A Love... Hourglass?
Sam rubbed the back of his head, here he was, being put on the spot again.,
"Okay Sam. You've got to decide. Which of us will you go out with first?" Amanda demanded, the dark haired girl with her arms crossed.
"You've kicked this can down the road long enough!" Kaylee concurred. "You can't keep stringing us both along!"
Sam had known Amanda and Kaylee since they were young. And the restaurant service school they were sent to was close enough to the general academy he attended that the three of them stayed in touch. He'd had a crush on both of them on and off throughout their youth, but, they were adults now. The time for crushes to blossom into commitments.
"Gosh, I dunno... It's a lot of pressure." Sam mused.
Both of the girls blushed a bit at the word Pressure. When, Kaylee got an idea.
"That's a good idea actually! If you can't decide, we can do this the old fashioned way!"
"The old fashioned w-" Sam said, realization pouring over him.
What had spurred this whole conversation, this demand, was that Amanda and Kaylee were inflatable now. They'd reached the age that they can inflate, they can pop, and maybe, just maybe, become breeder balls. This was the time of their life that they were most vulnerable to accidental burstings, whether they be of passion, or of malicious intent.
Amanda brushed her dark hair out of her face. "Are you suggesting that whoever doesn't pop gets to be Sam's first?"
"And the one that pops will get to be the first woman he pops!" Kaylee continued.
"Hey, hey- isn't that a little rash?"
"It wouldn't be necessary if you'd have just picked one of us!" Kaylee retorted. "Come on, we'll get some tanks!"
The thought of inflating two of his childhood friends... it was a complicated feeling. On some level, he'd known these two long enough, that some part of him wanted them to be with him, forever. That he didn't want to risk either of them bursting, vanishing from his life. And on the other hand, the idea of them popping by accident, in some drunken mistake, or by someone else... It agitated him. If anyone should pop them, it should be him!
Amanda ran her hands over his shoulders. "So Sam... what kind of inflation do you like?"
"Uh... um..." Sam thought back to some of the music videos he liked watching growing up. Of musicians singing about bursting their bitches with the dancers in tight corsets, forcing the air into their curves as their stomachs stayed compressed. "Have... you ever seen corset inflation?" He blushed.
Amanda smirked. "I have... tell you what, we can do that. Can't we Kaylee?"
Kaylee looked up from her phone, having placed an order for two large air tanks. "Corsets? Compression.... Umm.... I think we can do that. Let me find a place that carries them..."
Sam felt a tent growing in his pants.
A few hours later, they were at Sam's place. In his bedroom.
"Amanda... Kaylee... are you sure you want to do this? I mean... Like..." He crossed his legs, trying to hide his obvious arousal.
The two women looked at each other. The possibility of both dating Sam together had come up before, when they were younger. On some level, deep down, the possibility of it working was there. But maybe it was jealousy, maybe it was a secret desire to be popped by him, maybe it was just some of their old fashioned parental values of monogamy pushing through. But they nodded.
"I'd rather be burst by you than share you." Amanda said firmly.
"Same." Kaylee concurred.
Sam sighed. "Okay then... let's do this."
The two gals stripped down, tossing their clothes aside. Putting the tight, form fitting and body sculpting corsets as their only clothes. The black leather contrasting with their delicate skin. Turning away, bumping their hips together they bent over expectantly. Sam took the two hoses, their ends with the classic phallic plug and gently, inserted them into them.
"Hoo...." Kaylee sighed.
"This is it." Amanda licked her lips.
The two gals looked at one another, nodding, and turned the air on. Air began to rush inside of them. The results were immediate. Their thighs began to bloat and stretch out.
"Nnnngh.... Oh, I love how it feels so much already..." Kaylee cooed. "It feels... so different."
"I know... it's like... My body's expecting the air to start filling my middle. But it can't... so it's.... Hngh!"
Amanda's breasts puffed up suddenly- growing rounder and more weightless. Before beginning to bloat and swell out as well. Kaylee's followed shortly behind.
The two's figures ballooned outwards, becoming more and more exaggerated as the air filled out their hips and blew up their tits. Slowly but surely, they swelled to the sizes that Sam had savored in so many music videos.
"W-wow- you two look amazing." He said.
"When I win this... we can do this any time you want." Amanda flirted.
"Hey! I- uh- I'll blow up my curves like this all the time if I win!" Kaylee challenged.
"Like hell you would, you'd be such an overinflated bimbo you'd pop yourself brushing against something!" Amanda bumped her bloated bubble butt against her rival.
The tent in Sam's pants grew tighter.
"Hey... now..." Kaylee said, bending over, her ballooning tits starting to dwarf her torso. "Hey Sam... why don't we have a little more fun while we inflate?"
"Uh... Um..." Sam was blushing furiously, glancing back and forth between the two. Before nodding.
Smiling, Kaylee unzipped his pants. And Amanda joined her on her knees. The two of them began to caress and fondle Sam's tight erection. Gently massaging his balls and running their fingers up his shaft.
A creak began to emanate from their immensely bloated backsides.
"Hooo.... I'm feeling tight already..." Amanda said, breathless.
"Awww, gonna pop so soon?" Kaylee teased.
"In your dreams..."
The two began to kiss Sam's cock. Taking turns licking and nuzzling their cheeks against it. They both began to blush as the pressure continued to rise. Their breasts touching the floor beneath them as their butts bloated larger, wider, behind them.
"Fuck, I feel so tight..." Amanda huffed.
"It feels so good..." Kaylee moaned.
The two girls began to glisten, sweat beading on their foreheads and dripping down their bodies as the pressure drove them wild. They grinded their thighs together, trying to reach down with a free hand to squeeze any extra satisfaction from their mounting pressure. Their loins becoming engorged from the rising air pressure as well.
"Fuck..." Sam groaned. Pre cum starting to soak his tip. "I'm gonna blow...."
A loud groaning sound came from Amanda's taut tits.
"YOU'RE gonna blow?" Kaylee asked, incredulous. "We're the ones being pumped to our limits!" She said, grabbing his cock at the base and squeezing.
Sam nearly came right there.
Both girls could have sworn that they could get bigger than this. They had underestimated just how much pressure the corsets put on their bodies. The air was forced into just their curves. Drawing their skin tight. And they ballooned outwards with more and more pressure on their waists.
Their curves became more spherical, taut and shiny. Translucent. Their bodies quivered, creaked, and groaned.
"Fuck.... I'm gonna.... I'm gonna pop...." Amanda said, clenching her teeth and hanging her head into her cleavage. "I'm so tight... too tight...."
Kaylee thought to herself, that she just had to hold on. Amanda was going to pop any second. Any second. She just had to hold on. Just a bit more. "What's wrong Amanda. Can't take the pr-" BANG!!!!
Kaylee's breasts and butt exploded. The force of the sudden explosion shredding the rest of her uninflated body into rubbery scraps.
Amanda bit her lip, clenched her eyes, clearly thinking that the deafening sound had been her own body giving in. Sam released, the sound of Kaylee blowing to shreds pushing him over the edge. He could barely think straight- but a whimper from Amanda pulled him back to reality.
Seeing just how much pressure she was under, Sam leaned over, grabbing the handle of her tank and turning it off. Leaving just the pounding of their hearts, and the hissing of Kaylee's hose as the only noise.
"Amanda...?" Sam asked. "You did it... you won."
"I did it? I did it! Oh my god! Kaylee! She... she exploded!"
"I know... she's... all over the place."
Shakily, dripping sopping wet. Amanda gently stood up. Each of her tits were ballooned past the size of bean bag chairs. And her ass was even bigger than that. Each cheek taut, flushed pink, and dripping with sweat. Her body still groaned and pulsated from pressure.
Sam's heart was pounding, he couldn't believe it. He got to pop Kaylee! And now Amanda was his first girlfriend! Whether she got pregnant, or exploded, it didn't matter. She was his! And they could be together.
"You did it Amanda!"
"I did it!"
Sam pushed into her, between her tits. Wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a hug. He squeezed.
In that moment, the slightest squeeze on Amanda's middle, forced a bit more air into her curves. Air that she couldn't handle. She felt the rise in pressure. Her eyes shot open. And then.
It was too late.
Sam squeezed her in a hug and at that moment, her tits blew apart, followed by her bloated booty. And the rest of her followed into a storm of skin colored scraps of rubber.
Sam stood their, stunned. It didn't register what had happened. Even as his hug turned into a tight clinging of Amanda's corset to his chest.
". . . Amanda?" Sam said. Looking around the room. "Amanda?"
He looked at the scraps fluttering around the room, mixing on the floor.
"Oh fuck!"
Sam couldn't believe it. That in one swift moment, in one lack of decision. He popped two of his longest running friends. Crushes. Girlfriends. Just like that.
It wasn't, really goodbye. He was the sentimental type. Though they had become so mixed together, Sam wouldn't let them go. He gathered up the rubbery scraps that the two had blown apart into. And put them in a shared jar. Writing "Kaylee" and "Amanda" on the glass, with a heart between them.