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Puppy Boy's Pump Day

Ashley watched as her new puppy stepped out of his bedroom and into the hall. The long haired brunette was dressed exactly as instructed; plain black t-shirt and stretchy shorts with a drawstring. Of course, the most important part of his outfit was the (since cleaned) set of pump shoes that he had reluctantly put on. The tubing snaked up his legs and comfortably fit between the material of his shorts and ass.

“W-woof…” There was very little heart in it, the boy adjusted his dog ear headband and lightly “wagged” his tail. The pump had already made its function known: Puppy’s belly was slightly distended from the few steps he had made from his bedroom to the hall, small puffs barely audible to only him. There was an uncomfortable look on his face, but the hardness poking against his shorts made it VERY clear how he really felt about this.

It was “Puppy’s” third time doing something like this. Originally he had got together with Ashley for her enthusiastic dominant attitude. He wasn’t expecting such a… unique set of kinks. He was more than happy to take on this “dog boy” persona and play the part, but when Ashley had started training him for belly inflation he struggled to really get into it.

“Good booooy~ You look very cute, but we gotta complete the look~” Ashley stepped forward, bringing a black leather collar up to Puppy’s neck before gently threading the belt through the clasp. The collar was tight, perhaps a little too tight “C-could you loos-” Ashley interrupted “What was that? Has Puppy developed the magical ability to speak?” she pushed her pointer and middle finger between the collar and his neck, a comfortable tightness. “You’re fine. Now let’s get you onto the streets.” she clicked the leash into a loop on his collar before starting to guide him towards the front door.

Puppy blushed, shocked. “W-wait!” he stuttered out “There’s no way I’m going out in public like this! I thought we were just-” Ashley rolled her eyes “Don’t you want to go walkies? Good boys go for walkies with their master.” Puppy just stuttered “N-no! That would be so embarrassing!” Ashley smirked “Yeah. That’s the point.”


“AH!” Puppy was sent a good two feet forward as Ashley smacked him across the ass. As he stumbled forward, a rapid FSS FSS FSS could be heard from his feet “Hahh!... f-... W-woof!” Puppy’s tummy pushed out slightly more, a proper bloat already starting to form.

“Go on then! Let’s go walkies! I want all the neighbors to see what a good boy you are~” Ashley jerked on the leash, making her way towards the front door. Puppy moaned, resisting the pull for a moment, but gave in when Ashley reared a hand once more, not ready for another stinging smack across his ass.

The moment the door opened, Ashley grinned. It was the middle of the day and she could already see at least a few neighbors out and about: one tended to her garden, another was walking his (four legged) dog. Unfortunately, there was also one neighbor, on her daily jog, already about to pass Puppy’s house. He didn’t know her that well, but after several steps, and the puffs of air that forced themselves into his body. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to identify him, so he tried to cover his face.

Unfortunately, Ashley was having none of it. “Come on boy! Let’s show the neighbors what a good pup you are!” Ashley, firmly, yanked on Puppy’s leash, causing him to stumble again.

Fss, fss, fsssss

“Ah!... w… Mm.” He couldn’t bring himself to play along in the moment, the embarrassment was too painful, not to mention his guts filling with air, his bloat now firmly declared to any who looked at his belly. The jogger smiled at the couple and waved, though her eyes lingered on Puppy’s outfit, visibly tracing the leash to Ashley’s hand. “Hiya! Just a daily walk, you get it.” Stated Ashley far too calmly. The jogger just smiled and nodded, not breaking her stride in an obvious attempt to get away from the kinky couple and their antics.

Puppy did his best to follow Ashley as she dragged him along the sidewalk, the pump shoes making their use known without a care for Puppy’s grumbling belly. He was struggling to walk in a clean stride as each pump was merciless in filling him. Each step only filled his belly slightly but each puff was impossible to ignore. “Hah… ngh…” Puppy whined quietly to himself as his Master dragged him along the sidewalk, no specific goal seeming to be in mind. His belly was starting to really distend though; his shirt was slowly rising up, he did his best to tug it back down as he walked but the fullness rising in his belly defied him at every attempt.

Ashley stopped for a moment, suddenly, to check his belly. “Hmm… you can definitely take a lot more, how about we take you past those lovely people taking care of their garden?” before Puppy could even consider a response Ashley was already on the move “Come on! Let’s go boy!”


Puppy’s belly was starting to complain, spikes of pain shooting through his rapidly expanding gut. So, with a bit of fear, he tried to stop his stride. The sudden stop made the last couple puffs feel especially powerful as he stomped still, his stomach now sufficiently in the “inflated” stage, his belly button starting to peer out from under his shirt.

Ashley tried tugging his leash, but when she turned around she saw Puppy was looking at her defiantly, face red and belly full. His hands were rubbing his belly in an attempt at relief, they hadn’t been walking very long but it wasn’t like the pump shoes cared. Between pained and aroused gasps, it was obvious Puppy wanted to stop and go home.

Ashley on the other hand, was getting annoyed, a sigh left her lips and then she slowly walked behind Puppy. “...Listen, you’ve disobeyed me several times now, and even after I plug you up and try to show you off? I think it’s time Puppy learned a lesson.”


“Ah! F-fuck Ash-”


Each smack made Puppy’s ass jiggle in his shorts, and each also sent him forward more, sending more and more puffs of air up his ass and into his growing belly. Ashley yanked his leash forward and started briskly walking down the sidewalk towards the busier neighbors houses “Do as you’re told and keep walking, every time you stop or forget what you are, you’re getting a smack again.”


Puppy whined, but kept moving, not wanting to incur the wrath of his Master again… though, all of this was having quite the effect on him: despite the torment and inflation and humiliation, he was hard as a rock. Ashley was giving him the most erotic day of his life. And he would regret none of it.

Fss, fss, fss

“Fuuuuck, I’m so full, I can’t let the neighbors see me like this… they might laugh at me… or… worse…” the thoughts wandered through Puppy’s mind, his face red and his hardness throbbing. Even as he walked, staring at Ashley and her powerful presence, he couldn’t help but be SO turned on by all of this. Being filled relentlessly, dragged through his neighborhood while being humiliated and smacked around by his girlfriend. It was bliss…

Fss, Fsss, fsss


“Hah… Nghhh… f-full~” it came out as a whisper and groan, but Ashley’s ears twitched at it, a malicious grin on her face before turning back to look at her balloon Pup as they both came to a stop.

He really was filling fast. And Ashley was glad to see the results so far: a distended belly that had pushed his shirt all the way up to his chest. His belly button just about flush with the rest of his belly, a pinkness visible on most of his belly. Some veins even showing themselves. He looked like an overdue pregnant woman, the biggest Ashley had seen him. He panted while trying to soothe his belly with quick but gentle rubbing.

“I-is he okay?” The voice was an unfamiliar one, but it sent a shock down Puppy’s spine regardless. He hadn’t realised it but they had stopped in front of a neighbors house whose owner was currently tending to some pushes behind her front fence.

“Oh no he’s fine, just some bloating, you know how boys are with their food.” Ashley responded non-chalantly. The kinky couple were lucky enough for the new spectator's vision to be partially obscured by her plants, the pump shoes and their tubing not visible to her.


“Mm… Ahng…” Puppy couldn’t say anything. Just standing there while Ashley played normal to the curious neighbor. He could even see other people from across the road staring at him. His belly ached so much, creaking at how full it was. But all he could pay attention to at that moment was how many people could see him.

“AH!” Puppy felt something suddenly touch his belly: Ashley’s cool hand. “Isn’t that right, Puppy? Just too much in this little tummy of yours. C’mon, let’s get you home before you explode in front of this lovely lady.” a chuckle followed, before Ashley tugged on Puppy’s leash once more. The woman simply stared, shocked, at the sight of Ashley and her leashed balloon boy slowly walking back the way they came.



“Ah! W-wait!” they had barely gotten away from the woman’s house, but each step was agony. Puppy could feel his limit rapidly approaching as Ashley’s torturous strides dragged him to his overblown doom.

Ashley on the other hand just rolled her eyes “Come ON! Keep moving! I can see you’re full but you’re not done with your walk yet!”







“Ah! R-ruff!” despite the torture and the stretching, and the feeling like he was about to fucking explode; Puppy kept moving… barely, his cock throbbing even harder in his shorts, barely visible underneath his overinflated belly.

“Come on! Keep going puppy! You can make it~” it was a taunt, but the sing-songy voice she said it in DID encourage him. Each step pushed more and more air into his gut despite the rapidly dwindling space that remained. He wasn’t even growing at this point, now his overfull belly, dominating most of his form, just became more and more red as each pump was forced inside of him. Stretch marks appeared out of nowhere as his gut fought to stay in one piece.

Ashley was excited. Every step he took had her panting like a feral animal. It was hard to resist just pouncing on him, but on this beautiful day, in full view of a few of Puppy’s neighbors, she wanted only one thing, and it was going to happen very soon.


The air fought for space, it’s unfortunate the plug inside of Puppy was so sturdy otherwise maybe he would be saved by a leak. But as he took slow and heavy steps. Ashley gave in.

“Come on… fucking blow for me…”

Puppy stopped barely gasping what air he could as his gut creaked for mercy. “Wh-what?” his cock remained hard as ever, pre leaking against his shorts, but in his haze he still heard what Ashley said.

“Pop for me you balloon.” She was tugging at his leash, trying to get him to step again, his limit likely absolutely reached.

Puppy looked at her stunned, trying to hold his feet firm… but he wanted to do it. She was so desperate for it, and… he was too.

“One more step you little brat. Come on. Pop for me~”

He took a gentle step forward.


One last plea, one last attempt to survive. But Ashley was going to have her way.

“Fucking pop for me. One. more. Step. be a good pop pup for me! please baby~”

Puppy looked down at this gut. This was it. One more step and he’d blow apart into scraps. All for his master.

He carefully raised a leg, stepping forward towards Ashley, panting and grunting at the pressure. Before placing his foot down one last time.


“Ngh! F-FUCk-”


Puppy blew apart perfectly. His parts scattered to the winds. His collar, clothes, and pump shoes all hit the ground after a moment of airtime. And Ashley shivered at the satisfaction of another puppy blowing apart. Just. for. her.


