The Gang *BANG*
Jasmine happily wrapped her arms around her boyfriends arm. Theodore. He was unusually shy for a man, probably because he was still young, his early twenties. While he certainly liked inflation, he didn't seem to be the pop fiend that most men were. A little inflation to plump up her figure and round out a tight belly was enough for him.
The two of them were off to a party, a couples' party. Jasmine had never been to one, because, well being honest Theodore was her first boyfriend. She'd heard of these, they were supposedly these exclusive parties that men had with their girlfriends, a really high class social event. At least, that's what she always thought.
"They won't mind that we're late, right?" Jasmine asked again. She couldn't get out of her shift on time, her co-workers had burst, and so she had to stay late to get their replacements up to speed.
"They shouldn't mind." Theodore said. "They're pretty chill guys."
A little bit of the situation made Jasmine's heart flutter. She hadn't been around so many guys before, there was going to be twelve men there, all in one place. Sure, they all had girlfriends already, and she already had Theodore. But such an experience was sure to be interesting.
The two of them reached the apartment building, and got in the elevator to go up to the pent house the party was taking place in.
"I'm so excited to meet your friends." Jasmine said.
Theodore smiled. "I'm excited to show you off too!" He gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
The elevator opened up into the pent house and they walked out, announcing their arrival. Jasmine paused, she felt a shiver go up her spine. Even just in the foyer next to the elevator, the apartment... it smelled like sex, and rubber.
Theodore seemed to sense it too. "Guys?" He asked.
"Hey! Theo! Come in!" Came a brash sounding voice.
Theodore and Jasmine dropped off their shoes and jackets. And walked trepidatious into the apartment. When they rounded the corner they froze.
In the living room, several of Theodore's friend stood naked, or with only their shirts on. Empty beer and wine bottles around. As well as several air tanks and hoses. And scattered all across the room. Was a carpet, of flesh colored rubber scraps.
Flushed red, Jasmine took a step back. "Wh-what happened here? I thought this was a couples' party... did... what..." Her mind was racing. This wasn't the romantic social gathering she thought it was. She glanced to Theodore, and he too was looking shocked, confused.
"Guys... what the fuck... what did you do? What..." He looked at the piles of scraps. "Are.... Are those...."
A tall man in glasses, with short dark hair swaggers up. "Our girlfriends? Yah man." He chuckles. "Just having a little fun, right boys?" The other guys make sounds of affirmation.
"Johnny... that's... that's kind of fucked up." Theodore now held his arm in front of Jasmine, and had started to back up towards the elevator.
"Well wait are you waiting for Theo?" Johnny said, adjusting his glasses. "Aren't you going to join the fun? Show us how big your balloon bitch can get."
"Jasmine, we're leaving. Come on."
Theodore turned around, but two more of his 'friends' were already waiting for them. They grasped onto his arms and dragged him back. Forcing him away from Jasmine.
"Guys? Johnny! What the fuck!" Theodore yelled.
Jasmine wanted to run, she felt the instinct. But she was paralyzed. On an intellectual level she knew that Theodore would be fine, even if she ran, what's the worst the men would do? Men hurting each other was so rare... She knew that if she stayed, they were going to burst her. But... she couldn't leave Theodore.
Johnny grabbed her by her waist and dragged her back.
"Jasmine! Johnny! Let her go!"
Finally, Jasmine tried to fight back, she struggled, but Johnny's firm grip on her waist was clenching tighter. She could smell him, he smelled like sweat, sex. And burst women. He grabbed one of her breasts and she gasped, the firm grasp sending a shockwave through her body. As she gasped she felt his mouth over hers. He was kissing her, shoving his tongue into her mouth. He tasted... intoxicating.
She wanted to keep fighting, but her heart was racing, her head was pounding.
Some other men approached her, one was dragging over an air tank. They began to rip off her clothes, tearing her shirt and pulling down her skirt. Shredding her panties and unclasping her bra.
She clenched her teeth. She couldn't think straight.
And then the hose was shoved into her belly button. And the tank opened.
Immediately, she felt the rush of air enter her body. She felt weak in the knees. On some level it was already over. As the air filled her body, any will to resist faded away. Her rational mind being consumed by the smell of men, the stretching of her stomach, the primal instincts of inflation.
She could barely hear Theodore calling her name. She closed her eyes so she didn't have to see the two men holding him down, making him watch.
Johnny let her go, but she could only fall forward, onto her filling belly. Another man began to kiss her. She felt fingers probing her already sopping wet pussy. Hands, on her swelling belly, grasping and tugging on her nipples. It was too much, her skin was already too sensitive and only kept becoming more sensitive as she inflated.
She gasped out in pleasure when she felt a throbbing cock penetrate her. Only for another to be shoved into her mouth mid gasp. She continued to inflate, rounding out, air filling her breasts, her ass, her limbs.
Pleasure consumed and ravaged her mind. As she got bigger, and bigger. Was another man fucking her ass too? Or was that another hose? She couldn't tell. She felt hands, tongues, cocks, rubbing against her body as she became a huge ball.
Moaning around the sloppy blowjob she was giving. She shuddered in pleasure. And then pressure.
Bigger and bigger she swelled, but she was already tightening. She didn't stretch, didn't inflate, very often. And it was showing as her body began to get tight even barely a few inches wider than she was tall.
In some way, she was living the most daring forbidden fantasy. That little daydream that comes in the depth of night, that feels so impossible, so horrible, that it could never come true. Her heart ached for Theodore. She wished that he could be a part of this. She wished that he could be anticipating what was about to happen.
But there was no room for dread in her pleasure poisoned mind.
As her body began to creak and groan. The weaker guys pulled their dicks out. Not able to deal with the pressure of a burst directly. But Johnny, he kept pumping her pussy as she became tauter and tauter. He racked his fingers across her blimp of an ass.
And suddenly- BANG!
Jasmine was gone in a storm of rubbery scraps.
Theodore was speechless. The other guys had let him go but he couldn't do anything. His mind was blank, his heart pounding. And he was ashamed to even acknowledge it, but his groin was throbbing.
Johnny walked up to him, brushing some of Jasmine's scraps off his shoulders.
"Hey, cheer up Theo. There's plenty of balloons out there."