Puppy Girl's Pump Shoes
“Arf! arf!” Luna barked excitedly at her owner, who tussled her hair with a smile “That’s a good girl! Now roll over!” Ashley loved it, it wasn’t her type of thing before she started dating Luna, but the absolute obedience and commitment to mimicking a dog really did something to her when her girlfriend did it, naked aside from a dog ear headband and a tail plug wedged firmly in her backside, Ashley watched as Luna rolled onto her back, wiggling her hips as her tail wagged back and forth made Ashley feel so powerful and in charge, something she always savoured, but today, she had something special in mind for her puppy as she leaned down and rubbed Luna’s exposed belly.
“Hmm, your tummy is awfully flat puppy, do you want a treat?” Luna craned her head, her ears flopping to the side as she did “Yeah? You want a treat?” Luna ‘spoke’ with excitement, nodding her head before rolling back onto her hands and knees, she knew what this typically meant, her plug explicitly having a small hole drilled into it for her master to make use of for her own kink she brought to the relationship, she stuck her ass out, continuing to wag her tail as Ashley made her way to… the wardrobe? Luna craned her head curiously, the pump was normally kept in the kitchen, but as Ashley opened the wardrobes doors, Luna’s curiosity was fed more, Ashley reached down behind a small stack of clothing, pulling a pair of pretty pink sports shoes out with tubes feeding into the heels, before closing the wardrobe and turning back to her pet.
“I got these made for you as a special gift puppy! Do you like them?” Ashley smiled brilliantly, excitement ever apparent on her face, she really had got them custom made, unique fetish gear just for her girlfriend to wear for their kinky shenanigans, and Luna didn’t need to think more than a moment to understand how they worked; the tubed connected at the end, both reaching long enough to fit inside of whoever was wearing the shoes cute ass, her cute ass.
Luna barked excitedly, already moving to sit on her ass so Ashley could put the shoes on her, presenting her semi-hard cock in the process, but Ashley wagged a finger “Oh no puppy! You can’t wear these naked, we’ve gotta get you dressed!” there was a strong teasing tone to her voice, leading her pet to look at her inquisitively “I’m gonna take you for a walk, silly! You don’t want the neighbourhood seeing you with your privates out, do you?” Luna blushed, while she loved exhibitionism, she wasn’t ready to play with public indecency just yet, however dark outside it was, but she was still processing what Ashley was suggesting- blowing her up in public? Making her blow herself up with shoes? This sounded so thrilling, so exciting.
Luna barked twice, nodding as she stood up fully, but before she could approach the wardrobe to grab clothes, Ashley was ahead of her “Oh puppy don’t worry! I’ve already picked out an outfit for you~” there was a devilish tone to her voice, one Luna knew very well, typically it proceeded something that turned her on immensely but also put her completely at the whim of her master (which, in turn, also turned her on immensely) and she received her confirmation as Ashley set the shoes down and grabbed out a top and bottom for her dog.
The outfit was slutty, maybe even too slutty for a night walk, but that only excited Luna more, a pink crop top that was a size too small for her with the words “Pump Slut” written in bubbly white letters on the front, and a pair of shorts that would easily show off her ass cleavage to anyone who even glanced her way, Luna knew both of these pieces of clothing well, typically reserved as pseudo-lingerie for their kinky play sessions, but never had she worn them anywhere other than their bedroom.
Her blushing continued, burying her face in her hands as she groaned in embarrassment, Ashley stepped closer to her “What’s wrong puppy? You love this outfit? And you know I do too~ how about you start getting dressed for me.” Luna nodded quickly, eventually pulling her head out of her hands to take the top and shorts, easily slipped them both on, her tits barely fit in the top, her underboob showing anytime her arms weren’t fully down by her sides, and the shorts fought their way past her erection and tail, some of the plug was even visible past the shorts, though Ashley never made any effort to let Luna know this.
“Wooow, looking very cute puppy! How about we get these shoes on now?” Luna nodded with enthusiasm, balancing on one foot at a time as Ashley kneeled down to slip each shoe on, perfectly fitting the puppygirl, truly tailored for her, next Ashley gestured for Luna to turn around, her pet doing so without resistance, and even bending forward as far as she could without toppling herself over “Veeery good puppy, now just hold still~” Ashley took the tubing between her fingers, running a hand up her pets legs, towards her round ass, before shifting the shorts out of the way juuuust enough to gain access to the plugs hole, Luna jumped slightly as Ashley gripped the plug to keep it steady, moaning as her master fed the connected tubes into the hole, triple checking they were in as tight as they could be, before gently reaching a hand between her girlfriend's thighs and grazing her cock through the shorts “Nghhh, hah, hah” Luna panted, half for her puppy performance and half purely from the teasing her master was giving her “Okay, you’re all set down here, last thing~” Luna stood back up, turning back around to see here Master, the shoes feeling comfortable as she rotated in place, though the first few small pumps that they sent through her made her jump “Ah!~” which forced her to stand still, trying not to get too far along before her walk had even began, she watched as Ashley made her way to the kitchen, then quickly returned after retrieving her collar and leash, a pink dyed leather collar, and relatively short leash that they used for all of their pet play activities, the collar even had a small heart shaped badge that read “Luna” on it, and as Ashley wrapped it around Luna’s neck, the walk began.
Ashley lead the walk, Luna shyly following, making small steps out the front door as she gasped a little at each step, it was dark outside, and neither of them could see anyone in the neighbourhood, Ashley spoke plainly “Hmm, bummer, was hoping someone would see you all done up like this, bet it really would have embarrassed you, hey, puppy?” she tugged on Luna’s collar as she spoke, forcing the girl to stumble slightly, heavy steps in her shoes forcing more air inside of her, her belly now beginning to show signs of her inflation “Ahhhnnn… bark.” Luna’s face was blood red, she was incredibly turned on by Ashley’s teasing and show of force, but was also deathly afraid of someone seeing them or hearing her playing puppygirl “What was that puppy? Your bark is so quiet?” Luna tried to think, unable to stop as Ashley simply continued walking her down the sidewalk, small puff, puffs being sent through her shoes, the occasional stumble as she adjusted to her bloating belly, her tail hanging out of her shorts lightly grazing the back of her thighs with a soft brush which made her shiver.
“Nggghhhh, woof!” Luna let out a proper bark before immediately covering her mouth, Ashley smiled at her as she walked “Good girl! Don’t worry, if someone sees you I'll be sure to rush you home as fast as possible, just be ready to run, okay?” Luna’s eyes went wide, they were barely a minute’s walk away from the house but the reality of this scenario was starting to dawn on her, would Ashley take the tube out before they got home? How far were they going to walk? If she ran, how fast would she fill up? Ashley loved to push Luna’s limits, always filling her till her belly turned red from pressure before making the puppygirl cum all over her own gut, sometimes Ashley would even tease how close to her limit she was “You look ready to pop puppy!” “three more pumps and I think you’ll blow!” and the one that always caused Luna to make a mess “Go on, pop for master! That’s a good girl! Pop!”
All these thoughts meant nothing in the moment though, Luna wasn’t allowed to use people words, only her girlie moans and dog sounds, and the occasional burp as her belly would fill, Ashley continued to yank her along, taking great joy in encouraging Luna with sharp tugs at the leash, causing the girl to frequently make heavy footfalls, and loud moans, as her belly continuously filled fuller and fuller “Oooooo, arf… hah, hah, arf!” her belly was starting to feel full, cramps running through her, normally Ashley would fill her in periods, taking breaks each time Luna started to feel pain, but as Ashley walked with determination, Luna felt herself stretching quite intensely, her tummy distending out past her tits, her shorts pushing down slightly as her belly fought for all of the real estate it could take, Ashley looked back every now and then to observe her puppy blowing up, feeling assured that she was doing the right thing as each time her pet was slightly larger than before, and consistently, she could see her cute cock bulging against the tiny shorts, an ever present reminder that as much as Luna was struggling, small burps eeking out from between her lips, she was enjoying this immensely.
“Neaaaarly there puppy, just keep going.” Ashley spoke with certainty, and while Luna had no idea where they were going, she hoped to hell it wasn’t much further, her belly was well and truly inflated, anybody who saw her would know it, that or she was somehow pregnant, her gut was sticking out far enough that she had to lean back as she walked, one hand holding her belly and the other braced on her back like an expecting mother, there were a few present stretch marks making themselves known, and she frequently had to pull her top back down to not expose herself, but as her cock grinded against her shorts, and her belly felt approaching it’s limits, she was suddenly brought out of her reverie.
“We’re here!” Ashley stated with pride, Luna looked past her master to see it: a park, a small playground was visible further out, but the obvious draw was the park itself, a wide expanse of green grass with occasional trees scattered throughout, she even saw a small metal sign with a dog on it by the sidewalk indicating it was pet friendly, she blushed, feeling a rush of excitement and happiness, her girlfriend knew her so well; taking her to a dog park at the end of a walk, it was so cute, it was so affirming for her.
“Ok girl, how about you go run while master watches?”
Ashley unclipped Luna’s leash, leaving her in just her outfit and collar, Luna stared at the wide expanse, now with a hint of fear inside of her.
“Ummm… ah?” she gestured to her shoes, hoping Ashley would take them off, if she tried running in them she knew-
“Oh you can keep those on puppy.” Ashley grinned, crossing her arms as she looked at Luna expectantly “Go on, go run, then when you’re all puffed out you can come back, and I’ll walk you back home.”
The dominance was radiating out of Ashley, she was serious, she wanted Luna to take off and rapidly fill herself as she ran through this open field, and Luna was… incredibly turned on, she had never refused one of Ashley’s commands, and she wasn’t going to start now, so she did, she started lightly jogging into the opening, loud PUFF, PUFFs coming from her shoes, her belly quickly beginning to fill faster, she moaned loudly, knowing only her master could potentially hear her, she felt her body bouncing, a heavy feeling quickly setting in her as she tried to speed up, but as she did, she simply grew quicker, a slight creak could even be heard from her as her belly blew up, quickly approaching her previously known limits.
Her belly tinged red, small burps escaping her every few steps, she tried running as fast as she could, at least for a moment to impress her master, but everything started catching up to her VERY quickly, she could feel her cock going crazy in her shorts, wanting to burst, her belly felt like it was going to explode, she quickly slowed down, heavily moaning and groaning between burps as she had hit her limit, stumbling to her knees and rolling onto her back.
“Ooooo, Hnnnngggg- Uuuuurppp” She wanted to yank the plug out, lie on her side, and just deflate as fast as possible, but she knew better than to disappoint her master like that, she gently laid her hands on her belly, now towering over her, her hips humping the air as she desperately craved release “Hnnnng, arooo~” she howled, hoping to attract her master, but such calls were unnecessary, Ashley had already easily caught up with her, Luna going nowhere near as fast or as far as she hoped she would.
“Awww, puppyyyy, you’re all full! You look ready to paint the field~” Ashley stood over her, looking down at her adorable puppygirl, who simply pouted back at her as she gently rubbed circles on her overgrown belly.
“Don’t worry puppy, Master is gonna help you now~ you deserve a reward for being such a good girl.” Ashley kneeled down between Luna’s legs half tempted to simply worship her huge belly, it was so taught, so red, she knew her puppy was at her limits, she’d never seen her this big, a single more pump truly would blow her apart, so she gently grabbed her pets shorts, sliding them halfway down her ankles, half tangled in the tubes leading to her ass, and as she gazed at Luna’s cock, standing angry and hard, begging for release, she leaned down, and took it into her mouth.
“Oooooo~ Mmmmmm~” she wanted to say so much, she felt like screaming Ashley’s name to the stars, but she knew her role, she was a puppygirl, and puppygirls didn’t use people words, so she settled for moaning, and cooing, and gasping as her belly and cock throbbed, she felt like she was going to explode, her belly was creaking at every slight movement she made, groaning a warning to her not to get too excited, so she gripped the grass next to her and held still as her girlcock was treated with such care.
Ashley lapped at the tip, giggling as it bounced in need, switching between using her hands and tongue and throating it as far as she could, sucking with such intensity that Luna sounded like she might pass out, but it didn’t take long for Luna to lose herself, sloooowly pulling her legs up, knees high to squeeze Ashley’s head between them as she felt herself approach climax, Ashley lovingly gripping a thigh as she heard the telltale squeaks and moans of a puppygirl close to detonation, and, in a moment of unfortunate bliss, Luna tensed, her back trying to arch, her belly creaking harder, and her feet pushing against the ground.
Spurts started to fill Ashley’s mouth as she moaned into Luna’s cock, hearing two faint puffs that made her eyes go wide, and a long creaaaaaak that made her grin through her swallows “Oh you silly silly dog”
Luna screamed, ecstasy and tightness shooting through her, barely aware of the mistake she had just made as her orgasm felt like it went on forever, a sudden influx of gas tried to fight its way through her throat, but she instinctively swallowed it down in her bliss.