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Savoring the Moment Before

The smell of sex and stretched rubber filled the room. It was all one could smell breathing in, even through the delicate careful breaths Joanna took in. She took slow deliberate breaths, feeling her body shudder as her skin groaned in protest again.

It was a moment of clarity, the fog of mind numbing pleasure lifting.

She couldn't tell how big she was anymore. She could barely flex her fingers or wiggle her toes. It didn't feel like her stomach was touching the ceiling, but everything was so overstimulated, tingling, even sore.

It was called edging.

When your inflator took you to the precipice of your body's limit. The very edge of when you'd blow apart. And kept you there.

Joanna had experienced orgasm after orgasm. What could have been mere moments or maybe hours, feeling like an agonizing endless stream of pleasure. Everything felt swollen, but her clit felt like it was ballooned and on fire. Robert had given it so much pleasure, so much attention. He'd licked it, caressed it, sucked it, used a vibrator, his hands, his tongue, his lips. He'd long cum so many times that he was resorting to dildos and vibrators as his hands cramped.

Her mind was numb, fuzzy, aching with pleasure.

And clearing, if only for a moment.

She felt a chill run down her swollen ballooned body. She had been sweating for who knows how long. And finally, she felt cool again. Deep inside her still felt hot, but her skin felt exposed and delicate. She began to realize where Robert was. He was standing right in front of her head.

She was laying on her back, having been rolled and propped and squeezed in every position and orientation. Now she just laid there. Looking up at him, seeing hisi exhausted but pleased smile, she smiled back.

"Hey Babe." Robert said. Reaching down to caress her face.

"Hey...." Joanna squeaked out. Her voice was weak, hoarse, from moaning, screaming, in pleasure. "How you doing?"

"Never better." Robert leaned down and gave her a kiss, upside down, like so many romantic movies with a floating kiss right before the climax.

"You're... such... a romantic." Joanna said between gasping breaths.

He rubbed her taut body, what once had been her shoulder, or maybe her back, just below her head. She shivered again, from the touch firing her overstimulated nerves. her body groaned again.

They waited in silence, savoring the moment.

But the hoarseness of Joanna's voice. The moment was coming.

". . . Are you done?" Robert asks.

Joanna licked her lips. She couldn't form a coherent thought. Indeed, her pleasure drunk mind could barely comprehend what that question meant.

How could she be done? What could it mean?

It meant it was time for her to pop. For Robert to take her past the limit he held her at for so long. It meant that she would explode into a million pieces and scattered to the wind, or dumped in a trash can. Maybe Robert would keep a piece of her, he was a romantic like that. And she'd vanish forevermore.

They say that a moment of pleasure is something you want to last forever. But howeverl ong it's been has been enough. A life time of experience in one night.

Finally, slurring her words, a small bit of drool running up her cheek. Joanna resopnds. "Yeah... I... think I'm done."

Robert grins and leans down to kiss her again. He kisses her cheeks, her forehead, her lips. Over and over, making out. Joanna's barely able to kiss back, so exhausted and taking delicate breathes. As the moment approaches, his own exhausted cock begins to harden again. Anticipation building as he decides to do it.

Taking a deep breath, he kisses Joanna, his mouth covering hers- and he blows.

Joanna moans deeply in pleasure, her body squeaking, creaking, groaning. The long breath of a strong man filling what crevices she had left. He takes another breath and before she can have a moment to rest, he blows that in too. Her skin groans angrily, loud and ominous.

His erection is now prodding her back, hot, throbbing.

This is it, what it's all been building to.

One more kiss with a lifetime of breath.

She twitches, her body pulses, and groans. And-

One last moment of pleasure, stretching into eternity. As her body blows apart. The air overwhelming her delicate rubbery skin. And exploding into a storm of scraps. Robert knocked back by the blast. Shooting his last load for Joanna all over her scrapped remains.


