling from his sheath, as if the little piece of fabric could have ever hoped to hold in a stallion. There was a heated and masculine smell, a warm musk that drifted upwards in an immediate rush. It was coupled with the slowly pulsing throb of a cock growing upwards and outwards to an erection.

Jake's eyes drifted downwards to look, hungrily.

The equine cock jutting upwards was at least as thick as Jake's wrist. It had a mottled skin, mostly black with some lighter patches of pink across the surface. The cock head wasn't flared just yet, but there was a clearly bulging ridge around the meaty exterior surrounding that gaping cum tube jutting forward from the middle like an obscene nipple atop a flat tit. The tip was blunt, flattened save for a lower bulge that pressed forward at the very bottom of the meaty tip.

I'm really going to let him put that thing in me, Jake thought. It looks like my arm.

While Jake was staring, Timber was busying himself with getting everything ready. He reached behind Jake and grabbed lightly at the back of the recliner. A portion of the cushioning slid away where the seat's cushion and the chair's back met, presenting a small gap into the bottom of the chair.

Timber gave Jake a little push to shove the deer back into the seat. Like that, Jake's ass fit into the little gap. The position made the deer's already straining dick jut upwards into the air, a pale comparison to Timber's monster.

He looked up to Timber with a brow raised and a quizzical squint in his eyes while the stallion knelt down, winking.

From the hallway came another cheering shout followed by another crash. This one was followed by a very clear "Awwww!" and the loud sound of hooves on the floor.

Jake looked from the hallway down to Timber once more just as the stallion removed the bottom front portion of the recliner. It slid away to reveal that the mechanisms for the footrest and reclining functions had all been removed. In their place was a set of firm looking metal rods reinforcing the chair's structure, leaving the space between them completely hollow. Jake looked back to Timber, his head cocked to the side.

"Lean forward, just a little. Makes it easier," came the stallion's reply.

Jake did so, leaning forward ever so slightly, still confused by what was going on. He watched as Timber ducked under the table and shoved his legs under the chair and into the hollow space, then wiggled, slowly, scooting himself more and more under the chair.

His dick took a little work, squirming and wriggling it back and forth until it popped under the cushion. That was followed by the stallion's gut, that taking a little more work. By the time he'd managed to get himself secured under the chair, the sound of hooves in the hallway was much closer.

Jake looked back up as Brad rounded the corner, a smile on the ebony stallion's face, "Now where was I?" but below, pressing up into his groin and his ass was a girthy cushion of stallion belly, and pressing slowly and more firmly to Jake's backside was the unmistakable saucer sized bulge of already trying to flare stallion cock.

"Relax. Play along," came an almost inaudible whisper from under the table, "Gotta get in before I flare up. Gonna be stuck in you."

The press of cock to Jake's asshole started almost immediately after, the bulging shape of the swelling cock tip easing against his asshole. Jake could feel a hand pressing back under him to hold against the fat flare's crown, cramming and wedging it slowly back and forth against his body. The feeling of pressure grew just as Brad sat down, and Jake looked up with a furtive smile and a nod to the big stallion in front of him.

"So like I was saying," Brad started up, "I've got these plans for after I graduate, you know? Football's not going to pay the bills for fifty or more" the cock tip finally wedged its way past Jake's anal ring, popping into him with a very tactile bulging sensation "years, you know? So I figure I've got to do something with my life, and that's where the plans come in. See, if I" the cock gave a bulging swell, straining Jake's pucker into a blown-out ring of tinglingly pleasured flesh and pushed upwards to dig into Jake's body "make sure that I'm a big star and I've got a kick-ass job lined up, then I can turn both careers into a bigger one with all sorts of opportunities for me and my eventual retirement."

Jake's eyes were wide, goggling, staring at Brad while his mouth hung ever so slightly open. The stallion nodded and smiled, saying, "See? You get it! I totally got this worked out. So let me tell you all the details of the jobs I'm looking for and how..."

Brad's voice continued on while he ate, completely oblivious to Jake's expression having nothing to do with his life plans.

That expression was concerned entirely with the cock digging upwards into Jake's body, stretching his stomach, making it bulge ever so slightly. Jake had gotten a decent enough look at the cock before it was inside of him, but now he got a more intimate feel of the heavy thing.

The tip that had already started to bloat outwards before pushing into him was swelling more and more to take on a growing, mushroom-like shape. It widened slowly as it dug deeper, beginning to pulse with noticeable throbs. The length was already fairly firm by the time it was inside of Jake, but as it slid deeper, Jake became more and more aware of snaking veins bulging slowly and writhing against his asshole before pushing into him. A fat medial ring snuggled to the deer's ass before easing its way inside with a gentle thrust. As the base of the shaft neared Jake's plush cheeks, he became aware how the member bulged slightly outwards into a slightly conical bulge. Then the plump sheath pressed to Jake's cheeks, kissed against them, and nuzzled deeper between Jake's ass cheeks.

Fingers wrapped around Jake's erection, earning a slight little gasp from him and an ever so slight shudder. "Yeah it IS exciting, isn't it? You totally get me, dude. So like I was saying..." came Brad's voice.

Jake clenched down around Timber's dick the moment the stallion beneath him and the chair started to jerk him off. In the same motion, Timber had started to thrust, his hips rising and falling in sharp but quick motions. Both worked in time against Jake's body, causing him to clench all the more, this time more than just his pucker. His hands gripped at the table while his head swum from the sensations beneath the table.

A soft groan slid from under the table, making Jake's ears perk in surprise and worry. He didn't want Brad to find out what was going on, at least just yet.

Brad, meanwhile, ceased talking for a moment and looked behind him, mouth hung open in a stupid mid-sentence-chew, and looked for the sound. After a moment of nothing more than the typical scuffling and laughing that was common in the frat house, he shrugged, turned back to Jake, and resumed his mixed eating and talking.

The cock's motion inside of Jake's body continued uninterrupted even as Timber clamped one hand over his mouth to hide another groan. The hand on Jake's cock also didn't cease its motions of gliding up and down the stiff pole made all the harder by the bulging mass of stallion dick gliding back and forth over Jake's prostate.

He's huge, came Jake's thoughts once more. He's so goddamn huge... long... thick... how is he going to pull out when he cums? The thought eased slowly into Jake's mind along with the image of his ass stretched around the massive prick. IS he going to pull out? Is he going to even bother? Is he going to turn me into a condom?

Thinking that, Jake swallowed slowly, eyes still wide. The gentle slap of Timber's balls had begun against the deer's ass. Each impact was muffled by the recliner's padding, keeping Brad from noticing or Jake from properly hearing, but he could feel those bloated cum tanks bouncing against his cheeks. They weighed in against his body, slapping, clapping onto Jake's rump, hinting at the massive load that they contained and that Jake was going to try and contain. It felt like Timber had no intention of slowing down, no matter what was going on above him. Jake was in his chair and Timber had dibs.

"Gonna... be a big one... nice piece of ass." Timber's voice drifted ever so softly from under the table, loud enough for Jake to catch but not nearly loud enough to come up and over Brad's babble. "Huge load. Been a long time since I had a hot piece of ass to unload into." There was a deep huskiness to the voice, one of longing and a pent up need to release, a hint of greed, and no small amount of lust.

The growing push towards a rolling orgasm urged Timber's hips onwards. Each thrust made Jake's belly jiggle, a slowly growing slosh inside at the leaking lake of pre oozing from the stallion's gaping slit.

The tip flared, puffing suddenly outwards, impacting into Jake's belly from behind. Then it puffed again, this time the upper ridge growing into a wide dome, ensuring that there was no way that Timber could ever pull out of Jake, no matter how much tugging they both did. It was far too big, larger than Jake's own hand would have been and it was cramming the buck's guts open more and more.

Steady thrusts grew into slightly jerking ones that came more shallow but quicker. It was a clear indication that Timber was on his way to orgasm and nothing would hold him back. The man's balls pulled up against his groin, strained a little in their sac as they impacted into Jake's ass, the clapping against his cheeks growing more and more insistent, more and more firm. The stroking hand around Jake's cock worked faster, squeezed, pulsed up and down along the buck's cock. At every apex, Timber's fingers flicked up and around Jake's cock head to knead at it, around his crown and then down once more in a firm stroke in time with Timber's own inward thrusts.

The pace grew and Timber's dick expanded inside of the needy buck. Brad continued to talk about his career and where he wanted to live. Jake held onto the table as if he was paying rapt attention to the ebony stallion and his endless prattle.

Timber thrust up, hard, slapping his nuts against Jake's cheeks and mashing his sheath into the deer's ass. Timber came.

Timber came hard.

"Get ready, you buckskin condom..."

Grade A hot stallion spunk fountained up and out of his cock in a pulsing wave that exploded against Jake's inner walls, painting them and soaking them in scaldingly hot stallion semen. The bubbling, spraying horse jizz was thick as it pumped into Jake's ass, stuffing him easily on just the first short pulse of cum, not the real explosion. That followed on the second blast, and it was enough to make Jake feel like he was bloated and strained, like he'd had too much to eat or drink and was going to spend the afternoon in a food coma.

But Timber's load was just beginning to enter him.

The deer's belly strained slightly at the first blast and then jiggled slowly forward on the second while the wave of cum pulsed hard and hot into him. His belly stretched forward with a pleasured little strain, then a growing sensation of pure ecstasy of being filled and subsumed by another man's cum.

Jake's eyes went wide and he gasped out once more. Already, his belly was stretching upwards to nudge and flatten out slightly against the underside of the table. Brad hadn't noticed anything just yet, but it wouldn't be long. I'm swelling up. It's really happening! Jake thought to himself, one hand pressing against the side of his belly as it stretched outwards and forwards.

The growing bulk of Jake's belly pressed more and more against the table, forcing the deer to shift, first down a little, and then back, sliding slightly away from the table. The growing and stretching mass of buckskin belly forced him to begin to lean back from the table, unable to sit up straight anymore.

And Timber just continued to unload his gooey equine spunk deeply into Jake's ass. There was a slight grunt from under the table, "Goddamn so good... furry condom... gonna fill you all the way..." the words coming tender and easy and soft enough for only Jake's ears.

Every now and then there'd be a slight thrust up against Jake's ass, a trembling twitch that would run through the massive stallion cock inside of him, a rolling clap of balls against his ass, the stroke of a hand against his belly, or a squeeze to his growing gut. Timber's hand around Jake's dick didn't stop, though, jerking and stroking, milking the buck's member in a clear effort to get him to cum one last time before Timber finished Jake off.

Jake sat back a little more, eyes slightly wide as he looked down to watch his shirt beginning to rise upwards while the white of his underbelly began to push and show at the edges of the table. He tried to push back and down, only to find that his ass had begun to bloat and swell, filling the gap that Timber was fucking him through and trapping him from maneuvering anymore to hide what was happening.

He stifled a burp, one hand moving to his chest as his eyes went wide. He hadn't had any pizza or beer, and what he tasted at the back of his throat was nothing more than that prime stallion cum flooding into him. It had a heated saltiness to its flavor, a warm and rich musk, a hint of beer from a lifetime of drinking, but more than anything, it had a pressure that grew inside of him as he filled. The taste of cum welled up in his throat once more and slipped up and into his cheeks, allowing him to properly taste Timber's cum. The sensation of a man's nut sliding into him so easily from the other end made him flush hard.

The flavor of hot cum, the pressure inside of him still growing and flowing like an open hydrant, the hand on his belly stroking and kneading into his stretching hide, and the hand on his cock were all too much for him. Sensations of pleasure had been rolling through him the whole time, but as Timber worked Jake's cock, as all those feelings surged over him, and as the taste of cum on his lips grew again, this time in a burp he wouldn't be able to contain, Jake's dick surged, pressed up hard against his sagging belly and Timber's stroking hand, and he came, hard, nutting all against himself in spurting, squelching jets of deer cum.

At the same time, he moaned out, then gurgled and burped once more, cum flooding his mouth to bubble and surge into his cheeks, puffing them a little, and then the thick, gooey white nut spilled from his lips in a heated slop down his chin.

He clenched down on Timber in his orgasm and lost himself slightly in the pleasure.

"Ohhh fuuuuuuck!" rose from the table, much louder this time.

Brad looked up from his pizza and his one-sided conversation to stare at Jake, his brow furrowed. "What..." he muttered out through a mouthfull, then swallowed. He could easily see the spunk leaking from Jake's mouth, the look of pleasured ecstasy on his face, and the growing bulge of white fur beginning to creep from the edges of the table at Jake's sides.

The ebony stallion stood up from his chair, grabbed the edges of the table, and flipped it to the side. The pizza boxes and drinks on it went spilling. The little tablecloth flipped up and into the air. Timber all sweaty and panting and stuffed under his chair looked up at Brad from beneath the deer's swelling gut and mess of spunk leaking out from between his belly and his lap.

Timber didn't stop thrusting while Brad looked on, eyes wide and nostrils flared.

"What the fuck dude?! That's my date! I was gonna do that to him!" Brad shouted down at Timber, looking back up to Jake's orgasmic and embarrassed face. He watched while the deer's shirt rose up more, sliding past his belly, then up again as Jake's pecs began to swell and thicken, growing like two masculine tits. At first, they mirrored Timber's own puffy pecs, but they continued to grow, jiggling downwards and rounding outwards. Brad continued to stare, his pants beginning to tent at the sight of the bloating buckskin balloon.

"Seriously! Like what the fuck dude? How're you just gonna come in and steal my date out from under me! I mean that's messed up bro!"

"He was in my chair," snorted Timber and shoved again, causing Jake's ballooning form to jiggle and wobble, "You know the rules. If they're in my chair, Timber's got dibs."

Brad stood there snorting, his lower lip poking out slowly, then more in an obvious pout.

Jake watched the exchange with a brain flooded with pleasure and a mouth leaking spunk.

"You gonna bitch all night or are you gonna help me pop this broken condom? He's stretchier than I thought he'd be and he's leaking. Get your dick out and help me splatter him good." Timber said all that as he stared up at Brad.

The other stallion just snorted out and rolled his eyes as one hand dropped to grab at his shorts and tug them downwards, revealing a solid pink cock jutting from a very high and tight sheath pulled solidly around the drooping mass of horse meat. It rose slowly and steadily, pulsing to life at the prospect of at least getting off tonight, if not in the way Brad had originally imagined.

Timber's cock had bulged fat and heavy with its mottled color. Brad's dick strained quickly hard and looked sleeker with fewer bulging veins. It's pure pink surface was shiny and his medial ring was thicker than Timber's. Brad's cock tip had a more rounded bulge stretching from above his cum tube, and as his dick swelled to a full hardness, the bulge pressed forward, almost overshadowing his bulging tube. The ridge around his dick was slightly rippled, unlike Timber's smooth cock head. Where the two stallions shared something very similar was the way Brad's ebony skinned balls dangled and jiggled heavy and fat, roiling in the man's tight sack. Pulsing veins rippled across the surface, hinting at how much was packed inside of the stallion's waiting nuts and how big his orgasm would be.

Jake stared at the display with mouth slightly agape and drooling. It was a veritable buffet of buff stallion meat and it was all for him, but he was already overflowing with stallion cum and trying to keep from overflowing anymore. In the back of his mind, he knew what was going to happen now. He wouldn't be going home at the end of the night or ever again.

Brad moved forward, stepping over Timber with a wide gait and pushed his dick up and between Jake's swollen tits. As he did so, he tugged the buck's shirt up and over his head, past his already thickening arms. With a little wink, hands moved to grab at Jake's tits and pushed them together around his cock just as Brad shoved upwards, cramming his dick through Jake's growing and softening cleavage. Brad pushed his blunt cock tip against Jake's face, his drooling lips.

"Come on man! Hurry up and plug him up! It's gonna take both of us to break this condom!" came Timber's voice.

Brad responded with a grunt and a shove, cramming his dick between Jake's lips and sealing him up there. The fat stallion cock pushed rudely past Jake's lips and tongue and shoved right into his throat, wedging there for a moment. "Plug your mouth, Avery..." came Brad's response just as he began to thrust into Jake's maw. The big stallion's hands dropped down to push against Jake's rounding tits, pushed them upwards and around his length, squeezed it slowly between them, kneading and rolling them slowly and steadily. Those fat deer breasts jiggled and wobbled as Brad's hips rolled forward, jouncing and jiggling Jake's cum-titties like both stallion's nuts jiggled and wobbled.

Jake had never felt so full in his life, never felt so bloated and strained. He'd had swollen bellies before, packed full of some one-night-stand's load, but this was more. It felt like his entire body was stretching. He could feel the heat of spunk in his arms, in his neck, in his legs. He could feel both cocks plunging through him, both men still thrusting into him while Brad tried to get off.

Jake's eyes bulged, rolled, and he moaned out around Brad's cock, suckling hard at it and clenching on Timber's dick as the deer came again, shuddering and trying his best to buck up against the hand still wrapped on his cock.

Timber's grin spread as he said, "There we go... nutting for us one last time. Get it all out big," and his voice cut out as a splutter of spunk sprayed from beneath Jake's belly and landed in his mouth. The stallion lay there licking his lips as his brow furrowed, then pulled his hand from under Jake's belly, a sloppy cummy mess. He licked at his fingers, then began to laugh.

"The fuck are you giggling about, dude?" came Brad's annoyed voice.

"He's squirting my cum, not his! HAH! Last orgasm he'll ever have and it's not even his!" Timber's voice sounded proud, eager, and most importantly, confident. His hands hefted Jake's belly upwards and squeezed at it, causing the deer's belly button to pop outwards. Then he dropped the man's gut so that it would wobble and slap against his growing thighs.

They're really going to pop me... Jake thought, his senses swimming with the taste and smell of hot man meat. It's finally going to happen! I'm a condom and they're going to burst me! His eyes were wide with the thought, a hint of anticipation there, but a strained feeling of pleasure and a rush of adrenaline as he was rushed on his way to being nothing more than a cum stain for the two men filling him.

Brad's thrusting was quick and confident, but it was short-lived. While Timber had rutted long and eagerly into Jake, Brad's orgasm was a lot quicker to come. His cock flared outwards, bulging and straining into Jake's throat. Timber watched at the stallion's balls pulled up hard against his crotch, the man's sack pulling tightly around the massive spheres.

"Oh yeah! Here it comes! Blow in him, Brad! Let's pop him!" Timber shouted that with utter delight and glee while slapping a hand against Jake's rounding, tightening belly, a growing strain in it making his gut wobble a little less with every passing second. Jake was still cumming hard, unable to hold back anymore.

Brad cried out in pleasure as cum started to fountain from his cock, flooding into Jake with nothing holding it back. The deer began to swell more almost immediately, arms and legs thickening, fat tits bulging out more, cheeks puffing up to the sides. He gurgled loudly around Brad's massive cock straining his lips. Brad's hands cupped and squeezed at Jake's tits as they began to swell and bloat into his digits. He squeezed roughly, dimpling the bulging, rounding flesh, then let go to watch as Jake's breasts bounced outwards and to the sides, slapping against Brad's cock as they wobbled.

From below, Timber shouted out once more, "You ready to die, slut? 'Cause you're nothing but a bloated stallion cum balloon now and you're ready to pop!" He snorted out and ground upwards hard against Jake's ass, watched as Brad's balls twitched and jerked and jumped, starred at the slight bit of Brad's dick still exposed to the air while that underbelly cum vein thickened again and again with each pulse and clench of Brad's overworked prostate.

"Come on... pop you fuckin' balloon... blow up big and burst for us, baby..." came Brad's voice, encouraging the buck to go ahead and enjoy what all three of them knew that he had wanted from the beginning. His hands dropped down to slap against each of Jake's tits once more, bouncing them, jostling them as the deer's cleavage once more overtook Brad's massive cock. The stallion groaned out once more before he slid his hands down to grip at the deer's bloating arms, feeling the way the man's hide stretched, fake muscles appearing but sloshing instead of standing firm and strong. Brad squeezed at those as well, marveling at how soft Jake was becoming.

Jake's whole figure strained, filled with cum as it was. His arms stood to the sides, rounded and fat, bloated fingers wiggling. His tits cupped up around Brad's dick fat nipples leaking and spurting hot cum. His ass was ballooned out into the chair, completely trapping him at the stallions' mercy, not that he would have wanted to leave at this point. He could feel the cum flowing through him as he became that hot load. He could hear the growing stretching strain in his hide, the creak and whine of his flesh as it grew more and more tight. He tried to hold together. He tried to take on more and more of the hot stallion spunk.

Brad and Jake thrust forward, hard, both clenching down and groaning out loudly. In unison, they both nutted hard into Jake, a puffing wave of spunk flooding into the deer.

Jake exploded outwards, his whole figure bursting with a massive BLOOSH that released the hot spunk from his overstrained balloon of a body. He burst with a massive splash of spunk that sprayed out across the room, up and along Brad's groin and abdomen, while the bulk of the mass of hot jizz flooded down to coat Timber, painting him in hot and sticky white.

Both stallions stared at the mess for a long moment, panting as this orgasms slowed and oozed to a light dribble and finally ceased. Timber's dick stood up hard from the recliner. Brad's cock was already softening.

Brad took hold of his cock and gave it a flick, slinging cum from the tip before he stuffed it back into his shorts and secured them. He looked down at his cum coated legs and let out a slight grunt, "Fuck that was good. I need a shower..." He turned and started to walk away.

"Heeeey yo!" Timber called out, spitting cum from his mouth, a hand wiping some of the thick slime from his eyes. "You gonna help me clean up this mess or what?" He stared up at Brad from his position on the floor, arms spread as if in expectation that the other stallion would do something useful like get a mop and bucket.

Brad looked at Timber, snorted, then smirked. He turned and walked off, waving a hand in the air behind him, calling out, "It's in your chair. Timber's got dibs."


