Thought Crime
“Oh god, it’s way too early for her to start with this” thought Ashley, she checked her phone to see it was still only 3 PM, her shift not ending until 8, but of course her girlfriend, Maya, had other ideas.
Looking under the time Ashley saw the notification “Babygirl - 1 Image” she knew what it was gonna be, what was about to start, and though she was excited, she wasn’t looking forward to a full 5 hours of teasing and taunting from her girlfriend, it was going to be torture, though little did she know she wasn’t the only one going to be suffering.
She opened the message, covering her screen by leaning forward over her desk, and sure enough there was her girlfriend, splayed out across their bed, soft body covered in full-body fishnets under a tight lace white bra and panties, the pattern was beautiful, delicate embroidery that decorated an accentuating set of clothing, though, one thing in particular stuck out to Ashley, a small black tube was poking out of Maya’s panties, travelling off-screen to something that couldn’t be seen.
“Omg babyyyy you’re so fucking hot… what’s with the tube though???”
“Thank you sweetness<3, and, umm, I dunno!! Must have found its way in there somehow ;), hey for no particular reason download this app rq c: (link)”
Ashley, confused and aroused as she was, clicked through, and was brought to a website with a pretty repeating pattern of pink balloons in the background, and a large information block above a download link:
Psychic Balloons!
Be a true magician!!! Blow up balloons with your mind!!! Think your most magical thoughts and the balloon grows with limitless potential!!!!!!!
“...this seems like a weird malware trap?” replied Ashley to her girlfriend, furrowing her brow
“Bby trust me you’re gonna lose your shit i already tried it, download, put in MG513790 and do all the weird mumbo jumbo”
“Baby I’m at woooork I can’t be doing weird magic scam app shit >:[“
“Do it and I’ll buy you Taco Bell tonight c:”
Ashley chuckled as she tabbed back to the site, then downloaded, put the code in, and answered some very strange questions like “what do you picture when you imagine a balloon” and “Have you ever heard of Multi Level Marketing?” and when the “sync” was completed, she looked around her office, wondering what exactly this was going to do, information was scant, she had no balloons, but after scrunching her eyes shut and thinking of Maya in her sexy lingerie, she received a text once again.
“Seems you got it working!” attached was an image of her gorgeous girlfriend, still splayed out on the bed, but this time she was sticking her belly out slightly, one hand holding her phone for the selfie, the other gently poking into her belly.
It took a long moment for things to connect, the tube, the belly, the sites theme, balloons… balloons… OH!
“I blew you up with my mind????”
“Sure did hotstuff ;) and as long as you think of my seeexy body getting bigger and biiiiiigger, I’m gonna keep blowing up… better be careful not to pop me babe…”
Ashley’s heart jumped in her chest, she felt herself getting aroused, sure, her and Maya had experimented with fun and kinky stuff before, bondage, enemas, public sex, all the good stuff, but this struck something in her, something deep and primal, something she was TRULY in to.
She put her phone down for a moment, took a slow and deep breath, trying not to get herself too turned on too quickly “...She can’t really pop can she? Surely she’d just fart the air out after it filled her too much?” and on cue, another text came through
“Mmfff, I’m getting so full babyyyy, I'm all plugged up! If my balloon master thinks too hard there’s no way for me to let the air out D:” it sent another wave of arousal straight through Ashley, she felt herself start to shake, feeling like SHE was the one who was going to explode at this rate, but once again, a deep breath found its way through her before she turned her phone upside down and redirected her attention to her computer, halfway through a form before her girlfriend’s horny antics distracted her “Shit… I’ll respond to her in a minute. I gotta get back on track” but the thoughts never left her mind… her gorgeous girlfriend, her plump breasts, her full behind, her belly, filling with air gradually… more… and more… and mo- ding
“Wha- oh, text” she didn’t even know how much time had passed, she’d barely made anymore progress on her form but her thoughts had flooded her mind unabated, she picked her phone back up, and saw the message preview contained another image, knowing that what she saw might have incapacitated her, she made the effort to stand up and start walking her way to the bathroom for some privacy, but was stopped by a co-worker, Leighton, a pretty blonde who often distracted her during shifts with her tight tops and short skirts, unfortunately, today was no different, Leighton had stepped into her path and stopped with a slight jiggle, her nipples barely visible through her button up, chilly today.
“Hey Ashley, sorry I’m getting BLOWN UP today, absolutely flooded with calls about the Marley incident, I feel like I’m gonna BURST with the pressure that’s being put on me, can you take these and just sign off on them so I can dump them in the copy room for Martin?” Even as she spoke Ashley was getting shocks through her body, Leighton looked like she was going to blow her top open with every breath she took, Ashley managed to keep her eyes up but her peripheral was fighting her HARD.
Regardless, she took the papers, “Oh yeah tits- it’s crazy, you’d think they’d go a bit easy on you since you’re… uh… y’know dealing with… uhm, so much pressure… with…. Other stuff.” she barely even processed the words she was saying, between thoughts of her girlfriend being inflated at home and Leighton’s body she was worried she said something wrong, but Leighton’s social skills saved her.
“Ugh, I KNOW right? Like give a girl a break! Okay I’m going to get back to it, thanks Ashley!” and with that she was off, and Ashley lived to see another day, she found the nearest surface and signed the papers as fast as she could, hearing her phone buzz in her pocket a few more times throughout the process “Ughhh more photos, I’m gonna lose my mind when I see them” she thought to herself between signing, but finally she finished, darting to Leighton’s desk and dropping them off before practically sprinting to the bathroom, hearing a faint “Thanks girlie!” fade into the distance from Leighton.
Open door, enter, close door, pause and listen… okay good, no one is in here, Ashley darted into a stall, locking the door before sitting on a closed toilet, and, once again, a deep breath, that was interrupted by another buzz of her phone “Okay! Moment of tru-” but as she pulled out her phone, it wasn’t the barrage of photo’s she was expecting, opening her messages, she saw the FIRST photo she noticed earlier, Maya had taken a selfie in their bedroom mirror, pouting as the fishnet had split across her belly, now noticeably bigger than before, looking like she’d absolutely stuffed herself to her limit, creases noticeable on the sides of her waist, she was slightly bent forward, a hand cradling her gut like she was pregnant, a message accompanied it.
“Oof babyyyy, you’re making me soooo big, what do you think? Am I big enough ;), or do you want to push your girl to her limits? I promise I can take it <3”
But that message was followed by more, obviously while Ashley was in la la land her girlfriend was dealing with the consequences of her lustful thoughts.
“Omg you’re really pushing it huh, giving me the silent treatment AND blowing me up all the while… you’re naughty”
“Ummm, I’m feeling REALLY full, do you want your babygirl to beg?”
“Pleaaase baby, I’m getting so full, I feel like a real balloon rn”
“Omg baby okay fr”
“Eep! Red light!! I feel CRAZY full, like I’m really gonna explode”
Ashley didn’t know what to do, that last message had just come through, she did her best to try and temper her thoughts, but the messages were only fuelling her, Maya was so teasy and even dropping her safeword only partially helped bring Ashley back to her senses, she thought the most reasonable thing to do was call Maya to snap herself out of her thoughts.
Riiiiing, Riii- “-Baby! Oh my GOD what are you doing?”
“I’m so sorry! I got really distracted with work stuff and i was daydreaming and-”
Ashley forgot in her moment of panic what their rule was, facetimes whenever possible, and what she saw nearly drove her mad.
Maya had the camera showing almost all of her, she was lying on her back on the bed, splayed out like the first photos, but was showing her body, she let out a slight burp, and after a moment of Ashley staring slack jawed, she spoke up with a worried look on her face.
“It’s okay baby but for real I need you to, urp, slow down the balloon thoughts, my tummy feels sooo tight, and my-” SNAP, her stocking finally fully gave way to her belly, shiny and domed, it rose to just under her breast, and her panties were being slightly pushed down by the absolutely taught tummy taking over her, even now, Ashley could see it slowly ascending as the slightest whirring of an air compressor could be heard in the background “-Ow! My, urp, urppp, Stockings are at their limit, Ooooo baby it hurts, I feel like I’m really going to explode, can you just come home and help me get it out? Maybe, nghhh, then, phew, we can, hahhh, have some fun?” even as Maya spoke, Ashey was battling demons, the way Maya looked and the way she was talking was driving her CRAZY, she didn’t REALLY want to pop her girlfriend but lust was blowing so much rationale out the window, but regardless, “coming home” sounded like a REALLY good idea.
“Okay baby! I’ll be home soon! I’ll say it’s an emergency or whatever!” and as much as she didn’t want to, she hung up.
She was out the door so fast that her boss barely heard “FAMILYEMERGENCYGOTTAGO” before the front door to the building was closed again, Ashley did her best to suppress the thoughts, trying to think about anything else! Video games, movies, uhhh, Willy Wonka! Silly kids movie! Wait crap no! Uhhh, Dig Dug! FUCK, uhhh… Mario Bros! Okay yeah, funny lil red guy, jumping on enemies, classic, no inflation, you’ve got the fire flower to shoot fireballs, you’ve got the green shells to kick at enemies, you’ve got the P-Balloon- NO GODDAMNIT.
Battling her thoughts and city traffic best she could, and failing horrible at the former, she eventually found herself home at her and Maya’s shared apartment, dashing up the stairs to their floor, and the moment she unlocked the door, pushing through, she almost passed out at what she saw.
Standing in the entrance hallway, stockings in tatters, leaning back against a wall, Ashley saw Maya in all her overinflated glory, her bra was gone, presumably having exploded off or tossed to make as much space as possible, her panties had slid down to her thighs, her privates were exposed and drenched, her nipples were rock hard, and she was barely holding herself together, one hand on the top of her belly, the other trying to cover her mouth, her eyes darted to Ashley as she entered, swallowing down a burp, anguish on her face, but… excitement too? Her belly was red, veiny, and a thin line had run down from the top to the bottom of it, and she pulled her hand from her belly to speak, suppressing another burp.
“H-hi baby, I’m… nnnghhh, so big, Do you like it? Am I your perfect little balloon? I’m so fucking full, but it feels sooooo gooood, and, urp-swallow, I wanted you to see me at my biggest- Ooooo”
Ashley was stunned, she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her entire life, but she was stunned, she barely uttered out a “...woooow” before Maya chuckled a bit, then, a hiccup.
“Oooo baby you better get the pump out before I REALLY exploooooo-” a dull creak emanated through the room, Maya suppressed another burp, and her eyes shot wide, the girls both stood in silence for a moment, before Maya grasped her gut, it had no give, her belly button was flush with her gut, and that groan continued, her gut, still blowing up from the compressor going absolutely WILD from Ashley’s thoughts, but any amount of reprieve to save Maya was stopped by her need to impress Ashley, her belly slowly distended further, Ashley’s thoughts simply driving the compressor stronger against any and all resistance, Maya couldn’t keep them in any further, her burps started eeking out in small portions, urp, urp, urrrrp, urrrrrrrrrp- before they became one continuous flow of gas out of her mouth, any attempt to cease them was pointless, she had truly become an overinflated balloon, her legs started to give out, not from weight, but from arousal, she had pushed herself so hard, and the look on Ashley’s face drove her absolutely MAD with lust, and as she orgasmed, her belly tightened just that little bit more.
Ashley watched as her girlfriend detonated.
It wasn’t slow, it wasn’t gradual, once Maya had reached her peak, Maya exploded, the bang could be heard through the entire apartment complex, her panties flew one direction while Ashley flew another.
The aftermath was clear, there was no more Maya to be found, just her cute panties that were absolutely soaked, and her destroyed fishnets, eventually, after she woke up, Ashley found her bra, it was split down the front, the clasp must have given way when Maya’s belly filled out the top of her gut.
It took a while for Ashley to fully recover, as much as she loved her final moments of seeing Maya hit her absolute peak and blowing apart for her, she realised she’d have to find a new girlfriend soon, that’s when she got a text, the buzz of it shot through her, reminding her of what had transpired with Maya and her titanic gut.
It was from Leighton.
“Hiiii! Hope you’re okay! Saw you had to dash out for some reason, but I just wanted to say if you EVER wanted to like, hang out, go get blasted at a bar or just hang around and watch a fun movie together, I’m down!”
Ashley looked once again at Maya’s panties, and grinned.