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Archi's Volatile Involuntary Demonstration

Glassware staged. Samples sorted. Notecards ordered. Archi stared down at the demonstration table with his signature scowl. He rubbed his chin with a wing, piecing over the display one object at a time. Internally, he was running a marathon sprint through checklists and concepts and equations.

“Worried something might go wrong?”

He lifted his gaze forward at the table opposite his. Four empty seats. Without turning his head he looked back at the bear.

“Do you really think I would let something go wrong?”

Dawn chuckled. “Well, you never know.”

Archi huffed. “It’s my job to know. Has compound 22A unfrozen yet?”

Dawn fished a vial out from the station’s warm water bath and looked at it under the light. She turned the bath off with a click and shot a thumbs up to the heron.

Archi nodded and turned to the glassware, but before he could examine it too closely, the doors at the back of the lecture hall opened and the Technical Grant Panel began to shuffle in. A wiry old ram in a lab coat with a nervous glare. A regal-looking greyhound in a red blouse. A dreadlocked raven in a well-tailored suit, with eyes that seemed to lay Archi’s soul bare. A comparatively diminutive looking fennec in another lab coat. They all filtered in one after the other, and sat one by one at the opposite table.

The greyhound spoke first. “Have you finished the necessary preparations for the demonstration?” Her voice seemed to fill the converted lecture hall. Archi moved to respond but Dawn cut in first.

“We can begin at any time.”

Archi internally cursed his boss for being so gung-ho about this project. A method for bosonization of molecule-scale particles, stable at room temperature. A hypothetical increase in the packing of liquids and gasses by billions, no, trillions of times over. The industrial and scientific applications were immense. Archi could name 5 industries that would be revolutionized overnight. He supposed that he was a little excited too.

“Then go on.” The raven calmly pushed.

Dain nodded and turned to Archi. “Begin setting the live exhibition up.” Archi nodded, and Dawn began to speak.

“My name is Dawn, and this is my assistant Archi. Our presentation today is on a novel method for creating exotic condensed matter under standard laboratory…”

He ignored Dawn. He already memorized the speech. Instead, he turned to dote over the glassware, picking out a diffraction grating and taking a vial of 22A. After just a scant few moments out of the warm water bath, the fluid had already contracted to fill up only ¼ of the vial, demonstrating the incredible temperature dependence of packing stability. Under the diffraction grating it bubbled and danced, like the shadow of a heat mirage. Such a phenomenon was only theoretically possible in trillion-to-one packings or more. This sample was not only live, it was itching to escape back to the gas phase.

Working quickly, he pipetted 1 mL of the fluid into the flask, then firmly capped it with a plastic lid. As he was going to set it aside, he heard the ram.

“So does this method build on the existing Stoeltker Object Condensation process, or is it a novel approach?”

Archi responded. “The method takes advantage of a novel structure in Differential Topology known as the-”

Unbeknownst to Archi, the enclosed flask had begun to heat up from the warmth of his hand. First shimmering, then rapidly doubling and redoubling in volume, the flask exploded in his face. He was immediately hit with the taste of the chemical stabilizer; chlorinated, chemical. Archi gagged, involuntarily swallowing quite a bit of the mixture.

The room was silent save for some worrying sounds from Archi’s stomach. He sat too stunned to even check for cuts on himself. Then he uttered a question, flat-toned and nervous.

“...Dawn, did you pick the base-mediated stabilizer?”

Dawn’s answer was like ice on the back of Archi’s neck.


God damn it.’ he thought.

The pressure in his middle skyrocketed. The unfortunate heron squawked nervously as his stomach acids degraded the basic stabilizer, unfolding unfathomable amounts of gas directly into his gut. He surpassed the stages of pregnancy into beachball status in seconds, snapping his belt off, leaving his pants loosely on his suddenly more plush ass.

Dawn stared for a brief second, then shrugged. “Looks like we’re getting a live demonstration from my assistant.”

Archi was nearly apoplectic at the comment. “LIVE DEMONSTRATION?!?!” He yelled out over his ballooning belly. Placing both wings on its circumference, he felt a roiling, churning ocean of disentangling nitrogen molecules. Growling like an awakened monster under his stark white lab coat. There was still time; the reaction could be halted if he got to the baking soda in time. This would be a merely embarrassing night and not a catastroph-

He slipped on the neck of the flask.

He fell forward onto his belly, eliciting a meek “Eep!” and an all-encompassing


Then a sound like an inflating air mattress as his entire midsection began to swell out from under him. His bulging lower stomach forced his dress pants fully off, exposing his underwear. Yet, when it came to his upper torso, his lab coat held firm. Concerningly, breathtakingly firm.

“Is it supposed to do that?” The greyhound broke the silence.

Archi grunted. “No! Well, yes, I mean-”

“This is the formula working as intended, yes.” Dawn filled in. Archi shot a venomous glare at Dawn. Dawn smirked back.

The greyhound seemed unsatisfied. “...is your assistant alright? Should we call for help?”

“Oh I can assure you he has plenty of capacity.” Dawn responded matter-of-factly.

The greyhound raised an eyebrow. “That’s not what…”

“Regardless.” Dawn continued, “Here we can see an example of the de-bosonization process.”

“Could you elucidate the pH dependence on uhh… volume?” The ram leaned in, furrowing his brow.

“Certainly. See, the main component of…”

Archi would have loved to have contributed to this conversation on his work. If he could move his neck. Or breathe. Right now, his entire midsection was being squeezed into a wretched tube by the horridly strong buttons on his lab coat. He could hear the sound of overtaxed fabric over the commotion inside him. Unnervingly, he could hear a few more organic-sounding straining noises. He cursed himself at this moment for having the foresight to buy a high quality lab coat. He felt the pressure inside him only climbing as the strain screwed his eyes inward and squeezed the air from his lungs. He was gonna-!


The failure of Archi’s lab coat was so catastrophic that the individual buttons breaking didn’t even register as separate sounds. Just a sudden, explosive release, echoed by plastic clattering throughout the room. The momentum of the blast rolled Archi back, his vulnerable middle bared to the Technical Grant Panel. He gasped as what was once his back touched the whiteboard behind him. He had so much decompressed nitrogen in him that he went from a ball gut to a ball of a heron in an instant. He went to move his arms to find he’d been splayed like a starfish by his expanding body. This was so…

No. Archi closed his eyes firmly. Try not to think about this. Try not to-

“I’m almost interested in what you did to the assistant to make him so durable.” The ram quipped.

Dawn chuckled. “Oh, he can really pack it in alright.”

Don’t talk about me like that! Archi pleaded in his mind. He could already feel-

“It appears as though the expansive effects of the formula are rather… far reaching.” The raven spoke in his calm deadpan. As though to emphasize the point, the elastic in Archi’s underwear finally gave up the ghost, freeing his at-attention member for all to see. He felt like crawling into a hole.

Dawn chuckled. “Yes. As you can tell he’s very eager to show you all the… applications of our new product.” She patted the center of his form, eliciting a gasp. The surface of her hand felt so warm compared to the hurricane pushing back on it.

“Is he enjoying this?”

The fennec’s hushed voice barely registered above the gurgling elephant in the room.

“NO!” Archi barked in response.

“Yes.” Dawn contravened.

“Hrrrfh…!” Archi could only mount a strained whine as a counterargument. Curse that damned bear! I don’t even KNOW what I’m going to do with her when this is over! His thoughts were of little comfort against the inevitable tide of his spherical form.

“Do they… all enjoy this?” The fennec followed up.

Dawn shrugged. “Clinical trials are limited at this point, so who’s to say?” Archi could feel Dawn’s shit-eating grin radiate through the lecture hall, even looking at her from his behind-sideways perspective.

“While your ‘demonstration’ continues in the background, I would like to hear about this novel topological structure.” The ram changed the topic of conversation and Archi sighed. Perhaps they would let him blow up in peace while the grant panel was distracted by the theory.

Dawn nodded. “Of course. Allow me to use the whiteboard to…” She peered around her orb of an assistant. The whiteboard was blocked by a bird balloon. Archi could see the gears in Dawn’s head turning as they made eye contact. Then she smirked at him. Archi banished the optimism from his head and just hoped his boss had some mercy in her.

A small point of pressure on his expanse stirred another squeak out. As it glided across his surface he saw panel members begin to chuckle a bit.

“Consider the Dirac equation for a pair of particles, each with…”

The poor heron could only sit there helplessly as he was used as a whiteboard. As an object. As a toy. Each downstroke elicited whines. Each upstroke heightened his bliss. His entire circumference occasionally twitched at the sensation, trying in vain perhaps to gain control over the situation.

‘There’s no use fighting this.’ He thought to himself.

Instead, he tried to breathe, to relax. To feel. He certainly felt his member right now. Poking in flush with his body, fully erect and occasionally leaking pre. A point of need poking into a sea of desire and pressure. ‘God, the pressure.’ His mind had wandered away from the Technical Grant Panel and onto the myriad sensations of growing huge. His talons fell into a slow, unconscious clenching-unclenching motion, trying to externalize the smallest bit of the extreme environment inside. It was like he was a sail, bowed out by a tempest in a storm. Except the storm could not escape past him. Instead, it ran up and down his inside surface, screaming whenever the marker probed him and the internal pressure got just that little bit higher. Oh did it get higher. Constantly.

“Dawn…” Archi had been reduced to strained, raspy begging by this unplanned, uncensored exhibition of his.

“Easy there big boy, we’re almost to final questions.” Her voice was like a gentle nudge in his mind. She grabbed a bottle of marker cleaner and sprayed him. Millions of tiny droplets on his surface like cold hands. A counterbalance to the heat generated by the strain of his skin and the eagerness of his sex. Archi let out the first moan involuntarily. Breathy and short, it was forced out of the way by throatier ones once Dawn began to wipe off her new writing surface with a cloth.

“I will say, it’s an innovative cost-cutting measure for presentation equipment.” The raven pondered jokingly. The greyhound snorted in concurrence, stifling a laugh.

“Oh definitely.” Dawn played along. She stopped for a moment and noticed a particular spot on her canvas that wouldn’t come clean. She moved around to her assistant’s member and slid the cloth up it, cleaning him off. Archi shuddered. She walked back and, using the extra liquid, smudged the rest of the spot out.

Dawn turned, gesturing at her sphere of an employee. “And the best part is he comes with his own cleaning solution!” The quip got a chuckle from everyone except Archi, who just moaned harder.

She turned back, continuing her writing. “Anyways, by mass-producing this ‘reverse quantum dot’ structure, any number of paired nitrogen molecules can be…”

Archi could only sit there, thrumming with need, swelling just that little bit larger every second. He couldn’t even imagine what sensation corresponded to what portion of his once-trim body. There was only the pressure, and him. His expanse. Though it was hardly even him anymore. Both in the sense that his mind had left the present, and that most of what constituted ‘him’ now was just empty space. A void marching outward, finding every last crevice.

By this point, the WHOOSHes and GWWWRRRRGLs of a bird filling up had been sidelined for more strained noises. Sounds like canvas stretching, or perhaps rubber. Creaks and groans from a concerned bird that was now realizing perhaps there wasn’t going to be an end to the swelling.

Noticing the room in her ‘little’ experiment running out, Dawn giggled. She walked back around to Archi’s head. His eyes were screwed shut. Tracing the tip of the marker down his beak, she hummed warmly.

“Man, you really had no luck tonight, huh featherball~?” Feeling the marker land on the tip of his beak, Archi opened his eyes to reveal that his boss was definitely taking too much pleasure in how tight he was right now.

And tight he was. No, taut even. Like a balloon left too long on a hose, but worse. As his form squeezed between the demonstration table and the whiteboard, soft creaks began to reverberate. There was no ‘removing’ this pounding pressure. There was only release.

He dreaded how much he desired it.

Taking a couple steps back from the doomed bird, Dawn admired her handiwork. Her equations had long since been rendered meaningless by their canvas stretching out from under them; too faded to matter anymore. She almost felt a bit of pride in how big her unfortunate assistant could get. But alas, it appeared as though the presentation was coming to a close.

“So does this happen to all of your assistants, or…?” The greyhound had finally come around; she was smirking as she questioned.

“Eventually. Probably.” Dawn spoke. “Though it might happen to me; I try to keep an equitable work environment.” Her positive matter-of-fact demeanor hid devious tones. It got a laugh out of the raven, the ram, and the greyhound; the fennec was just staring.

Archi was this close to release; whether that meant cumming or bursting he couldn’t tell. Disambiguating all the sensations of a body passing the brink was a fool’s errand. He could only communicate his feelings in grunts and moans anyways. Five minutes ago, he would have died of embarrassment in this situation, but now he only wanted more. More of whatever the formula could give him. More friction between his dick and his orb of a body. Just more.

But more was not something his body could give him; he began to vibrate, evidently maxed out. His talons were now clenched, straining against the pressure of an unstoppable reaction. His hide soldiered on, desperately attempting to grant him the courtesy of orgasm before he shook the room. It was a race to the bottom.

Dawn covered her ears. The panel members followed suit.

Then, a break in the sensation; like an oasis in a desert. A leak sprung on his overstretched surface, perhaps right below where his rib cage once ended and to the side. A pittance of relief, but it made him moan in anticipation all the same.

Another soon joined it, closer to where his hip may have been. Then another. Then another. A shrill chorus of whistles joined the overwhelming creaks. This was it; he was closing in on the precipice. Curses screamed in his head as he felt himself grow that last inch. One final leak sprung as he came, body visibly bucking, eyes rolling back in his-


All the leaks on Archi’s body connected, like fingers reaching out and ripping his body to shreds. He detonated. His hide was nearly atomized in the blast; only a strong breeze and thousands of twirling feathers remained where he once was. His beak, one of the only pieces of him unable to burst, had embedded itself in the desk right in front of the fennec.

Dawn reveled in the energy of the blast, closing her eyes. She felt the energy in the room disperse, leaving behind only the lingering scent of ecstasy. Then, she turned to the four others and spoke.

“Any more questions?”

The fennec fox piped up.

“Are you hiring?”


