Squeaky Succubus Surprise
The large balloon squeaked as Sable blew it tighter then started to tie it off. the crimson red rubber of the heart squeaking against her fingers as she knotted it tight. She sat back, the clear balloon under her squeaking against her latex ass, and plucked another balloon from the bag. Next to the overstuffed bags of her toys lay the worn book. The thick covers frayed and a little scorched. She smiled as she ran her eyes over the chosen page once more. But that could wait for later, she had to set up before she could have any fun. She pulled out another balloon and stretched the big golden star in her hands. With a whoosh she blew into it hard, letting her body shrink before she huffed deeply to swell back up. Too excited for what was to come to keep her body topped up tight. Her hand rose to grope her breast as the other kept a tight grip on the balloon's neck. The more unusual shapes had a way of getting away from her. The extra thick rubber that kept them from popping needed more pressure to inflate. She huffed harder to swell it tight then sat back breathing deeply to fill herself back up as she tied the balloon off. The rubber was shiny enough to give her a glimpse of her reflection, a slim sabre toothed snowleopardess made of soft powder blue rubber. Her spots were a deep teal, her hair and ears a bright lapis blue that contrasted nicely with the pink of her more intimate parts and the emerald green of her eyes. The somewhat usual colour scheme for a fur was almost restrained for a balloonie. She grabbed a few more balloons making sure to get a mix of simple rounds and the more unique shapes and started to puff hard. Swelling them one after another until every flat surface of her bedroom was dotted with balloons, all but the small circle in the centre of the room. She stretched slowly easing the ache from her rubber muscles and her lithe body squeaked softly. Her thick tail starting to sway in nervous excitement
She stepped up and walked over to the space she had cleared batting a few of the smaller balloons out of the way she lent in to lightly stroke over the wood panel she had placed in the middle of the floor. Luckily nothing had been smudged by the balloons, the red wax had been tricky to get right, and she had had to start over once already when she found the lines had to be drawn in a specific order. The centre of the summoning circle had been the hardest of all. The complex lines and loops of the demon's sigil needed to be perfect, she checked them then she lent back to snag the book once more. Picking her succubus had been hard, and the cracking pages of the thick book were still studded with bookmarks, but it was open on one page in particular. She checked the sigil once more then ran her eyes over the crude illustration, a tall wolf in midnight black looked out from the page, her hand resting on a long whip staff of gnarled wood. Sable huffed and bit her lip. This was going to be so much fun, if she could get it right. She ran her eyes over the incantation one last time; 'Audi vocem meam et veni. Lupus tam obscura est ut nox et pulchra ut luna. Venite ad invocationem meam, et servite mihi.' Wishing there was some sort of pronunciation guide, she'd only ever seen these words written after all. At least two of her choices had been turned down when she saw a full paragraph of words for the incantation. She read it through one last time then lay the book down, she grabbed the lighter and pulled the trigger carefully guiding the flame to the wicks of the candles set around the circle. Balloonies and fire didn't get along and she was careful not to let it stray too close to her balloons, or her own fragile body. As the smell of incense filled the air, joining the ever present smell of well loved rubber she stood up. Carefully Sable lay the lighter down and stepped into her smaller circle. The comparatively simple marks looked to be in order. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, more for the look of the thing than out of necessity. With her eyes still closed she started to speak, her voice high and steady to hide her nervousness at the unfamiliar words. “Audi vocem meam et veni. Lupus tam obscura est ut nox et luna pulchra. Venite ad invocationem meam, et servite mihi.”
She stood still, if she had a heart it would be hammering. But nothing seemed to be happening. She opened her eyes and huffed, it hadn't worked, she was about to step out of the circle to check the book but stopped just in time, something didn't seem right. She looked over at the circle then gasped. The red ink was glowing as it melted, reflecting ruby glints from the candles as they suddenly streamed high. Black smoke billowing from the flames to spiral strangely across the ceiling. With a sudden blinding flash the candle flames surged upwards then went out. Leaving the room dark. She couldn't see anything but the swirling smoke that made her balloons bounce and dance. Sable was rooted to the spot too shocked to move. She had always hoped it was real but she had never really prepared herself for the summoning to actually work. She wracked her mind for the binding commands when a voice suddenly called out. “What the FUCK was that.” It yelled and Sable gasped, this wasn't in any of the scripts. She heard footsteps then the crackle of the circle's binding spell. The wax glowing red once more as sparks danced from the points of the star. A yelp was followed by more swearing. The smoke started to clear as the room lights recovered. Revealing a shadowy shape pacing inside the circle. But she wasn't quite who Sable had expected, shorter and stockier than she had expected and the fur pattern wasn't right at all. Much too white with hints of grey. Sable couldn't remember any of the demons she had looked through looking like this. She huffed as she eyed the hell-hound she had summoned, every inch of her. Her clothes clearly hadn't come along for the ride, and only now did Sable realise she had drawn the pentagram facing the wrong way, at least it gave her an amazing view of her ass as her long and bushy tail flicked too and fro. Luckily she hadn't spotted Sable just yet. She was very pretty, but very pissed. Stomping around the circle. One of the balloons sent tumbling by the winds the summoning had caused bounced into the circle and she grabbed the fragile rubber. “What the Fuck.” She snarled and dug her claws into the red latex blowing the balloon apart with a bang.
The boom was too much for Sable and the hell hound spun to face her as she moaned. “What the hell?” She spluttered then looked down to spot the summoning circle. “What the- Did you summon me? Why? HOW?” she said incredulously stretching a shard of red rubber in her hands until it snapped. “Who are you?” Sable spluttered just as confused. “Loona.” The hell hound said then groaned and shook her head. The magic of the summoning forcing her to answer the question without hesitation. “Why did you summon me?” Loona barked. There was no magic compelling Sable, but embarrassment could be even more powerful. “I- I wanted a hot goth girlfriend.” She spluttered, the revelation enough to stun even the brash hell hound. “Wait how did you even manage to summon me? ... you think I'm hot?” She replied not sure what part of that threw her off more. Sable blushed a deep red through her fur. “Y-Yeah” Sable said, her voice almost a squeak. “Well you're not to bad yourself.” Loona said softly looking sable up and down. “So that's my charge, to be your goth girlfriend.” She said, knowing the rules of a summoning much better than the snow leopard, and how to bend the rules. Sable was so off balance she could do little more than nod. Her attempts to calm down weren't helped when Loona stepped clean through the protective barriers of the circle and sauntered towards her. Her nervousness equal parts the fact she had just let a demon into her room completely out of her control, and how sexy that demon was.
Loona smiled, her order, such as it was, gave her a lot of leeway as long as she played the part of a girlfriend. But something had been bothering her. “What's with all the balloons?” she said looking at the sea of squeaking rubber that surrounded them. “Uhh I, I like balloons.” Sable said somehow managing to blush even deeper. “Wow you don't say, I could have guessed that.” Loona replied as she surveyed the huge rubber toys. “OH, Ohhhh.” she said suddenly when she realized just what Sable meant. She really liked balloons. In a very personal way. She smiled, something about that seemed strangely hot in fact. Almost as if she had really managed to summon a succubus rather than a hell-hound. If she had managed to do the spell right she wouldn't have had to guess, but seeing the snow leopard shivering needily made Loona happy she had managed to mess up the spell. She reached out to grab the nearest balloon squeaking the small pink sphere in her paws to make Sable shiver. Loona remembered the response the pop had produced and slowly squeezed the rubber sphere in her paws, making it squeal until with a loud blam it blew to shreds. Once again Sable moaned loud. “I'm going to pop all you naughty toys.” Loona teased making her new girlfriend gasp and pant excitedly. This was going to be fun.
Loona grabbed another of the small balloons, this one a nice clear jellybean and she slid it between them as she pulled Sable close. Their lips met and Loona pushed her tongue into Sable's mouth, her tongue swirling around hers as she held her tight. Squishing the balloon between them with loud squeaks. The touch of the cold rubber against her made Loona shiver up to her surprise she found it strangely pleasant, the softest against her growing firmer she pushed into it. Her hips started to move, driving the balloon into Sable and making the already excited snow leopard pant even harder. Loona could feel the latex growing tighter as she pushed into it and she knew it only had so much give before it would explode. She couldn't hold back and her hips pushed forwards harder. Making the drum tight rubber squeal between them. There could only be one end and with a buck of her hips she blew the balloon to shreds. the explosion against her most sensitive spot sending a jolt of pleasure through her curvy form while Sable moaned loud.
Loona wanted more and reached out to grab two more balloons squeezing them to her boobs with loud squeaks. Her paws sinking deeper into the rubber with soft squeaks that grew louder and louder as she crushed the balloons to her chest. She stepped back, knowing just how to tease and Sable could only watch as she crushed the balloon harder until they blew apart with a duo of loud booms. Sable gasped and her hand slid to grope her own boobs as Loona danced close then pushed her back onto one of the bigger balloons, the huge six foot sphere squeaking under her ass. “Time for your goth girlfriend to put on a show.” Loona cooed looking over the multitude of balloons she had to play with. Sable sat back. If Loona wanted to put on a show she wasn't going to complain, and it might help her catch her balance. She watched as the hellhound ran her eyes over her collection then jumped to grab one of the balloons, the long clear blimp was one of Sable's favourites and she had stuffed a trio of thirty six inch balloons into it, the deep crimson rubber tight against the latex of the bigger balloon. Loona spun the balloon and lay it on the floor atop the summoning circle then jumped on top, sinking her body deep into it, the balloons inside resisting so she slid between two of them, her ass driving deep into the blimp with a loud squirk. She lay full length on the balloon, pressing her nose into the clear rubber as she sniffed deeply. “Someone's been playing with this one, Naughty, I better pop it.” she purred teasing the fragile rubber with her claws and sharp teeth. The thump of those sharp claws making Sable gasp every time she lightly slapped the balloon. But it seemed Loon didn't want to pop it so easy and she started to rock her hips. Humping into the balloon as she rode it. The squeak of rubber on rubber almost drowning out the squeaks of rubber on fur.
With every bounce she sank a little deeper into the blimp, grinding her body against it as the latex squealed in protest but to their surprise it wasn't the blimp that burst first but the middle of the three stuffing balloons. The muffled boom making both girls moan loud as Loona sank deeper into the blimp. The soft rubber folding around her and she hugged it tight. Her hands sinking deep into the fragile toy. She rocked her hips humping into the clear latex and Sable couldn't keep her eyes off the hell hound's boobs and pussy, squishing into her favourite balloon harder and harder. There could only be one ending but Loona knew just how to tease her new girlfriend, somehow knowing just when to hold back and when to drive her ass deeper into the doomed balloon. But the balloon could only take so much and one bounce proved too hard for the well loved rubber, with a balm the blimp blew in half under Loona the red round in front of her flying high, reflexively she swiped at it, her claws tearing into the tin latex to shatter it with another blam. She launched and looked over her shoulder. Her ample ass had landed on the balloon as it blew in two. Pinching the rear half of the blimp closed. It was still inflated behind her. Reaching back she pressed her claws into the soft rubber. Dragging them over it to burst the remains of the balloon. but it was had lost a lot of air and they merely plunked against the half deflated balloon. But the thump made Sable gasp and squirm all the more and Loona stroked over the rubber and tried again, watching her girlfriend squirm with every squeak and thump. The remaining round came to her aid, giving just enough resistance for her claws to catch and the remains of the blimp and the final round burst together in a single loud blam.
Loona bounced up. Stretching the biggest shard between her hands until it ripped then tossed both to Sable. That had been a lot more fun than she had expected and she grabbed another balloon stomping down on it with a loud squeak, the soft green rubber swallowing her foot as she drove it into the helpless balloon. Slowly she pushed her paw deeper until it exploded into confetti and she smiled wider. “So many toys, and I'm going to break them all.” she panted watching Sable squirm. She spun slowly her tail flicking high to show her rubber shard coated ass to her mistress then lent forwards, grabbing a large blue duck figurine She dropped onto it's back, sinking her ass deep into the soft rubber and grabbed the balloon's head and pulled it back against her, squishing the balloon to her pussy as she pushed her ass deeper into the rubber. “Let's make this duck quack.” she teased grinding on it as Sable huffed and moaned, her hands sliding towards her pussy as she watched the girl of her dreams about to destroy one of her toys. Sable couldn't keep her eyes off her boobs as they bounced against the balloon's head, nor her ass as it sank deep into the soft rubber to make it squeak. The figurine wasn't made for such abuse and She wasn't holding back, squishing the duck to the floor with hard bounces that made its head bulge lewdly between her large breasts. The scent of warm rubber filled the air until with a harder bounce the Duck's head blew off. The balloon shattering under her rump with a loud bang. She landed with a thump then looked up at Sable smiling wide. “Liked that huh?” Loona panted at the huffing snow leopard then reached down to grab the largest shard of the balloon, the one that had been pressed to her pussy. She stretched the damp latex like a rubber band and fired it towards her mistress. “What next mistress?” she teased her hands lifting to bounce her boobs to tease Sable.
With a huff Sable stood up, trying to hide how unsteady she was on her feet, that show had her trembling with need. She grabbed another of her favourite balloons, the shiny blue crystal rubber of the large bunny balloon was streaked with her lust. Sable hesitated for a moment then bounced the balloon towards Loona. watching her boobs bounce as she jumped up to catch it. She dropped back onto her balloon with a squeak, huffing as the soft rubber squished between her legs. “Oh such a naughty balloon.” Loona purred as she spun the large figurine in her paws. Stroking down the long belly to lightly boob it's nose then up to squeeze the ears, her claws squeaking against the rubber had Sable bouncing as softly as she could on her own balloon. Loona couldn't help but notice the scent coating the rubber then lent in to press her muzzle to the belly of the bunny figurine. She ran her tongue up the shiny latex with a loud squeak. The taste of sable's lust coated the balloon and she let out a deep moan. Sable's moan was even louder and it only rose in volume as the hell hound straddled the big bunny's face and sank her ass deep into it. Grinding on the smooth rubber as she stroked and licked over the main chamber of the balloon. It pulsed and swelled against her as she humped hard, each bounce harder than the next. Her amazing ass driving deep into the fragile rubber. “Ah this naughty bunny balloon can't take much more. Lets break it” Loona panted then bounced high to slam her booty down on the bunny's face, the body and ears bulging lewdly before the bunnies belly exploded with a loud boom. Loona landed with a thump then lashed out, her claws turning another pair of small round balloons into confetti. She bounced up and smiled seeing the bunny's head was still in one piece and grabbed the ragged balloon. Raising the neck to her lips. “You're tough but you're not gonna beat me.” she panted then started to blow as hard as she could. Her breath whooshing into the remains of the balloon. It swelled fast, the ears swelling out with thumps as the head ballooned more with every breath. Sable could only huff watching Loona's boobs rise and fall as she bullied the balloon her breath pushing the old rubber well beyond it's limits, the latex squealing until it blew to shreds with another boom.
Her next target was a much simpler balloon, a purple crystal long neck, she landed on the balloon with a loud squeak, making the already large neck bulging out longer, she rocked her hips and humped into it. The lock neck slid between her boobs with a squeak and she squeezed it tight, smooshing her boobs into the soft rubber. She licked her lips as looked over Sable's body, running her eyes over her wide hips and large boobs. Seeing her shiver and pant was driving Loona wild, she knew the spell was helping there but she had to admit she was a hot kitty anyway. She plucked a large round from the ceiling and squeezed the helium filled balloon tight to her boobs, the thin rubber squishing against her fur for mere seconds before it shattered in her merciless grip. The balloon under her ass squeaked as she slammed her ass down but it still held together. The long neck squished between her boobs swelled and shrank with every bounce, making her boobs jiggle. She smiled and crushed the balloon between her boobs and ground her ass deeper into the rubber. She soon found she was timing her bounces to the movements of Sable's fingers and with a lusty moan she slammed her ass down harder finally blowing the balloon to shreds.
It was time to bring her mistress into the fun and Sable gasped as Loona bounced to her feet and sashayed towards her, grabbing two of the smaller round balloons, but smaller was a relative term, each soft pastel coloured sphere was three feet across. Sable shuddered as Loona dropped the first balloon into her lap then span to plant her ass against the balloon, her bubble butt bouncing inches from her nose as it squished the balloon to her pussy. Sable panted lustily as Loona drove her ass deeper into the balloon, the building pressure making the snow leopard whimper in anticipation, she had always been nervous popping but Loona wasn't going to give her a choice, all her balloons were doomed and there was nothing she could do to stop her, and there was nothing she would do even if she could. “That's it just sit back and let me break all your precious balloons.” Loona huffed ending her words with the hard bounce that blew the first balloon to shreds. Loona landed in her lap with a thump Sable gasping as the hot hellhound rubbed against her, grinding in her lap then sliding the next balloon between them, she lent in squishing the fragile balloon until it started to neck then with a sly smile opened wide, taking the balloon's neck into her mouth like a thick cock. It grew bigger and longer as she pushed into it. Loona slurped over the rubber with loud squeaks as she pushed it into Sable's boobs her hands slid down Sable's sides. The snow leopard jumped as her hands grabbed her wrists and guided her hands to her ass. “You wanted a goth girlfriend baby, don't hold back.” She teased. Sable nodded dumbly too much in awe of her luck to do anything but squeeze those cheeks, they felt amazing under her fingers soft and yet firm. Every time Loona pushed into the balloon she sank a little deeper, the scent of hot rubber and horny hell hound making her head swim. But the balloon could only take so much and with a loud boom it blew to pieces, Sable gasping at the pop then moaning as Loona pressed her lips to hers. Kissing her new girlfriend eagerly, the taste of rubber on her lips making Sable moan even louder.
They made out for a few seconds before Loona bounced up. “Still so many balloons to burst.” she said eagerly spinning slowly to run her eyes over the toys on offer. A pair of large gl blimps by the wall stood out and she strutted over to the pink balloons. She grabbed one and pulled it free only to yelp as the other sprang up to bounce on her muzzle. It wasn't a pair of blimps but instead a single balloon. Two blimps side by side linked at one end. “What is this?” Loona panted, the surprise throwing her off for a second but the question seemed to throw sable off even more. “It's ... It's a mega boobs balloon.” She admitted blushing a deep red. “Really?” Loona replied raising the huge balloon to press it to her chest. “Whoever made this had some strange ideas about boobs. I've got a much better idea.” Loona said dropping the balloon in front of Sable, one hand holding it steady. “Lie on your back, between the two boobs then.” she commanded and Sable couldn't do anything but obey. Sliding onto the balloon with a squeak. She already suspected Loona's plan, squished between the two halves she watched as Loona stepped back then launched herself on top of the balloon. Her ass sinking deep enough into the top half that her feet touched the floor, trapped between both halves Sable moaned loud. The squeaks of rubber all around her driving her wild with lust.
Loona had known just where to plant her ass, directly over Sable's muzzle, and it sank deep into the balloon, the thin latex outlining every contour of her dripping wet pussy. She pressed deeper squishing the balloon to sable's muzzle with her amazing ass. Sable whined as Loona lifted back off the balloon only to slam her ass down once more. Driving her rump deep into the latex with a loud squeak that echoed all around her. Loona smiled as her mistress moaned for her then lent forwards pressing her hands to the balloon directly over Sable's pussy. She pushed down hard as she lifted her ass and smirked at the muffled if lusty moan that resulted. Sable was helpless as Loona started to rock on the balloon, pressing her ass then hands deep into the thin rubber. Each in turn drawing a different moan from her lips as she was squished tight between the balloons, her hips started to move almost without her willing it, pressing up as Loona drove the balloon down into her pussy then sinking into the balloon under her to press her muzzle closer to Loona's amazing pussy. The half of the balloon trapped between them squeaked and squealed and as they squished it. Forcing the other half to bulge out, pushing Sable up into it even harder. The fragile shape wasn't made to take such a rough bouncing and soon the scent of warm rubber joined the already heady scents of their lust. There could only be one end but Loona wanted to make sure such a boom didn't harm her new mistress. “Hold on tight.” She called as her bounces grew hard enough for her ass to leave the balloon, her hips pumping hard to bounce the balloon like a wild animal. She slyly pressed her claws into the rubber, she had no idea where this balloon might burst but if it was the half under Sable she might land hard. She waited until her mistress was just about to hit her peak then jabbed her claws hard into the balloon. Just as she had hoped the section between them blew apart but the half under Sable merely started to deflate. Loona landed on Sable with a soft thump. Her ass pressed to Sable's face as her tongue drove deep into her pussy. Driving her over the edge with a lust filled scream of pleasure. Her tongue pushed deep to prolong her orgasm, all the while her own ass bounced lightly on Sable's face. Loona however hadn't expected Sable's response and she lapped eagerly over her own pussy. Her hands landing on her ass with a thump and pulling Loona down into Sable's face. The hell hound hadn't realised how horny she had become and her own peak hit like a hammer blow. Leaving her gasping and panting as she flopped onto Sable. The balloon under then slowly lowering both panting girls to the floor.
Loona pushed up first and flopped onto the inflatable chair Sable had been using earlier, she reached out to grab a small balloon and dropped it into her lap. A few moments later Sable pushed to her feet too. She looked over the devastation Loona had already wrought bur her eyes were fast dragged back to her new lover. “Come here and take a seat.” She commanded patting the balloon and Sable could only obey, walking towards her with her stubby tail wagging. She jumped up to straddled the balloon, her breasts pushing against Loona's muzzle and she rested her chin on her head. She shivered as Loona's hands landed on her ass, gently squeezing the supple latex as she played with her mistress. Sable's own hands stroked down Loona's back holding her tight and squishing her boobs to the hell hound's muzzle. She gasped as Loona's tongue played over her boobs, slowly exploring the supple rubber until she found one of her nipples. Sable's soft purring moans ending in a sudden squeak as Loona blew into it. The warm breath filling her made the snow leopard shudder. She should have expected a hell hound's breath to be hot, feeling it swirl within her hollow body made her moan loud another deep breath swelled her in the hell hounds hands. The warm breath adding even more pleasure to the already sensuous inflation. After a few more puffs Loona gently but firmly spun Sable on the balloon to face away from her. Her hands now exploring her boobs and belly, every so often dropping to brush over the dampness between her legs to make Sable squeak and moan. Sable braced on Loona's knees and started to rock her hips to make the balloon between them squeak the sounds echoing through her hollow form to join the symphony Loona was playing on her curves.
Rubber squeaked loud as Loona's hands slowly pushed deeper into her boobs. “Better grab some of those balloons and get popping cutie, or I might make these balloons pop instead.” She teased her hands sinking deeper into her soft breasts to make her point. Sable moaned her mind warring between grabbing a balloon immediately and refusing and finding out just what it would be like for her hell hound girlfriend to burst her. It was a close fight but she soon reached for a balloon, the thirty six inch orb squeaking in her hands, she wanted to see what else Loona had planned, but there was nothing stopping her from being popped later. The hesitation hadn't gone unnoticed by Loona and she squeezed her boobs a little more firmly. “You'd almost think you wanted to get popped there baby, does being my slutty little pop toy turn you on.” She teased and smiled as Sable moaned loud once more for her. Sable could feel Loona's grip tightening and with a gasp she dug her fingers into the balloon in her hands the black rubber shattering with a loud blam. Loona's hands lifted slightly, still playing with her boobs but more softly. But slowly the pressure started to build. There was only one way to reduce it and Sable grabbed the next nearest balloon. The mouse eared balloon squealed as she grabbed it's big ears and pulled them apart. Seeing Loona's rough pops had riled the snow leopard up and she was eager to follow her lead. The thin rubber squeaking loud until it tore with another lewd boom. She only had a few seconds to catch her breath before the growing pressure reminded her of the sexy peril. Balloons burst hard and fast, Sable trapped between popping her precious toys or being popped herself. But soon she was running low of balloons, she could reach, and with a lusty whimper she grabbed the last one. The small yellow jellybean blimp squeaked as she hugged it to her chest, crushing it to her boobs for a few seconds before it blew to pieces. Sable gasped as she felt Loona's hands driving into her boobs once more and looked around wildly, everything was just a bit too far away. She tried to snag the knot of a rainbow coloured worker balloon but it was just out of reach, but as she pushed up, preparing for her pop the balloon between them squeaked. Sable started to bounce hard on it, Giving Loona a lewd lap dance even as the hell hound teased her with the threat of her own boom.
The balloon blew with a final blam and Sable landed in Loona's lap. “Looks like you're all out.” Loona teased and Sable pushed back into her her wordless moan making the hell hound smile “Oh yeah you want it baby, You want to blow for me.” She purred squeezing Sable boobs tight, her sharp claws pressing into her thin latex body. Sable shuddering with need. “You want me to pop these baby? I would but they could always be bigger.” Loona mused to tease her, they gasped together as a pink glow swirled around Loona's fingers and Sable howled as her chest ballooned. Swelling out a few inches with a lewd creak. Loona was too stunned to do anything but watch, only luck saved Sable for a pop. Luckily the snow leopard couldn't see her face, and the look of complete and utter surprise that covered it. She recovered fast, before Sable noticed. “What, What was that?” she whimpered her hands rising to cup her extra sensitive boobs. Loona hesitated then smiled there could only be one explanation, she knew she was going to check out that spell. Whatever Sable had done wrong she needed to know. “You summoned a succubus baby. You didn't think I wouldn't use my magic.” Loona said softly, hoping she could figure out how to use her newfound powers.
She spread her fingers and gestured towards one of the nearby balloons then flicked her wrist, she'd seen it done before by a succubus, mostly to pull a prospective lover close but to her delight it worked. A glowing pink mist dragging the dark green round balloon into Sable's paws. She smiled and pulled a few more closer. The second balloon arriving just in time as Sable's claws shredded the green balloon. Sable caught the large heart and squished it to her chest the soft rubber squeaking loud as she squeezed the well loved balloon tight. It was moments from popping when Loona stopped her. The gentle pressure of her claws on her boobs freezing her still. “Let me try something.” She purred her hand rising once more. The pink mist surrounded the balloon again, lifting it into the air. Loona knew succubi could use the power to touch, stroke, and squeeze at a distance to tease their targets, she wanted to find out just how hard it could squeeze. She closed her hand slowly. Sable panted as she watching the balloon squish as if an invisible hand was squeezing it tight. “You've got to do that to me.” she panted then gasped as Loona's other hand stroked over her boobs. Sable squirmed as her fingers lifted from the soft rubber of her boobs but the touch continued. The heart balloon forgotten for now, her sabretooth snow leopard toy made so much nicer squeaks. Loona's fingers darted over her rubber body, but never came nearer than an inch away. Any yet Sable squeaked loud at the magic touch, her boobs squishing under the soft glow of Loona's invisible grasp. “Lets see if it can make a balloon pop.” she teased closing her hand to squeeze Sable tight, the helpless balloon kitty whimpering in her magical grasp. as tempting as it was Loona still had plenty of plans for her toy and she suddenly clenched her other hand tight. The heart balloon squealing as she crushed it with her powers. The thin latex bulged out between the invisible fingers but once more Loona held back. Something about the balloons had been bothering her and as she ran her eyes over the straining rubber she finally realized just what it was. The stains coating the balloons weren't right. Though she was still new to playing with rubber she suspected a girl couldn't make those splatters. That looked much more like the work of a horny guy. She sniffed softly, nose twitching, but the only scent was Sable, no one else had played with these balloons. Sable wondered why Loona had suddenly stopped then jumped as the hell hound sprang back into action, crushing the balloon with one hand until it blew to shreds. The shards flying weirdly as they bounced off the invisible hand that had easily crushed the heart.
Sable moaned as the invisible fingers focused on her body instead, stroking over her boobs more forcefully this time. Squishing them with loud squeaks “I know all your little secrets.” Loona purred as she sent the magic fingers dancing over her toy's hollow body. “everything that makes you horny, everything you've done with these precious poppable toys.” She continued as the touch stroked over her belly and gently spread her thighs, her soaking pussy laid bear, her sweet nectar flowing freely to soak the balloon beneath them. Sable squirmed as the magic touch moved tortuously slowly towards her pussy. But Loona had another target in mind and Sable howled as the magical force sank through her hollow body to press against her from the inside. Seeking the secret Loona had detected. Against that most lewd of groping Sable couldn't do anything and with a soft squeak her cock slid free. The thick pole pushing from her lips to spurt pre hard. “You can't hide anything from a hell hound.” Loona panted as her hands dropped, her fingers brushing over the thick rod as Sable blushed crimson. “Oh we're going to have so much fun with this,” Loona panted in Sable's ear, stilling her nervousness with her infectuous excitement.
Loona stood up, pushing Sable to her feet then dropped her back onto the balloon. She spun to face her and pressed her muzzle against Sable's thick rubber shaft. The smooth pole squeaking on her nose as it rose from base to tip. She slurped over her rod then slowly sank down it. Sable gasping as Loona's broad tongue swirled over the thick rubber as she pushed forwards. Sinking down the pole until her nose was pressed to Sable's belly. She rose slowly until it slipped from her lips with a pop then smiled. “You know I've always felt calling it a blowjob is a bit silly, you're not blowing at all.” She said taking a deep breath. “But now I can try it for real.” she added lunging forwards to press her lips to Sable's tip then blowing as hard as she could. Sable moaned loud almost slipping from the balloon as her cock swelled under the massive puff, the already thick pole growing even girthier in Loona's mouth. Loona's breath rushed into her hollow body swelling her boobs and making her ass squeal on the balloon as it grew. It was all too much for Sable, she'd been riding the edge from just the pops let alone the magic groping, and now this. Try a she might she couldn't hold back. She moaned raggedly, her breath catching in her throat as she came. Her thick cum flooding Loona's mouth to bloat her cheeks, but she wasn't going to be put off and she swallowed it easily, then blew again. Sable's next shot was even bigger and she flopped back as waves of pleasure made her shudder. Loona raised her hand just in time catching Sable with her magic before she could fall and holding her tight as she drained her lust into the accidental succubus's mouth. “I guess I should have expected that.” Loona said as she lifted off Sable's cock but much to her delight it was till hard. Ready to go again.
She pushed up and slid her boobs around the thick pole. Sable moaning loud as her slick rod squeaked between the amazingly soft hell hound breasts. Sable moaned softly as she bounced them up and down and watched Loona raise another hand. She closed her eyes and wiggled her fingers, trying to get the gesture right. With a soft pop an uninflated balloon burst into existence and dropped into her hand. “I was going for an inflated one but this works too.” She said offering it to Sable. She plucked the balloon from her fingers and started to puff into it slowly the thick turquoise rubber stretching slowly as she blew hard into it, the magic that had made the balloon had produced an amazingly soft and stretchy rubber. It squeaked loud as it swelled out fast with every moan Sable pushed into it. Loona's soft boobs urging her to blow up the balloon fast. As soon as it started to grow tight Loona snatched it from her fingers and knotted the nozzle with a flick of her fingers. She slid the balloon under her and started to bounce. Humping down into it hard as she flicked her wrist and a shiny gold balloon popped into existence and dropped into Sable's waiting fingers. “If that's not ready before this one pops I might need another balloon to burst.” Loona panted her claws softly teasing Sable's wide thighs. Sable whimpered and started to blow. The loud squeals of the balloon under Loona making her blow all the harder. She was puffing so hard she was shrinking slightly with every breath and that wouldn't do. With a smirk Loona lent it to kiss Sable's tip and blew hard into the thick rubber cock. Sable howled loud into the gold balloon, driving it out fast, but not fast enough to stop her own balloon body from swelling.
The balloon started to creak as Sable moaned into it. Loona hadn't quite expected such an impressive result and she had to react fast to keep Sable from popping the balloon. She bounced high on the balloon under her, then slammed down. Driving her hips deep into the soft latex. It blew apart with a loud bang. Rubber shards flying high and Loona bounced up to snatch the gold balloon from Sable's lips. Just in time. The overblown rubber felt drum tight against her fingers and she couldn't resist slipping the balloon under her. The taut, fragile rubber driving the hell hound wild with lust but she couldn't bounce just yet. She lifted her hand from her breasts and with a flick of her wrist uninflated balloons rained down over them. Sable didn't need telling and she started to puff them up fast. But not quite so fast this time. She didn't want to shrink. Loona had to resist the urge to puff down her cock again even though she wasn't losing air. Seeing Sable squirm and moan really drove her wild. Instead she focused her efforts on the balloon under her, pushing it so close to the edge it rang like a bell with every bounce, the lewd squeaks of rubber on her pussy making the hell hound shudder. It soon proved too tempting and with a buck of her hips the gold balloon vanished into a cloud of glittering confetti. She grabbed another balloon from the growing pile around her and slammed her hips down into it, perhaps a little too hard as the red balloon exploded instantly. The next, a soft lime green lasted a few bounces more but with her mistress whimpering with every bang she couldn't hold back.
It was a good thing she had let Sable gain a lead with the balloons as she was going through them much faster than the lust wracked snow leopard could puff them up. A growing pile of multicoloured confetti was growing between Loona's legs. And sticking to her ample ass as she devoured the fragile balloons. Each balloon only lasting a bounce or two under her. She grabbed a grey balloon from Sable's fingers the large duck balloon squeaking as she pulled it close. Not even bothering to wait for her to tie it off, simply pinching the neck closed, before pushing one final pink heart balloon into her paws and started to bounce fast, trying and failing to hold back. Sable watched Loona's booty bouncing on the fragile duck, making it's head and beak bulge lewdly and blew hard desperately trying to fill another balloon before the last one popped. She was so close, just a few moments longer but she wasn't going to make it. The boom of the grey balloon shattering made the snow leopard moan louder than ever, and to her shock that moan sealed her fate. The sight of Loona's boobs on her cock and booty bouncing had distracted her from how tight the pink heart balloon had been. And now it was drifting down over Loona's boobs like confetti. She shuddered and looked around wildly but that was it, there was only one last thing to pop and Loona looked hungry for another bang. She pushed up, squeezing her boobs to Sable's cock and smiled. “I did say if I ran out of balloons then I'd make you pop instead.” she teased. Loona opened her mouth wide and ran her tongue over her lips, carefully outlining each of her razor sharp teeth in turn. Sable whimpered as Loona lent in slowly, squeezing her boobs to her cock then sliding them down to the base to lock her prey in place. She moved in slow, licking her lips once more just inches from Sable's tip then lunged. Sable squeaking loud as her hips bucked up to meet her instinctively, the thought of the impending pop driving the lusty snow leopard into a massive orgasm. The first shot from her cock was pumped straight down Loona's throat. But she pulled back slowly, teasing her fragile rubber rod with her teeth even as it throbbed and pulsed. Flooding her mouth with her hot cream until Loona's cheeks were bulging. She swallowed but there was still more, it took three gulps before the flow started to slow. And to her surprise Loona pulled off her rod with a pop and a happy moan. “Well I said I'd make you pop.” she teased as Sable's last spurts dribbled over her boobs. “I think we can both agree this was much more fun.” she added then pushed to her feet. “I hope you're ready to 'pop' again for me cutie or I might just pop you for real.”
Sable watched panting as Loona looked around the room. There were noticeably less balloons in the room, and so plenty of space to fill. She smiled as she looked over some of the bigger toys in the background. She had never seen such big and detailed inflatables but she sensed conflicted emotions that hinted they might be off limits for a pop. She didn't want to upset her mistress. But of course she didn't have to. Sable watched curiously as Loona waved a hand. Closing her eyes as she concentrated on the image. Half imagining it, half reading it from Sable's mind. With a low whoosh a new balloon started to fill out in white, grey, and black rubber. Another wave and a second popped into existence with another low whoosh. The stretching latex a strangely familiar powder blue, with a pattern of cerulean and teal spots. As it grew and swelled it started to take shape. Sable's eyes suddenly went wide. It wasn't just a regular balloon but a perfect latex copy of her beloved snow leopard. Sable gasped realizing the patterns were her own. A toy based on her own body and she looked to the other balloon to see a replica of the wolf with Loona's familiar patterns. Sable whimpered and felt her cock throb, her heart beating like a drum. She's never have dreamed of such toys and seeing Loona's predatory smile she could only whimper. They were doomed to pop and Sable couldn't wait to see Loona destroy them.
Loona walked over to the toys, her long tail wagging and ran a claw down the chin of her latex toy clone. The squeak making Sable shiver. With every moan and gasp from her mistress Loona found her powers growing and she wanted to show off even more. “We'll save these for later.” she purred waving a hand and a trio of blue and white bundles swelled into rubber lil' whales and flick of her fingers and a pair of green crocodile pooltoy balloons burst into existence. She considered more toys but there was no rush, instead another idea seemed to fill her mind, it seemed Sable had a certain fantasy about how they should pop. She reached out and caught the riding crop as the appeared. But it you're going for the dominatrix look you might as well go all way. She closed her eyes as she pictured the outfit. Her feet lifted as sharp stiletto heels appeared around her feet. A tight corset that lifted her boobs and held her tight shimmered into existence while long tights that hung from the suspenders of crotchless panties rolled down her shapely legs. All in shiny latex of course. Sable's cock was already drooling pre and she panted as Loona turned her gaze on her pet. “What shall we put you in. I know just the thing.” She said. The gentle pressure of her fingers on Sable's chin lifting the panting sabre-toothed snow leopard top her feet. Loona waved a hand and Sable whimpered as she felt tight strings unfurling over her body. Looping and knotting in a complex web that held her tight. She looked down to see each string was actually made of red latex and at another flick of Loona's hand they started to fill. Revealing the strings were in fact twisty balloons. As they grew they held her tighter. The shiny rubber squeaking against her latex body with soft squirks at Sable's every move. “One last thing.” Loona purred and raised a hand, a pink collar with a heart shaped charm dropping into her fingers. She held it out smiling warmly “Will you be my girlfriend?” The goth hell hound asked. Sable didn't hesitate grabbing the collar and slipping it around her throat. The clasp clicking as she pushed it home. It fitted perfectly, the soft weight of the charm against her chest making Sable weak at the knees.
Loona turned her attention back to the toy balloons and grabbed one of the lil' whales. Flipping the latex orca onto it's back to reveal a SPH one Sable knew would be perfectly sized for her member. She watcher her goth girlfriend as she carried the toy close. She dropped the toy between Sable's knees and gently pushed her down into the latex embrace of the tight SPH, the pre lubed rubber squeaking loud around her cock as Loona drove her to the hilt. “Be a good kitty girlfriend and fuck your toy while I take care of the rest of them.” Loona purred bending the crop slightly in her hands. Sable whimpered and nodded watching as Loona strutted back to the pile of doomed toys, her hips swaying and long tail held high. Sable bucked lightly into the orca only to gasp as Loona lifted her foot high and drove it slowly down into the throat of one of the crocodiles. The sharp heel driving deep into the latex, stretching it more and more. The heel broke through and Sable's hips bucked, but rather than the boom she had expected a loud hiss rang out. It seemed the toys would hiss or pop depending on Loona's wants. Loona pushed her heel deep into the toy then stepped forwards to bring her other heel to bear just on the tip of the croc's tail. Her legs spread wide and her ass pushed out towards Sable's muzzle as she drove another deep hole into the simple toy. She lent in to run the crop over the other croc's muzzle then swatted it's nose hard. The balloon pooltoy exploding with a loud bang while its twin deflated at her feet. “I've always felt such simple toys are a bit boring, you really want something nice and big.” Loona teased slapping the crop against her palm. The gunshot like crack causing a pair of cute does to whoosh into existence, lewd targets painted over their rumps.
Sable couldn't help but thrust into the orca in time to Loona's swats and she soon realized that Loona was mirroring the force of Sable's thrusts. The harder she humped the harder she would spank the does. When she realized that there was only one choice and Sable started to hammer the orca as hard as she could watching as Loona's crop rose and fell with loud smacks that stretched the latex more and more until with a sudden boom one of the does exploded. Sable moaned and slammed down harder into the orca her eyes locked on the crop as it rose to slam down into the soft latex of the other doe's rump, slashing through to add another boom. Loona used the crop to flip one of the whale's onto it's back and stepped forwards driving the sharp point of her heel into the tight SPH Sable humped harder feeling her peak building as Loona teased the toy, lightly swatting the orca's nose as she pushed the sharp heel deeper. The muffled pop proved too much for Sable and she moaned loud as she came into the orca balloon. The loud hiss of the deflating toy making her cum even harder. Her hips bucking as she unloaded into the balloon, only to jump as Loona's heel drove through the vinyl inches from her nose. The air hissing out over Sable's muzzle making her gasp and shudder.
Loona let her recover but only for a few moments, the lust filled hell hound wanted even more squeaky fun and she ran her eyes hungrily over the pair of huge balloon toys, one her clone the other her mistress's. It was time for them to join in the fun. The balloon harness made the perfect tool to lift Sable high and she flipped her up onto the back of the balloon wolf the super soft latex squeaking as she dropped onto it. She couldn't help but start to bounce. Riding the big toy hard. She didn't feel the need to hold back. Knowing the toy was doomed to pop let her enjoy it to the fullest. There was no fear of an accidental bang when she knew Loona had her own deliberate one planned. She watched as Loona pushed the snow leopard down then jumped on top. Her ass sinking deep into the latex while her long tail lifted the toy's tail clear. Making sure Sable had an amazing view of the hell-hound's ass as she used it to the fullest on the toy. The loud squeaks urging Sable to bounce harder. Loona smile as she watched her cute girlfriend bouncing away then licked her lips. All that squeaking had her wanting more. “You know that's looking a bit soft, it could do with a top up.” She purred then raised a hand. Sable watched as a hose sprang from her fingers and started to slither towards her toy. The long hose plunging under it. With a loud plunk it found it's mark. Pushing deep into the belly valve of the huge toy. Loona smiled again and theatrically raised the hose to her lips.
The first hard breath made Sable moan wildly, the latex of the toy swelling under her ass as Lonna poured her breath into it. The toy growing bigger and rounder and all the more bouncier as air whooshed into it. Loona blew again until the toy was creaking then let the hose slip from her lips. Letting air rush out to shrink the overblown toy back down. But only a little before she blew into the hose once more. Teasing her new girlfriend with the pop. Pushing the helpless toy to the brink then relenting. But it was Loona that broke first, not the toy copy of her. She wanted more than just bouncing could give. “How about we hump these sexy balloons to bits.” Loona panted slipping from the snow leopard's back with a squeak and walking around to stand behind her. Sable followed Loona's lead and dropped onto the shard covered floor. She huffed as she slid behind the toy and saw a pair of tight SPHs, just the kind she'd always been tempted to add to her own toys.
“Go on Start humping or I'll take her off you.” Loona commanded and Sable grabbed the toy's thick tail. Pulling it close as she pressed blindly forwards. The scent of the brand new rubber driving her wild. She found her mark more by chance then pressed into the amazing SPH with rough thrusts. Her latex cock squeaking in the foam backed rubber pussy. It was everything she had dreamed it would be. But there was no surprise there. Loona was giving her everything she had ever dreamed of, that's what a succubus was for. Loona watched Sable hump for a few moments then turned her attention to Sable's copy. She'd need something to fuck the toy with an she smiled as she pictured just the tool. The black latex of a harness appearing over her crotch then a thick black pole. Sprang from the centre. Loona gasped as the smooth silicone anchor drove into her pussy as the shaft swelled thicker and longer. She had heard that silicone wasn't great for rubber but then this toy wasn't going to last long enough for that to matter. The thick canine cock looked wicked and she stroked down from its tip to the thick knot at the base. She squeezed the thick bulb tight and smiled as hard spine swelled along the toy's entire length. Perfect to ruin a cute kitty balloon. She heard Sable gasp as she saw the vicious toy and chuckled. “I'm gonna match my thrusts to yours baby, how long can you hold back.” She teased then drove the thick rod deep into the Sable toy's tight pussy. The base of the dildo swelling and vibrating as she pushed in to give her pussy an echo of the pleasure a cock would feel in its place. She had to hold back from slamming to the hilt and she instead ran her eyes over Sable. The kitty slowing down to try and keep her own thrusts under control.
Sable watched as Loona bucked into her balloon toy copy. The thick latex squeaking loud. Part of her wanted to ran home and watch it burst as Loona followed her lead but she knew that when Loona's toy burst she would look for another. And the grey ad white copy of Loona squeezing her cock was too good to burst so soon. She tried to hold back. Thrusting fast but shallow. Her his squeaking on the wolf's plush rum as she hugged the tail tight to her boobs. The loud squeaks coming from both toys were already wearing down her resolve and she humped harder. The amazing feeling of the rubber pussy on her cock wasn't helping either. Nor were the incredibly lewd moans coming form Loona's lips. Watching a toy based on her bounce and jump with every thrust of the hell-hound's thick cock had her shaking at the knees and she couldn't hold back. With a lusty moan she slammed to the hilt. Eyes locked on Loona's ass. She knew what was about to happen. Loona smiled and rammed her hips forwards the thick knot sinking into the snow leopard with a loud squeak. The tightness of the toy's pussy was more than enough to trigger the spines. But there was no boom. Instead as Loona dragged her hips back loud hisses rang out. The wicked spines shredding the toy's pussy and it started to droop as air rushed out. The sight was too much for Sable and she couldn't help but hammer into her toy. Loona's thrusts matching her shredding the toy's pussy even more every time she hilted. In only a few more thrusts the once tight balloon snow leopard hung limp over Loona's rod and she yanked it from the dildo. Sable watched as she put her claws to work, tearing the toy to shreds. Her own rod spraying pre as Loona used hers as a lewd pin, ramming it through the powder blue latex. In only a minute there was nothing but tatters left and Loona turned her attention to Sable.
She walked over slowly. Her oh so dangerous rod leading the way then stroked over her toy copy's side. Making it squeak loud around Sable. The horny snow leopard's moans growing louder with every squeak. Sable knew she couldn't bring herself to pop the amazing toy. No matter how much she would enjoy the pop. But then Loona knew that too. She could see all Sable's desires clearly. Sable gulped as Loona ducked out of view and the toy started to bounce harder. The hell hound pushing her balloon copy back into Sable's thrusts. With a loud whoosh the toy swelled out against her. Loona had found the belly valve. She puffed into the toy hard. Swelling it bigger and tighter and closer to the boom as Sable pushed towards her own pop. The lewd destruction she had watched had pushed her close to the peak, just as well as Loona was showing no mercy on her toy copy. Puffing the huge balloon hard and fast. Soon it was drum tight under Sable and creaking loud. So tight that Sable didn't dare press her hands into the taut rubber. She was moments from hitting her peak when Loona called out “Wait.” She held still, just her tip in the vice tight pussy. Shivering with need as Loona puffed ever so softly. She had been one thrust from blowing her own load and the wait was killing her. “Go on baby blow in her.” Loona panted out and Sable fell forwards half expecting the toy to pop. It let out a warning creak but held together. The drum tight latex vibrating on Sable cock was enough to make her blow. She moaned loud, her cream pumping into the Loona toy's pussy with lewd gushes. Loona's own lusty moans making her cum all the harder. It was that extra cream that finally proved too much for the toy. The small spurts of Sable's lust pushing it over its limit. With a huge boom the hell-hound balloon exploded. Sable fell though the cloud of grey and white confetti and landed with a squeak in Loona's arms. The hell-hound herself holding her tight as the remains of her toy fell around them like snow. “I knew you could pop it.” Loona purred. She'd never though she'd pop a toy so lewdly and she cuddled into Loona. “Thank you so much.” Sable panted, the hell hound had shown her a world of pleasure. “It's nothing baby, but we're not done yet.” Loona purred “There's one last balloon to pop.” She added her fingers squeaking on Sable's rump as she lightly groped her ass to let her know just what that balloon was.
Sable giggled as Loona rolled on top of her. She reached down and popped open the straps of the harness letting the toy fall away. She smiled as she straddled her lover then lent in to press her lips to Sable's the sabre toothed snow leopard kissing her passionately. They made out for a few minutes until Sable's rod rose once more. She had always been nervous about popping but with Loona she felt safe. Loona had one final surprise in store. “Ooops looks like there's two balloons to pop after all” She cooed. Sable looked around but couldn't spot the straggler only for Loona to gently lift her chin. “Me!” she revealed and waved a hand over her own body. Her lustrous fur changing to shiny latex that spread quickly over her every inch of her body. The once heavy hell hound that had pinned her down changing to a lightweight balloonie. She lifted slowly until she was perched over Sable's tip then slowly slid down. The squeak of penetration made them both gasp. Loona felt better than any of the toys she had made, every inch making Sable squirm while Loona fought to stay on top of her own feelings. The vibrations running though her hollow form were a sensation unlike any she had ever felt and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. “Ahh no wonder you've been moaning so loud.” she panted leaning in to press her boobs to Sable's the squeak of rubber on rubber making them both moan even louder. But there was one final sensation Loona was completely unprepared for though she knew it was coming. As Sable hilted in her a soft whoosh filled the air. Both balloon babes swelling slowly. They gasped together and Loona had to fight to lift from Sable's cock. It was so tempting to just stay hilted and swell together until they burst. That little puff had only swelled her an inch taller, it would get even harder to resist as they grew.
Sable bucked up into Loona as she bounced. Both making sure to keep things shallow if fast but every few thrusts they pushed to the hilt to enjoy the amazing feeling of swelling against each other. The squeaks and creaks of swelling latex making them both huff and moan. Sable reached out, pulling Loona down to press her face into the hell hounds boobs. Her tongue found one of Loona's nipples and the hell hound found her new rubber body was more sensitive than she had expected. The sabre toothed snow leopard's tongue making her shudder and moan loud. Returning just a fraction of the pleasure she had been given by the hell hound. Sable held Loona close delighting in every moan she drew from her goth girlfriend's lips. It was hard to resist the urge to push a little deeper. The feeling of Loona swelling against her was almost as hot as the feeling of her own body ballooning. And as a bonus Loona's boobs swelled out against her face every time that amazing hiss filled the air gaining a few cup sizes in the most amazingly sexy way.
Sable tired to hold back, bucking softly against Loona, letting the hell hound set the pace of their mutual inflation. She knew she could trust her to time the boom perfectly. Sable gasped as Loons slid back a few inches, humping into her all the while as she pressed her lips to hers. Sable's hands rose to lightly hug the swelling hell hound as they made out. Rubber tongues squeaking wetly together as they ground their slick, shiny bodies together. The squeaks and whooshes of their final session filled the room. Echoing over the heaps of ruined latex all around them. The bombastic booms and hard, fast bouncing of their earlier play had given way to this slow yet intense final romp. No longer ripping through toys fast they instead savoured each others bodies. Each stroke and squeak perfectly adding to their building pleasure as they grew bigger and tighter. Slowly filling the room inch by squeaky inch. Everything else was forgotten, Sable had eyes only for Loona. And Loona cared only for Sable both working together towards the explosive finish. But they weren't rushing any more. They had all the time in the world to savour each other.
They could only draw things out so long and as their peak approached in lockstep with their bodies' limits they started to move faster, hips bucking more forcefully. Now with every bounce Loona sank all the way to the hilt. The soft hiss of their bodies filling counterpointing the slap of their bodies meeting. With squeaks and creaks they grew pushing past eight feet,and as they swelled taller their already curvy bodies grew even more voluptuous. Rubber stretching and straining as the pressure built along with their pleasure. The once thick rubber of their balloon bodies growing thinner and more transparent as it was pushed to the limit. As they grew tighter the sensitivity of their bodies increased, every move sending waves of pleasure rolling through their hollow forms. “Ready?” Loona panted excitedly her voice shaking under the ecstasy of her soon to blow body. Sable nodded. “Let do it.” she gasped back. Loona slowly pushed up to straddle Sable, lifting off her cock all the way to the tip. She laughed as her head bounced off the light. They had grown so big her ears brushed the ceiling. It was easy to loose track of how big they had become. She looked down longingly at Sable as Sable looked up at Loona. Both admiring the other. Sable pined under her couldn't hide the love she felt for the hell hound. Her hands stroking over her hips. Delighting in how they had surged wider under their mutual overinflation. “Ready to pop your giant goth girlfriend?” Loona panted bracing against the ceiling and Sable nodded eagerly. Looned blew a kiss and plunged to the hilt hard. She held for a moment then bounced high to plunge once more. The sudden intensity of the hard ride driving them towards the peak as loud whooshes of inflation ballooned them tighter and bigger their overblown bodies swelling out half a foot with every whoosh. In only a few bounces they hit their limit. Twin voices raised in lust wracked ecstasy as Loona slammed to the hilt to take Sable's load and fell into her arms once more.
Her thick cream exploded into the hell hound's pussy in huge waves, harder than she's seen her pop so far. The warm jizz pouring into her swelling her a little more, but the hiss of their magic inflation rang clearly through their moans. And it was soon joined by the creak of overblown rubber. They clung together as their latex skin was pushed past the point of no return. Stretching out fast. Loona's hands grabbed the back of Sable's neck and pulled her into a passionate kiss. They exploded together, stretched and overinflated bodies shattering into a cloud of rubber confetti that swirled together as it drifted down over the bed. The final pleasure of their mutual orgasm extended through the long deep sleep of their reformation.
Sable woke with a muffled moan and shifted only for her latex body to squeak loud against Loona. The big hell hound had pinned her down. The weight of her body pressing down into her. Holding her to the bed. She nuzzled into the sleeping hell hounds shoulder and smiled. This was what she had craved almost as much as the orgy of popping that had preceded it and she soon slipped back into a deep and satisfied sleep.
A few hours later Sable woke to an empty bed. She pushed up slowly head muzzy with sleep, her body still tired from the exertion. She bit her lip as she looked around, there was no sign of Loona and the whole night had been almost unbelievable. It couldn't really be a dream could it. But summoning a demon to live out her sexual fantasies was more unbelievable. Her eyes came to rest on the summoning circle and she relaxed. The complex runes and curves she had so carefully drawn were burned permanently into the wood. That was real. As was a note sitting in the centre, sealed with a kiss. She slid from the bed and walked over to pick it up. The message was short but it made Sable smile wide.
Hey Babe
'Sorry I had to run. Got called back but I had a great time, and I know you did too. I thought I'd take the liberty of making your summoning circle permanent. It should save you some time. You should find this works.' followed by a phonetic spelling of the incantation Sable had accidentally spoken 'Don't keep me waiting baby. This was a lot of fun and I know we're both wanting more.
See you soon. Your Goth Girlfriend.
PS. Here's something to help you pass the time until then.'
Sable looked up and gasped. All around her balloons were swelling into existence. More than they had popped. The thick shiny rubber making her huff. And it wasn't just simple balloons. Some latex pooltoys rose from the growing carpet of rubber and bursting through swelled two more Loona copies of her precious wolf toy. Riding the nearest was a doll that was a perfect copy of Loona's balloon form. Sable hugged herself and smiled. Her girlfriend certainly came with some amazing benefits. She couldn't wait to do it all again. But first she had to play with all her amazing new toys.