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The Experiment Never Ends

His cock was shoved so far up his ass that the bunny finally cried out, “yyeeEESS! Only the large cock of my ooOOwn splitting imaAage could fuck me this hard~” The duplicate bunny boy pumped his overly long and dick so hard that he nearly burst the other balloon boy apart with each thrust. “Only an ass as good as my own deserves this kind of pounding. I will burst you into a million scraps right as you cum. It’s the way you deserve to go!” Seconds later the one getting pumped into came while squinting his eyes at the sensation. He cried out hotly, knowing his inevitable fate to come, “mMMMmh~ bust MY wONDerfUL-“


The golden bunny burst around his cock as he hilted and came into him in the perfect way to make him burst a second later. There was no better way for a toy to pop then while orgasming as you were cum into.

A moment after he’d recovered, a pair of familiar yellow hands caressed him from behind, and a long, hungry cock slid its way up his squeaky buns. “I can’t resist such a perfect ass.” the new figure said. “But don’t worry, I’ll make sure to pop you the same way.“ He slid his erection down the boy’s crack and began to enter his hole from behind, “as it’s-mmh-what you truly deserve~

He bent over slightly, obeying his own desires to please and be pleased as the rod slowly slid its way inside his rear. He wanted his other self to have the best possible experience thrusting into his cushion, and he wouldn’t be so impolite as to deny him that experience. “Mmmh, your dick feels so amazingly perfect, like you~ a-Ahh~” he said as their bodies squeaked tightly around each other.

He pumped slowly into his ass, making sure to push and stretch his length in all the best ways to maximize their experience. “Ooh~” the one humping said though hazy pleasure, “I’m sure I feel amazing, but we’re just getting started~” He reached gently around to the boy’s dick beneath him, and began to slide his hand up and down in perfect time with his slow, sensual thrusts. “Mmh~ I was waiting for you to do that one~” said the boy getting pleasured in the ass.

The speed of their humping increased as well as the speed of the hand-job he was receiving. “Ooh! Forgive me you excellence, but I’m going to-aaAAAHHhh!” the bottom boy said before the other’s hand grasped near his base and pushed in, “OooOOOOhh~ Yes!” His hand pushed down and up the base of the other’s cock, putting extra strength into the downward motions. A moment later the boy bucked wildly into his hand, and came onto the ground where the scraps of the other lay.

The bottom began to rest a bit as he was suddenly thrust into harder and faster from behind. He reacted quickly and swung his hips back into his lover to increase their pleasure, not wanting to disappoint his lover. ** The bunny boy came hard and deep into the one below, “Only your s-sweet ass could make me cum so quickly.” The one below him squirmed in pleasure and made sure to not let any of the cum slip out from inside him.*

“Please, I need to pop~ I want you, all of you. Fuck my tight ass until I BOOM~” The other above him blushed slightly, as this statement had come none other than from his duplicate. ** He was slightly jealous of his other’s lust, as he wasn’t quite feeling aroused enough to want to pop himself. But, as he stared down at those inviting butt cheeks and listened to those pleading noises below him, he knew he had to do a good job, for his own sake.

He slammed his thick length back inside his partner as they both let out a cry of pleasure. With one motion, they were both in the mood again. He was relentless and near animalistic with his force. The one below opened his eyes in amazement at the feeling; it was better than he imagined. “OooOh YES! Keep going until I BLOW!”* The one doing the thrusting was even more turned on, and couldn’t believe what he was feeling. He lost control of himself completely and tried nothing more than to fuck the living daylights out of his partner’s big, squeaky behind.

As he was pounded relentlessly, that long cock of his twitched in the air as precum dripped from his tip. He was getting close, with all that great stimulation back there, but he was sure his partner knew that.

His partner finally grew tired after a full minute of pounding, and let up a bit. He thrust slower and deeper into his tightening bum. ** The one below responded in euphoric desperation,“Ohh, you’re just teasing me now~ I want to BURST! Disappear! Go BANG! Please~ I’m gonna cum and I want it so BAD!” He shook slightly he felt his desire overwhelm his mind. “It would be my pleasure.” the other responded without hesitation. “Just hurry-AAH!” the one below tried to beg for more, but he suddenly felt himself fully penetrated and full.

His cock was shoved so far up his ass that the bunny finally cried out, “yyeeEESS! Only the large cock of my ooOOwn splitting imaaAAAage could fuck me this hard~” The duplicate pumped his overly long and hard dick into him that nearly burst him apart with each thrust. “Only an ass as good as my own deserves this kind of pounding. I will burst you into a million scraps right as you cum! It’s the way you deserve to go!” Seconds later the one getting pumped into came while squinting his eyes at the sensation. He cried out hotly knowing his inevitable fate to come, “mMMMmmmh~ bust MY wONDerfUL-“


The golden bunny burst around his cock as he hilted and came into him in the perfect way to make him burst a second later. There was no better way for a toy to pop then while orgasming as you were cum into.


