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Keeping Promises

Jack walked into the now familiar sights and sounds of the club, the booming music joined by the squeaks and squirks of tightly inflated rubber and vinyl. He weaved through the crowds, spotting a few familiar faces among the dancers and staff. He knew the way to the private rooms, and the key felt cool against his hand. The metal was slightly slick against his fingers, but nervous as he was he had made a promise, and he had to keep it. The dance floor was busy as he weaved through it, offering sights that would normally be enough to freeze him in place in awe; He spotted Twiss, the club's big feral form eevee teasing a crowd with her huge ass. Her huge, tightly inflated tail swaying to flash them while a hose at its tip slowly puffed it bigger and bigger. A trio of rubber mares were showing a lucky dragon a good time up on stage, grinding their almost naked bodies into the face of the eager guest, the minute fabric of their bikinis was more for show than modesty. It was almost completely see through. A pair of buff vinyl pokemon boys were dancing on another stage, the location of the balloons they were inflating, tight against their crotches hinting and just how they were getting puffed up.

The crowd thinned towards the edge of the room, the packed dancers grinding against each other giving way to a jumble of chairs and couches being put to good use by the guests and the club's many dancers. This late in the night all inhibitions had faded away and it wasn't hard to spot the couples and groups up to more than grinding. Normally the club liked to keep such obvious play in the deeper rooms but glancing at the corridors to the more private spaces there was quite a wait. Luckily he knew just where he was heading and spotted Rika on door duty, the busty vinyl decidueye looking a little bored and a lot horny as she stood by a plush velvet rope to the VIP corridor. Jack headed for her and she brightened up as he approached pulling the rope open and reaching into a cubby to pull out a small packet. She pushed it into his hands then gently urged him on towards his goal. Looking down at his hand Jack saw a fresh pack of earplugs and gulped. He'd need them if he was to keep his promise.

He counted the number on each door as he passed, ears straining, but they would be completely soundproof, and so was the one at the end of the corridor, the number matching that of the key in his hand. With a final deep breath he pushed it into the lock and the door swung open. He stepped through into a gloom that smelled strongly of rubber, soft squeaks ringing out as the draft of the door opening made the unseen toys bounce and jostle. The door swung shut behind him with a muffled thump against the padded frame, the click of the lock making him jump. As the lights slowly rose he saw it glinting off acres of shiny rubber, balloons and toys of all shapes and sizes filled the room to the brim, swamping the furniture under a sea of tightly inflated latex. There were many rounds, from smaller twenty four inchers to a trio of huge six foot balloons that rose from the sea of rubber like icebergs. A wall of blimp balloons lined three of the walls while here and there more complex shapes floated atop the sea of more basic balloons; Donuts, stars, rings, there was no end of shapes on offer and the bright colours had him huffing. Drifts of rubber lay mounded around the bed on which lay the most special balloon of all. Sarah smiled wide at her lover and spread her legs, flashing him a glimpse of the jet valley between them and as if drawn by a magnetic attraction he began to move towards her. All fear of the booms soon to fill the room drowned out by his love for his latex lover.

Jack climbed up onto the bed and into her arms, falling into her embrace with a soft squeak. Her naked body pressing against him as their lips met once more. As he held her tight her hands slid under the waistband of his pants, easing them down with a squeak

“No underwear cutie? Someone's a bit eager.” Sarah purred softly.

She nuzzled into his cheek as she held him close. Feeling his hardness against her belly making the big zebra moan.

“Who wouldn't be with you?” He panted back.

His hands rose to squeeze her boobs as he pushed up to gaze lovingly into her eyes. Sarah took the opportunity to lift his shirt up, easing it over his head then using it as a lasso to pull him back into her arms. She kissed her lover passionately then held him close, she could sense his nervousness, and his determination, it would be best to ease into things. Reaching out Sarah pulled a simple round balloon close. The white twenty four inch balloon bearing vivid black stripes. It boinged softly as she bounced it against his head.

“Time to put those ear plugs in cutie” Sarah said.

She watched as he pushed the soft foam into his ears. They should only block louder sounds

“How is that feeling, you can still hear me right?” She asked and smiled as he nodded.

Extending her hands over her head she pushed her fingers deep into the balloon. Jack held her tight and shivering as the rubber started to squeal.

“Ready baby, in three, two, one ...”

The balloon shattered with a boom his earplugs muffled into a soft crump, even so he jumped, cock slapping her belly. Sarah giggled and pulled his face into her boobs to let him calm down. The main event would be so much more intense.

“Your turn to pop one.” Sarah purred

She felt him shiver again, she would need something special to help him do it. Gently she pushed Jack back to his knees and reached out for a nice pink donut. Untying the knot she blew it bigger and bigger until it was creaking loud. She could tell he had the wrong idea of what she had planned and smiled as she saw him relax as she slipped it under her ass, rather than around his rod.

“Hump me until it blows.” she purred up at him.

Jack slowly sank into his lover, her fingers guiding him in until his tip parted her lips with a soft squeak. Normally he dropped to the hilt, but the balloon creaking under her ass slowed his descent and he sank almost gingerly into her silky depth. Not that the slow filling was unappreciated by the big mare, she enjoyed the feeling of his length easing every inch into her no matter the speed.

“Well you're hilted cutie now fuck me so hard that balloon blows.” Sarah panted delighting in how his cock jumped at her words

He nodded and started to thrust slowly and gingerly at first, cock throbbing every time the overblown balloon squealed. Her hand on his ass urged him to pump her harder. He couldn't disobey her, but she hadn't taken into account the softness of the bed. Each thrust sank her ass into the balloon, but her huge booty just pushed the balloon into the feather soft mattress.

“Harder.” Sarah panted and he bit his lip, bouncing high he drove down into her as hard as he dared. With a crack that made him jump, the balloon burst. The big zebra's huge booty shielding him from any stinging shards and the earplugs reducing the bang to a muffled snap. Even so he was shaking in a mix of lust and fear.

“That's it, you did amazing.” Sarah huffed to her lover, holding him tight as he calmed down.

After a few minutes of holding her trembling lover Sarah pushed him up.

“How about we change position baby?” Sarah suggested and he nodded. The big mare huffing as he slipped from her depths to stand sheepishly at the end of the bed. Bouncing up onto all fours she planted a kiss on his nose. He was just too cute. Sarah crawled forwards pushing him back then slipping from the bed. Spinning she braced against the bed frame and flicked her tail high.

“How about you fill my booty lover boy?” Sarah purred and he moved in fast. Pressing his tip to her jet black donut and driving into her ass with a hard thrust.

“You're amazing.” Jack panted and Sarah giggled. Grabbing his hands and guiding them to her breasts.

“You're not too bad yourself baby. Now show me what you can do”. She replied. Jack needed little urging to hump his lover's tight ass. his cock driving into her rump and making it squeak loud. Soon they were panting and moaning together and Sarah reached out for the first balloon. Grabbing the small red heart she sank her fingers deep into the rubber.

“Ready baby here we Go.” She moaned, feeling him tremble as the balloon squealed then blew apart in her grasp. The bang made his cock jump hard, firing his pre deep into her belly.

“Oh yeah that's it baby I'll keep you safe.” She panted as the shards of rubber slapped against her latex hide. The next balloon was a simple round that she pushed deep into the bed, watching it bulge out under her palms until it too exploded. Rewarding her with another amazing throb from her lover's cock.

“Let's go a little bigger.” She panted needily and reached for a big six foot tall blimp. She laid it on the bed before her, pointing away then slowly lowered onto the balloon. Shifting her lover's hands from her breasts to the long balloon as she laid on the tight rubber, feeling it stretching to its limits already. The girls had down a wonderful job setting up the room for her. Every balloon was on the verge of blowing. There'd be no false starts to make him lose his nerve.

“Let's burst this blimp.” Sarah huffed and Smiled wide as he pushed down on her back. It seemed he was a bit more brave with a lusty zebra between him and the balloon about to blow. That would help but only so far. There'd be no protection for the final pop of the night. It only took one hard shove to detonate the blimp. As the shards rained down Sarah pushed up, eagerly reaching for a smaller star shaped balloon and squishing it to her boobs.

“Your turn cutie, I'll make it easy for you, you can use your claws.” She huffed. The latex squeaked against his fingers as he grabbed the balloon then as he drove in he pressed his blunt claws into the rubber. She could feel him trembling but with a moan he pulled back hard and his claws broke through, the star exploding into golden confetti. The vibrations of the pop ringing through her hollow body to meet the powerful vibrations his throbbing cock dumped into her rump. Sarah moaned as his claws brushed her boobs and reached out to grab another balloon. This time he'd need a bit more risk. By slowly building up to bigger and bigger booms they would finally reach the goal they both so deeply craved.

After a moment to consider her options Sarah selected a big pink blimp. But this one she held sideways across her belly. With soft squeaks she guided his hands to grab each end of the short but thick blimp balloon.

“They're your reins baby, use them to pull your big mare back against you until they break.” Sarah huffed then lent into the balloon, the straining rubber squeaking loud against her boobs. Jack reluctantly yanked on the big blimp, only to moan as Sarah let it slam her ass back onto his cock. The tight rubber swallowed his cock with ease. Only to lean into the balloon pulling clean off his cock with a lewd slurp. The next yank on the balloon was harder and Jack gasped as his cock sank to the hilt in her lover's dripping wet pussy. Sarah moaned eagerly, bouncing high to switch him between the tight grip of her ass and the silky vice of her pussy, letting the intense pleasure work its magic on her pop shy lover. Soon he was tugging hard on the blimp and it was squealing in protest. Time to make it blow. As Jack pulled back hard Sarah didn't let it pull her back this time. Instead she grabbed the sheets and held on tight. The balloon squished against her belly but she didn't budge. It could only take so much and with a tearing boom it ripped in two in Jack's paws. The otter yelping as he reared back, only to flop forwards onto Sarah's booty once more. He was shaking in fear and lust. And yet he hugged her tight planting kisses on her cheek, despite his fear he wanted this.

Time for something big to really seal the deal, one last safe pop then he could focus on popping his most precious balloon. She ran her eyes over the many toys on offer, from donuts and blimps to complex shapes, but her eyes came to rest on a simpler balloon, a six foot round white balloon with an amazing zebra stripes print in deep black. She knew just how to make the most of that. Pulling it close she tested the rubber finding it tight, but not tight enough for her plans. The knot slid open with ease and she puffed hard, fingers spread and pressing into the balloon to judge just how tight it had become. She pushed it further than she would normally have dared, so close to the edge she thought it would burst when she knotted it closed. But the balloon held, for now. She laid it on the bed and pushed up. Jack's arms tight around her holding him in place as she stood up. She felt him shiver against her back as she stepped up her knees bending slightly.

“Hold on tight cutie, this might be loud.” Sarah huffed and he buried his face in her neck. He knew what she was going to do.

The bedsprings creaked loud as she sank, her knees bending, then leapt high. She felt Jack tense as her jump carried them both up over the huge balloon. They seemed to hang in the air for a moment then slammed down onto it. His weight pressing her down into the doomed rubber. She had underestimated the club's balloons, expecting it to burst as soon as their weight touched it. However the strength of the thick rubber survived the first contact letting her sink deep into it, the latex bulging all around her, squeezing her body with intense tightness she knew her own balloon form would transmit to her lover. But the balloon could only resist the inevitable and as they sank deeper it was pushed too far. With a titanic boom the massive balloon shattered and they dropped through the cloud of rubber shrapnel. Landing on the bed with another squeal of stressed springs. But the boom of the balloon was nothing compared to the explosion in her ass. Jack's cry of fear and delight accompanied a huge gush of his cream. The hot otter jizz fired into her eager rump as if she had a broken fire hydrant rammed into her plush ass. Jack moaned loudly, his lust ringing in her ear as the results of that lust forced its way through her deeply buried internal valve to paint the inside of her belly. Her own orgasm was irresistible and with a loud scream of pleasure she came just as hard. She could feel huge swathes of the burst balloon's latex clinging to her body, the largest pressing to her pussy adding to her pleasure.

They rode out the mutual orgasm for a few minutes but the intensity of the peak had left her lover slow to recover. Normally he would bounce back fast, eager to pump another load into her ass.

“A little intense hon? Pull out and let me roll over. I know just where you need to be to recover.” Sarah huffed to him, feeling his chin squeak against hers as he nodded. He slid back slowly, her ass reluctant to let him go. His still rock hard pole pulled from her lips with a lewd slurp and he pushed back to kneel behind her. Sarah rolled over slowly and looked lovingly into his eyes with a smile on her lips. For all his nervousness she could feel the love for her he had in waves. His eyes drinking in the beauty before him. He smiled back as his gaze met hers and she blew a kiss hand sliding to her boobs, bouncing the perfect pillows for him to recover on. He couldn't resist them no matter how many times he saw them and her eyes dropped to watch the traditional result. His lust slick cock jumping with her soft squeaks. His attention seemed focused on her left breast and Sarah looked down to follow his gaze. The big mare laughed, her breasts bouncing as she saw a huge shard of rubber pasted over her nipple. The sweat of their earlier play had glued it in place when the balloon exploded. Looking down she found another on her belly, and a third stretched taut and soaking in her juices between her legs. She peeled it away and dropped it beside her but a lewder thought occurred and she reached up to grab the shard from her breast.

Holding it tight in both hands she stretched it with a squeak then pressed the taut rubber over her pussy. Her fingers bent into the shape of a heart, framing the dark outline of her onyx labia that showed through the thin white rubber. She heard him huff as he moved in, knowing what she wanted him to do. The thin rubber squeaked as his tip pressed it into her, the added layer of latex making Sarah squirm as he drove it into her waiting depths. Feeling it stretch between them had them both panting. Sarah moaned loud as he pushed deeper his shallow thrusts stretching the shard more, letting him push more of his cock into her each time. The feeling of it against her most sensitive spots had her gasping, no wonder Helen kept suggesting she try out a latex catsuit. She might have to try this again, or see what it felt like to put a condom on him. She smiled at the thought, no matter how good it felt no condom she felt would ever be used for it's real purpose, all it would take was a hard squeeze and it would burst around his cock. Something the rubber barrier between them was surely about to do, and yet that seemed to excite Jack more than she would have thought, her pop shy lover ramming his cock against it again and again, making the thin rubber squeal for mercy.

The snap came without warning the rubber shard bursting before his cock with a muffled thump that their dual moan completely drowned out as he slammed to the hilt in her pussy. Their bodies meeting with a loud slap. Jack's cock fired a heavy jet of pre into her womb as he hilted, making his zebra moan and hold him tight.

“You can be so kinky sometimes.” Jack panted pushing up to kiss her on the lips.

“And you love it.” Sarah panted back, his reply was to push his tongue into her mouth, making out passionately with the balloon zebra he loved more than words could describe. Sarah briefly considered slowing things down to let him recover as planned but instead she could do something more fun. Her fingers found the shard of rubber that she had cum so hard all over and with a flick of her wrist draped it over their muzzles. She felt his cock jump as the scent of her lust filled his nose. His hips bucking automatically as a pink cloud filled his mind. The effect of her lust on her lover was easy to understand, she had been made as his perfect lover. Her body carefully coded to match his own. Her sweet juices could drive him wild with lust. But discovering they had a similar effect on her own body had been a surprise. The scent of her own lust could drive her to even higher heights of pleasure. A feedback loop that was a fun way to lose an afternoon, but a dangerous one. She had to make sure her own personal play didn't tire her out before he returned. But here and now she loved the strange quirk. Sharing in his delight as it drove them wild with need, wild enough to risk another boom.

With a shard of latex over his face he couldn't see as she reached out to grab the nearest balloon. A simple twenty four inch by feel. Her fingers squeaked loud as they dug into the fragile orb the latex groaning until it gave with a sudden boom. She felt him jump, cock bouncing in her depths but he didn't lose his rhythm. Her huge boobs seemed all the shield he needed against surprise popping. She broke the kiss and pulled his muzzle deeper into her cleavage, his happy murr ringing through her hollow body. Reaching out to either side she found two more small balloons and with a hard squeeze they burst one after another. Each bang making his cock shoot pre as she shivered. It had taken quite some time to get this far, and she was sure his fear of popping would never truly fade. But with the fear came a deep need for it too, a need she hoped would be enough to overcome the fear when it was time for her own pop.

It was time to find out just how far he had come. The next balloon was another small round but this time she didn't pop it at arm's length, instead Sarah pulled it close. It squeaked softly against his fur as she rubbed the balloon against his back and he tensed against her. His hips faltering for a moment then recovering. He shivered again as a squeak rang out tensing for what he knew was about to happen. The bang was softer than many today but he moaned into her boobs. Shivering as the latex shards hit his fur, none hard enough to really sting, but enough to make him miss a beat. His hands found her boobs lightly pinching her nipples as an apology and she knew he was steeling himself for another pop. She didn't keep him waiting, another small balloon bursting with a similar boom and a moan from her lover. After a half dozen more Sarah realised she was holding off the next step and she shook her head. Eager to go bigger but afraid it may prove too much for her lover.

A large pink blimp called to her and she pulled it close. Laying it down over his back. One end nestling against the base of his tail. The other between his shoulder blades. She lifted her legs to wrap them around the balloon letting him push deeper at the same time. He might need that extra pleasure for what would come next. Her arms met around the balloon, hands holding tight to her wrists. She pulled in, arms and legs squeezing the balloon, driving him into her soft body. His humps slowed, but whether from the fear, or simply the pressure of the balloon she was pulling against his back was unclear. Either way it wouldn't last long. The thick rubber bulging around her as she crushed it tighter. The balloon squealing louder and louder until it shattered with a loud boom. Jack's shout of mixed fear and pleasure rang through her hollow body.

He had frozen as the balloon exploded but her lover soon started to hump with renewed vigour. His hips meeting hers with loud claps and lewd squelches. But the next part would be a real challenge. Sarah's hands on his shoulders gently lifted him from her cleavage, planting a kiss on his lips as she pushed him up.

“Your turn to pop some baby, be brave for me.” Sarah cooed, reaching out to grab one of the smallest balloons. The simple twenty four inch bright pink balloon squeaked against her boobs as she snuggled into it. Stroking the fragile rubber to make it squeak. Jack's hands lifting from her breasts to lightly grope it. Pressing it down against her boobs. The squish makes them squeak loud. With a deep breath he squeezed hard, his eyes closing as a soft bang washed over them. Even that had made him jump. With nothing to hide behind his fear was going full force and she could feel his heartbeat hammering through his body. The sensation it added to the thick cock stretching her out was something special and she tugged another balloon close. The one bigger, and made of clear rubber. Something to keep his eyes open was a must. The sight of the balloon squishing down on her boobs was sure to do that, he moaned happily as he watched them squish, her black nipples sinking into the rubber of the doomed toy. It was like breasts on glass but even more exciting, the squeaks and creaks of the balloon rubbing against her massive breasts making him hump all the harder. He had to see what would happen when the balloon blew and his hands rose to lightly squeeze it. Driving it deeper into her chest as his claws dug into the soft latex. The bang made him jump but the sight of her breast bouncing free, surging out from the latex that had so heavily squished them was worth the fear. And this time it was Jack that picked the next balloon. The huge pink jelly bean was almost as wide across as it was long. The four foot balloon completely covering her boobs as he laid it across them. His hands landed on either end of the soft crystal pink latex and he pressed down delighting in the way it squished and squeezed her boobs.

He pressed it deeper too entranced by the lewd sight before him to notice the warning creaks. Or to realise what bending the balloon this way would cause. The boom caught him by surprise. The bend he had forced into the rubber made it blow out towards him. Jack yelped as he dropped forwards a huge shard of pink latex slapping into his chest. He gasped and shook but Sarah had been ready and she caught the shard before it could hit the bed, flipping it over her lover's head and using it to pull him close. Turning his unplanned slip into a dive into her boobs. He landed on her with a loud squeak. Her lips finding his at once. Holding him tight she made out with her lover until he calmed down once more.

“Someone got a little carried away there baby.” She teased stroking his short hair as he planted kisses on her cheek. She pushed him back up and looked around, one last pop, one that should make him pop too. Then on to the main event. Her eyes came to rest on another huge zebra print balloon and she pulled it close. Pressing it not to her breasts but to her belly. The squeak as his cock jumped within her made her giggle.

“Seems someone's not just a fan of giving me a huge belly, he wants to burst it too.” She teased and he blushed deep red, nodding needily. Sarah knew just how to give him what he wanted.

“Pass me that hose baby and get to humping if you want to see this big pregged belly burst you're going to have to fill it.” She huffed stroking the balloon to tease him. He leant over and pressed the hose into her hands and started to bounce on her harder than ever, knowing she wasn't going to pop the balloon until he reached his own peak freeing him, if only briefly, from his fear.

Jack pressed the hose into her hands and pumped hard into his lover. Her bouncy balloon body was just perfect for the fast deep rhythm they both so loved. Sinking deep into her only to bounce high, his cock pulling almost clear of her pussy only to ram balls deep once more. His hand stroked over the balloon against her belly, the extra squeaks echoing through her to make them both moan loud. She knew he was close and a few gentle huffs that swelled her breasts were sure to help even if knowing what she intended to do with the extra air made him shudder. Nothing at all could make him hold back when it came to his zebra. That fact alone had gotten him this far, and there wasn't much longer he needed to hold on. His eyes locked with hers as he rocked back and forth. Each micro-expression of pleasure urging him on. Pushing the big mare towards her peak, and his own. They hit that mark together. Jack threw his head back to howl as his cum poured into her pussy. The rubber walls clenching down on him wildly, milking every drop from his rod. Sarah's own moan surged down the hose and into the balloon between them. She didn't hold back, her boobs visibly shrinking as the balloon surged out. There could be no shielding him from this pop. She just knew to hold him tight as the rubber between them groaned loud. The massive boom rang sent a shockwave through her hollow body, drowning out his wail of fear. But the other effect on her lover was a little unexpected. His cock stilling for a few seconds as he shook then unleashing a huge jet of his cream straight into her womb. Sarah moaned happily under him holding him tight as lust and fear warred within him. It took him longer than ever to recover but she could feel his heartbeat slowing, both against her chest, and the throbbing of his still hard cock. Time for the final test.

“Ready to pop your favourite balloon?” Sarah huffed needily. He hesitated for a moment then smiled pushing forwards to plant a kiss on her lips. His hands rose to grope her massive boobs. Blunt claws pressing to her fragile rubber skin. “Let's do it.”

“How do you want to pop?” Jack huffed after a few moments, normally she would let him choose how they played, his pleasure took the lead even when she was nominally on top. A loving soft dom was a hard line to tread, one she was very good at finding. But tonight was for her. This pop was hers to choose. She considered for a moment then smiled

“Remember our first night, your first time in my ass, bouncing hard as you puffed into my tail, you almost burst me then. Ready to go all the way?” She replied and he smiled.

“I can work with that.” He said pushing up to pull out of her. Only then did he notice a wall length mirror. With all the balloons hiding it and a sexy zebra to distract him he had missed it. But now with less balloons in the way the huge mirror was visible.

“I've got an idea, how about we do it in front of that?” He said. Sarah smiled as she followed his gaze then push up to strut towards it.

“Mmm sure baby fuck me until I burst.” she purred as she arched her back, showing off her booty as she shook her boobs. Jack hurried up behind her then laughed.

“Umm got a little problem here, I might have puffed you a bit too much.” He said Sarah looking in the mirror could see what he meant, she was at least two feet taller than her regular size. Her ass was almost out of reach. Luckily the reduction in the number of balloons allowed her to see the solution. A large low stool, probably meant to make giving oral more comfortable but it looked just perfect to lift him up for her.

“You're gonna need the stool to fuck this mare baby.” she purred.

It landed with a soft clunk behind her and Jack stepped up. His cock bouncing on her booty. Her stoked over her then lightly grabbed her tail

“Ready?” He asked nervously “Are you?” Sarah replied and he nodded. With a squeak he pushed into her pussy, Sarah moaning as his cock stretched her out. The bigger she grew the tighter she was, only the excitement of their early fun had left her wet enough for him to push in.

“Ahh ... thought you'd go for my ass.” She panted as he started to thrust. It wouldn't be long until they both popped.

“I want to bloat your belly until it bursts,” He panted to her and she smiled, her careful teasing had worked perfectly and she was eager to give him what he craved. The loud squeaks of his cock plunging into her tight onyx lips were soon joined by their pants and moans. This far into the session their limits were pretty worn down but Sarah wanted her pop now, she knew just how to help speed things along and she grabbed one of the uninflated balloons from the bed. The crystal pink rubber squeaked in her hands as she stretched it then lifted the balloon to her lips. She blew hard and it swelled out revealing the balloon to be a large heart shape.

“Your turn baby puff me up until I blow.” Sarah panted and then whimpered as he lifted her tail to his lips. The knot fell open at his touch but he didn't blow at first, instead he licked over the rubber making Sarah squirm. After an age of teasing he blew down her tail with a soft whoosh, feeling her hips and booty swelling against him. Her pussy clenching as she was blown even bigger. Sarah's moan urged him on and he blew again, his hands holding tight to her hips. Pulling Sarah back into his thrusts as her tightly inflated body squeaked loud.

The clap of her tightly inflated rump on his hips filled the air as he eagerly fucked and puffed the love of his life, driving them towards the big finish they so craved. Sarah resisted the urge to blow into her own balloon too fast, even with her gentlest puffs it would run out of give long before she grew tight. But with a shake of her head she realised there was no need to hold back, there were plenty more balloons. The whoosh as she blew hard made Jack gasp and his thrust grew even harder, as if by sinking deep into her rump it would shield him from the boom. With a giggle Sarah blew harder delighting in how it made him thrust harder and soon the balloon was creaking in her hands. “Ready?” She purred then huffed deeply. Jack pulling back to the tip and ramming in as hard as he could, Sarah's ass bouncing back to meet him as she blew. He slammed deep into her rump, hilting at the very moment the balloon exploded. Sarah's lusty moan at the boom growing louder as his cock fired pre deep into her womb. She relaxed her belly rubber, rewarding him with a few inches of swell there to really tease him only to moan loud as his hands stroked over her belly, teasing her sensitive skin with loud squeaks.

“What's next baby? What do you want me to pop for you?” Sarah panted stroking over her body where the shards had struck. She felt his cock jump and he pushed deeper into her.

“Ahh, Do a blimp.” He panted back and Sarah smiled.

“You know just because it's a long balloon doesn't mean the pop will be further away.” She teased reaching out to grab a pair of long blimp balloons, both a deep midnight black.

Rather than raising them to her lips she eased the nozzles over her nipples. The thick nipples stretching the nozzles enough to hold them tight. With a whoosh she let her air fill them, swelling the balloons out with loud squeaks that only grew louder as they bounced and rubbed together. She made sure to bounce them even more with her hands filling the air with squeaks, whooshes, and soon creaks. Sarah puffed fast but there was only so fast she could swell the balloons. She could go faster by harnessing her internal air but then Jack would have to top her back up. It would be a delicate balancing act to time things right. She wanted his pop to arrive moments before her own much more literal pop. The effects that the detonation of the big balloons would have on her lover would have to be accounted for. The need for, and fear of, the pops warring in his mind would be hard to track but she could guess these blimps blowing away so far from him would speed his own explosion. Just what she was after and with a loud double whoosh from her nipples she sent them surging out to their rated size.

Every inch she pushed them beyond their rated size was fraught with risk, two huge balloons bouncing and rubbing together could go at any time. And the pants and gasps from her lover showed the powerful effect that risk was having on him. But his next move caught her off guard. Pulling Sarah close, Jack lent into her back, his hands sliding from her hips and up over her belly to cup her breasts. Loud boings filled the air as he bounced them, making the balloons on her nipples sway and jump, slapping the overblown latex together. But he wanted them to pop now. His hands moved up, squeaking over her breasts to her nipples and with a deep breath he pinched them both hard. Sarah moaned loud as twin jets of air hissed from her nipples; the huge black blimps swelled fast as he forced her internal air into them. He hugged her tighter, whether to push more air from her body or merely to burrow deeper into the protection if offered she couldn't tell. And she only had moments before the blimps exploded with the loudest boom yet. A gush of pre into her revealing how close he had gotten. It was time to slow him down. And she knew just how to do it.

The largest balloon she could reach was a truly mammoth ten foot white round balloon and she stretched it in her hands, letting Jack puff her own body tighter and tighter for a few moments. She needed a lot of pressure to try out an experiment. Raising the balloon to her lips she held it slightly away from her lips, the nozzle open as she pursed them and blew as hard as she could. Letting both her own breath and internal pressure to drive a fast jet of air into the balloon. She had wanted to try this ever since she had heard about it. Fluid dynamics was a bit of a brain scrambler, even for a living balloon that relied on it, but the idea was simple enough. By blowing through the air rather than directly into the balloon the fast jet of her breath would drag more air along with it. Filling the balloon faster than direct puffing. That was the idea but it was time to find out if she could blow hard enough to make it work. She made sure to go all in, her body shrinking slightly as she blew, her rubber skin pulling tight to boost her internal pressure. Much to the delight of the otter balls deep in her bouncy body.

To her delight the balloon surged out fast, reaching a size almost twice that simply blowing that much of her air would have reached pushing it to nearly six feet. But as impressive as the trick was, she could only do it once. She wanted to pop too tonight, and she had lost a lot of air to pull that trick.

“That was amazing.” She heard Jack pant as he hammered into her from behind.

“Glad you enjoyed it baby but time for you to puff me back up in return.” She replied, pushing back into him. He pressed her tail back to his lips and blew hard and fast, his thrusts slowing so he didn't run out of breath, just as she had planned. Soon she was swelling once more, her stripes growing wider with every puff, and the balloon at her lips was creaking as she pushed it out to elven feet across. She could feel Jack's heart hammering as he pressed deeper into her back. His thrusts slowing as the balloon grew. To make up for it he blew even harder and Sarah smiled. He was pushing her pretty close to her limits. She had resisted the urge to wolf down too much rubber so she would give in at her regular limits. She didn't think his nerve would hold for a super sized inflation.

“How close?” Jack said between puffs into her tail. For a moment she thought he meant her own pop but clearly he was worried about the huge balloon that towered over them pressing to the high ceiling despite the size of the playroom.

“Almost there, ready baby: In three..” Sarah purred then blew. He lunged close, but couldn't keep his hips from pumping.

“Two...” She continued with another whoosh as he shuddered against her.

“One...” his heart hammering wildly, arms sinking deep into her body, breath warm on the back of her neck.

“And Boom ...” the balloon let out one final creak as she blew then came apart with a thunderclap that almost knocked her off the stood, only her lover pressing into her from behind held her in place as the shock wave washed over and through her huge shards of latex slapped against her body leaving it tingling. If she had been a little tighter or her rubber a touch more stretched they might have broken through. It would have served her right for getting greedy.

Jack shuddered against her back holding her tight as the need to cum and fear of the huge boom warred within him. It was time for her to reach her own peak, no more greedy, unnecessary pops.

“Ready to go all the way?” Sarah huffed and he squeezed her boobs tight.

“Y-Yeah Lets do it.” He panted needily, he had been braced for this all night. And he wasn't going to back down now. He pressed her tail to his lips and started to blow hard. Trusting that Sarah wouldn't let him pop her before she popped him. Her hips started to move as he puffed her up pushing back into his thrusts. The increasing firmness around his rod and against his hips with each breath making him huff and blow harder. He reached out suddenly to snag another balloon, a small pink heart pressing it into her hand.

“Let's make it loud.” He huffed as she started to blow in time to his thrusts. The rubber squeaking as she pressed back into him. Sarah lent forwards, grabbing his hands to give him plenty of room. The balloon would make the perfect trigger for his peak, but not if it was too close. She blew hard as he grabbed her wrists using them to pull her back into his hard bucks. He knew what she was after and didn't hold back. In only a few minutes the balloon was groaning under the pressure as pre flowed heavily from his cock. Flooding her womb with his need.

The first spurt of otter cream fired deep into pussy moments before the balloon gave in. his lusty moan rising into a loud shout as the soft boom rang out. But to Jack's surprise he could still hear a loud whooshing. Only when he saw the swelling dome of her belly did Jack realise what was happening. His cream was ballooning her belly out faster than ever, the sight driving him wild with lust. Sarah moaned loud as the flow of potent otter cum from his throbbing rod doubled in an instant as. Her lover cumming even harder as she ballooned on his love.

“Oh Yeah baby fill my belly up with your love, fill it until it bursts.” she panted his moans pouring down her tail to swell her even faster. With each gush of his cream she relaxed her belly rubber letting him swell it out several inches. Her internal pressure was doing most of the work, but the image was what she was after, not the reality. And it made the rubber all the more sensitive as he hosed it with his hot jizz. Perhaps she would give him a huge batch of cum boosters and let him bloat her belly with his cream for real. She had heard heavy cum booster doses could give guys quite a hair trigger and tonight's fun hadn't allowed that level of randomness.

The thought of bursting her seemed to be making a decent substitute, Jack's cum was pumping thick and heavy splattering her belly with cream, one or two shots even landing inside her ballooning breasts. All the while his breath filled her fast. Swelling the already overblown mare bigger and bigger. Jack wasn't able to back down now. He'd mounted his mare and it was time to ride her all the way. The squeaks, creaks, and groans of latex pushed to its limits washed over and around him pushing him to new heights of pleasure and fear. The perfect moment could only hold for a few seconds and they both knew what would end it. Sarah's moans grew louder and louder with every inch she swelled. Jack closed his eyes and braced for the boom then with a force of will opened them once more. He needed to face this. Huffing deeply he blew as hard as he could thrusting up into her as her balloon form finally reached its limits.

The pop they had both wanted arrived with a titanic triple explosion. Sarah's belly blowing out with a loud splort while her breasts exploded with two huge thunderclaps. Jack barked in fear but his cock fired harder than ever, dumping everything left in his balls into the burst mare in one huge gush. The explosion washed over him, rocking him on his feet, he watched in awe as the cum splattered latex rained down all around him. The force of the explosion had shredded the mare completely. Even with the earplugs in he could hear a slight ringing. She had warned him she couldn't soften this pop for him. For the first time he had braved a full pop, and he hadn't backed out. He huffed deeply, a smile spreading on his muzzle. He had done it. On shaking legs he stepped back from the stool then flopped onto the bed. Sending the remaining balloons bouncing. To his surprise his slick cock was still rock hard. Luckily he had plenty of toys to use it on while Sarah reformed. He might even pop one or two he thought, then shook his head. He knew he wouldn't. But knowing that when Sarah reformed she would help him had him smiling wide as he mounted a deep plum blimp balloon and sank into the tight latex.




